Monday, February 24, 2025

Genius girl resolutely rejected the high salary in Germany and returned home: Monday 24-02-2024


I love this channel. Always gives positive news and true information about China. In YouTube too many negative false information is being spread on China. I hate anti China media and channels. Long live China
Truly a patriotic girl at heart, money is not an issue but to help the Motherland excel is uppermost in her heart!!! Blessed soul, go China!!!🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
A rare gem who is also a patriot to her own motherland! She does her parents and 🇨🇳 very proud!
No amount of 💰 money can buy her heart. She is certainly a priceless genuine and is ONE in a million. Salute 👍💪
Congratulations young lady 😊 You definitely made the right decision... YOUR LOYALTY TO YOUR COUNTRY, YOUR ROOTS😊 MAY you use your talents to help CHINA ALWAYS!!
Well dong Zhuang Xiaoying and may God bless you and reward you a hundredfold for being patriotic to your mother country.
While others are chasing their dream in foreign countries, this lovely girl is always a real chinese that sticks to her motherland, no matter how good western countries have tempted her. A patriot of a kind that is hard to find. God's greatest gift to China.
A rare patriotic talent. Wish we have more of such leaders! Hope China will cherish her!
Greatest respects to this young lady who is returning to the motherland, not even high salary can retain her. What a true patriot!
Motherland over dollars, what a great and respectful woman.
She’s a Chinese who loves her homeland and wants to contribute to its growth. I truly admire her and others who have done the same.
She earned Respect, because nothing could stop her to go back to her motherland and teach there, that is what made her great.
All love and honor for the Chinese girl. She is the role model for every talent of the world.
Highly respected. This is how China's people behave. This is China
My highest respect to this female patriot. I have no doubt why China has advanced so tremendously.
Kudos to her parents. They taught her well. Congrats to Zhuang XiaoYing! What great accomplishments. Keep up the excellent work. ❤❤
Huge respect to her.
How rare and how heartwarming for a person to return to her homeland, and to contribute to the success and development of your country. Hats off to you! Go Zhuang go!
Great respect for this young lady! May she have a happy and fulfilling life. May she be blessed always😇
Well done Zhuang Xiaoying! She knows who she is, where she is now and where she is heading to. Home is where your heart is. The sun rises in the East. ☀
Awesome courage and much admiration for your dedication and hard work. Keep it up
She is a treasure for China.wish her success health and happiness.
Finally a girl with values that knows there are more important things in life than money.
Good for this young Chinese Lady! 👍
Her IQ and EQ is very high, and a genius and talented woman 👩. She loves 💘 her motherland more than anything else. With her expertise China 🇨🇳 will advance even further to modernisation.
I'm glad she safely returned to China already. So many talents/genius that went to the WEST (you know where) mysteriously died after announcing the wish to return to their motherland.
A rose among the thorns in her passion in this field. Excel and a true daughter of China. hard work, humble and no airs. This are invaluable Chinese virtues the West never adopts
Salute to a REAL CHINESE HERO ZHUANG to help China in the future
Shame to those specialists staying in USA. Living in fear from hostile masses. Being singled out in research work, micromanaged all the time. Those who can, why not follow the path of this young lady.
She gave up a $1.4 million salary due to loyalty to her motherland, which goes to show money can't buy everything!
Salutation to Zhang. More young talent like her make our nation great.
The key is that she has returned to her motherland and help. China is home.
Congratulations and thank you. Real noble lady.
Like gifts from heaven, we must treasure people such as Zhuang.
Patriots like this are always precious to each country. I wish that she would have a place back in China and received attention and care. Many talents are often killed by internal corruptions and benefit struggles. Women are far worse, especially beautiful women.
I understand her. I was raised in Germany and I like living here. But there is always a constant longing to go back to China, even though life here is so much easier. It's just that I hate the feeling of being foreign that I sometimes have.
Good for her! She is a patriotic Chinese who never forgets her roots and willingly returns to give back to her compatriots what they had given her in her foundation years! Bravo ❤ !😊
Much respect to you, girl! Money is not everything in life.!
Welcome alumni back to Tongji. Salute to you.
Beauty, brain, heart and loyalty. Such rarity nowadays 👏👏👏 hope more will follow
Thanks for the rob-video, and Mr Tech Teller... The story about Ms Zhuang Xiaoying the great peoples of the Peoples Republic of China ❤️ 🇨🇳 genius scientific researcher whom Europeans tried to pillage her but she decided to benefit her motherland in the Peoples Republic of China ❤️ 🇨🇳 and make over a billion of the Peoples Republic of China ❤️ 🇨🇳 and hold the great peoples of the Peoples Republic of China ❤️ 🇨🇳 in high esteem around the world... Congratulations, Prof. XY ZHUANG... 😍 🇨🇳
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Love/affection and respect to Zhuang, the beautiful but genius Chinese patriot young lady.
Another good talent who rather return to her motherland than lingering in overseas with such a good offer. No wonder China scientific and technological development is advancing. Good work and keep going.
A rare patriotic heroine who commands my utmost respect! Salute!
When I see hundreds and Hundreds of Chinese Students crossing the Highway to University near my home, I know that Humanity is in good hands.
Wonderful idea to continue working for the motherland, however brilliant one may be. Thank you for this great lesson.
She is such rare patriotic citizen. She deserves the highest respect of humankind. ❤❤❤
My daughter was born in the US and went to college (university) at the age of 11 and became an assistant to the professor in chemistry as a child at 12 years old. Ideally, she should return to Vietnam, her father's land, because Vietnam has been destroyed by the US. No work there is good enough for her level. However, her intelligence is the pride of Asian Americans. We carry the same DNA as Chinese people. The sun rise in the East for this reason.
Very good account of the development of a genius scholar.
I'm a Civil Engineer, It's not rare to find girls in this major. There are many software works too in this field for eg: structural analysis and designs of structures. There are many things to research in construction field and not everyone can do that. I hope she continues the research work in tunnel area. She is not greedy and that's appreciable that she chose motherland.
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She is great because she is determined to make China great. Kari from Sri Lanka
Great girl, spot on
The goodwill n respect for germany n norway which helped her acquired immense knowlege n experience will always remain be itched in her heart and salute to global academic exchange which benefited both ways.
Super Girl ! Great Respect 👌👍🥰🇨🇳
Her area of expertise!! You have to be one (a Highly Intelligent person) to even become an expert in such an area at any point over the past decade plus.
When as simple minded as I am you can only glorify the Divine Mother in such an awesome being,I am super happy that she is human and respect her for being Chinese for everyone look the same to me now that I am older. 🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤🦁
We can See the determination of young Chineses studying abroad and How much they are interested to Return to help the country/CHiNA became the New Great reference in the World. ......the Rich countries keep looking 4 these Genius but their money it's not enough.... because they are more interested to Show to the World how much important for them to take part and became a member of this Great and Successful Economy. ..... Please stand up and give a strong applause for this GREAT Chinese woman.!!!!!! ....and STOP 2 say the Weman are not Competents.!!!!! ....More Respect and Consideration for the WEMAN.!!!!!! DSL, Frankfurt, Germany
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A rare talent 👏👍🙏
It's a normal situation when one's country is stomp, belittle and pushed to the wall by others to return home to help and neutralize the situation.
With a population of 1.3 billion … and with the one child policy that China had (which has left it with 39 million bachelors) .. I’m glad to see that there is a home for females in Engineering in Chinese Universities, not just Medicine. They are going to need it with their aging population.
Wonderful keep posting about unsung heros of our generation
Everyone ignored one fact is China offered more opportunities and salary than anywhere else in the world nowadays. Talented strategy of the country is a key to a great country
This is a very good and informative report. Great. 👍
Actually, there isn't high tech opportunity in Germany or europe as their economies are based on traditional skills and there are millions of small local companies which isn't in like with the global megatrend.Europe can't make semiconductors and handphones,for example. And now China makes the best trains.
Going back home to help improve her country. Love it.
Another super heroine from China, that always Amazed the world.
Super amazing keep it up
All abroad going students must return to their own country like her. Very good example is set by her. GOOD LUCK TO HER AND HER MOTHER COUNTRY.
It s not abt the high salary but the contributions one can derived from their genius minds to help mankind. Materials n money means nothing when one of gone but the legacies one left behind is priceless.
We wish her all the best in China from Germany.
Super good decision China is much better and her future and to help China god bless you well done
A genius is 5% born and 95% the love and dedication to hard work!
Goes to show , conditions in China is not as bad as the Western media tells us .
This is why it's said the greatest product of a Nation is its people, the Chinese will prevail simply bcz they love their Country more than money's worth.
Good job for the young girl.
21st. Century Hua Mulan of China.♥️🇨🇳💪🙏✌
They are many genius in Germany 🇩🇪, Germany is the land of the GENIUS .
if I'm genius I also don't want to live in Germany I prefer live in Asian South east asia cus the food is so good and so much better
忠孝仁义. 她能够放弃豪华的外国工资和生活,把自己的才能和天才贡献给国家, 这种忠心於国心理, 难能可贵 ! 中国之所以在八十年中从贫穷戰后環境中演变成世界第二经济国, 也是这許多忠于国家人才的贡献. 讚 !
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Madame ZHUANG Genius will solve ciil engineering problems that others cant solve !
Can you do a video on those who do not return.? One out of 1000 is nothing to be proud of. Yes, she is good. The one return should get all credits, respects and rewards. But do not ignored thousands, hundred thousands that do not return... it is a shame for China to train these traitors, who went abroad to study in higher level but not return. Ironically, Chinese still adore ,respect these traitors because they are FROM WESTERN countries... and the Media still celebrate them.
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Crazy to give opportunity to someone and no intend to pay it back by not doing anything
Splendid. Good on u girl. A true pheonix &
Well done 👍👍
China have many genius.. bravo
Same like ms Liu Mingzhen. Pretty and smart.
😍That s what truly idol for Chinese should be! 🤗🙌♥🏮🌐
Every day since Ukrain and the russian war ,China is being challenged too ,and why because it's doing better then the west ,what is money when your country needs you . Heard even in USA most Chinese are leaving for China I do t blame them when they are being hated on by the west and USA who can't leave anyone alone .
All Chinese should and must return to mainland to help country development. Stop letting others BULLY China
People outside of China complains about what's happening inside China. Meanwhile people inside China defends their country for the most part. You don't find that weird? Why are you coercing your values and beliefs onto them?
Patriotic genius return to motherland.
much respect
If only indian genius could be like this not tempted by high salary in us!
A great respect to you my fellow civil engineer for deciding to serve her country.
Im so glad so many talents return back to China. This tells how good and worthy China is. Not as reported negatively by the media.
You are Genius God bless you
Yes, it's the same for many Chinese students studying abroad. They desperately miss China, but then after spending a few months back in China they start to miss all the things they enjoyed while abroad and start looking for ways to go back overseas. Even Xi Jinping's daughter returned briefly to China after graduation from Harvard, but then moved back to the US and has now been there for ten years. In truth, you can never go home again (novel by Thomas Wolfe.)
she is amazing she know what is right
The German University or institute can't keep her in Germany with offering her a high salary, are they disappointed or angry? Thinking that she is too patriotic to her motherland China. Have you realised that the political situation in Germany and in EU including in the US is changing rapidly worse to against China in many aspects. Many top Chinese students in US are facing a dangerous situation. Many of them are being monitored by FBI, or even questioned by FBI about their future decisions after finishing studying, especially those ones who studied science and technology. Many of them are becoming suspects that they are stealing sensitive technology knowledge, without real reasons. Some Chinese scientists are bitterly involved in some legal cases and try to clear that they are not guilty or innocent. Thousands of those who have studied in the US are returning to China nowadays. Also the US government try to block Chinese students go to their country to study, or to steal their knowledge especially in science and technology areas. There are already at least a few cases that the top students died in dome strange accidents. There are enough gun shooting incidents in Americans normal day life. Many foreign students including Chinese students feel unsafe to live there. Now back to German situation, Germany is alles with the US, from recent years of heavy political brainwash, China has becoming the political enemy of Germany and EU. From German media, all kinds, every day you can hear that the German government or ordinary people have something to against China. By the way, has the German government found that Huawei was using its equipments to spying on Germany? You should do a fair investigation among the Chinese in Germany and let them to have a say, that how comfortable they feel about living in Germany?! Do they easily find German friends? Do they feel any kinds of discrimination? For any foreign people who live or work in Germany must try harder than they were in their home countries. Zhuang wants to return to China is also because of the warm people's relationships and culture and the life style. She certainly will get too many supports from her career and private life. So, who not to return? The Chinese government is welcoming them and also can pay them high salaries in which they even pay much less tax from it. Before the political situation against China is getting worse, it is better to leave. You never know how bad it can be.
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Patriotic Chinese 👍 👌👍
Translation suggestion. NOT "CONFLICT" ,but argument. The part ...Between parents or among family... Thanks for uploading
Thanks for sharing
China environment provided the geniuses the allure to go home. “No Place Like Home!”
This is the reason why China is a great country because many of its citizens who study abroad choose to return when they graduate. while the population of other countries is not like that😂😂😂 now you can think by yourself😊😊
I am wondering how many languages she speaks. There is nothing more satisfying than living and working in your own country, especially if you don't speak but your own language.
China people are also becomes like israil citizens with full faith in mothe land ; 👍👍👍👍 best example of how China groom talent. More in well educated world 🌍 China can be be in long term association with India, with North East terrain vulnerable to lose soil.
Good girl.
When the People's Republic of China was founded, many scientists also returned to China with a heart to serve the motherland, but later most of them were politically persecuted. I hope that after her return, everything goes smoothly and she can really contribute to the motherland, and I hope that she will not be attacked by integrity, because China is still the country that puts politics first. She must shut up on political issues and not have her own views unless she is in league with the Communist Party.
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She won't feel welcome in Germany.
I wonder what would have happened to her family if she stayed in Germany.
A proverb says, East or West, home is best!!
Big respect for this girl. She decided with her heart and will always be happy in life if she follows her heart. Chinese patriotism is admirable.
Smart girl with a smart move. Its not about the money, chinese people see long into the horizon. When the ship you're on is sinking you better jump ship afterall your motherland is your future.
She will make much more money in China, the salary is a small part of total income
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I salute Prof Zhuang 😊
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She is incredibly intelligent. Regardless of how high the salary offer. The truth is, China is currently the epicenter of opportunities, for civil engineering projects around the world. It has the will and drive to achieve goals. While, western economic eco systems are held in monopolistic capital prisons. Leaving little to no room for fresh talents and creates an air of arrogance, laxation, etc due to the lack of competitive, motivation (in regard to over all attitudes.)
👍👍👍 Young lady...No amount of money can replace the love for the motherland will always be treated with suspicion of spying or stealing secrets from the host country. You will always be a "3rd class citizen "!
I salute you.
It's not just money & money can't buy everything. There has to be an environment & people around her that can bring the best out of her.
There is such thing as money cant buy.. Love of her mother land..
You have to help yourself and yours first before helping others. How can you help others when you cannot help yourself?
Phd in 3 years? Bruh shes a real asian boss.
Hard work is the major ingredient in Genius as she showed.
As he is CORRECT. How can u work in a space where the people are not for your own race. Why should u help them to be better than your own PEOPLE N RACE. Money is not all. The so called affluent people are the 1s who use their money to CON TROLL you n your RACE who they despise n HATE . Nuh where better than your yaard. You n your RACE are better off when u stick together and do all you can to uplift your COUNTRY. BLESSED LOVE
This are One of its kind, who contribute to her mother land, Instead of gaining financial gain.
Her research will not only be a boon to China but also the international research community. She must remember her commitment as a scientist and engineer is to China and the world, having been trained abroad. This channel is not doing her a service by saying that her motivation is to serve her 'motherland' alone. She also returned as she missed her family and home.
Not a great lost to her former employer because her field of competence is a mature subject. No quantum leap is possible in such subject.
Smart decision. Germany ist not what it was 20 years ago. Back then they developed the prototype of the maglev train but their politcal system is too screwed up to put it on tracks. They have good engineers but are missing a party like the CPC. So China is making the maglev trains today.
Interesting what sparks kids interest. the early interests that lead to careers. certainly having a stable background helps, but the key seems to be the joy of understanding and learning more, doing more. Doing more sparked my daughter to civil engineering. loves building bridges.
Money can’t buy happiness, that’s why she made such a decision 😊
How much is 10 million yuan?
Gender differences don't exist as long as you work hard with intelligence and vision.
And this really is a true story. Honestly, we made it up ourselves.
well done girl
Beside adorable patriotism She can earn much more money By building her own enterprises
Damn, I haven't offer anything to society. Sure damn feels bad.
This is the advantage of having a homogenous population, people associate themselves to the country of their origin down to the spiritual level.
Very well, but I am still asking myself why so many Chinese even send their children or relaitves to the USA?
Money is not everything in life. Pride of ancestry and motherland is priceless...Moreover, she would get spit at in a foreign land...🤨
Great for Xiaoying’s return to China. Money can’t buy her love! I wonder why did China governments not allow for their citizens/professionals to leaving China? Thank you Germany for allowing Xioaping back to China.
不是金钱保贵 就是爱国爱民
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China needs many people like this 【Genius girl】 to contribute to the motherland in order to break through US lead sanctions 。。。。。。👍👍👍👍👍👍
Respect, well done, viva China
If recognaised china is next it's good.we indians know nothing.its was really real
I salute you lady .. warm hearted back to mother land China 🇨🇳
Better investigate. China could be holding her family ransom😂😂😂
Xiè Xiè ni ZHUANG Xiaoying 🇨🇳❤
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1. China has become the " MAGNET " attracting numerous genius and talents from all over the world. 2. It is important to recognize that the "ATTRACTION " is because of China's fair treatment of all people regardless of their countries of origin as well as the far-sighted and pragmatic national policy .
Germans didn't change since 1939 I wouldn't live there for any money.
What high salary that's like 1 day sandar pichai salary
I can emagine! Hy salary, but she will be second class! In US and other major Western country is that the act!
she is a women, not a “girl” and wish they stop mentioning how she looks before her intelligence and abilities.
her parents must have got a midnight visit from local ccp official
Glass ceiling, no matter how smart you are, no matter how much you work, anywhere other than in China , you are always seen as a foreigner.😢
Fuerza China 💪💪💪
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This is about a gifted and brilliiant Chinese girl who achieved distinction in her career and showed he loyalty by returning to serve her country BUT this channel seems to favour the Western countries by showing a picture of a European girl to prove a point when there are millions of Chinese girls to pick from. Is this channel not proud enough of Chinese girls than to use a European girl as model? Do not lose credibility.
The video has so many unrelated materials that belong to some other topics. Otherwise, it would be good.
Patriot is the best
恭喜她返祖國. 貢獻… 希望她可以積極參與現在大陸的基建工程,作出切實改善功能, 減少橋塌及斜樓等等….
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Good job, Chinese nationals abroad should return to the motherland to help lift China out of western sanctions in any way they can
is she single wow what a women
She's a great citizen of China.
excellent congratulation long live china
Wrong. You are gifted but not genius because of studying hard. Of course, you have to study hard. Many people in the world are studying hard but not all of them become genius or can earn a Ph. D degree.
Won a bonus, resolutely return to China ...
Alles war gut in diesem kurzen Video, bis Sie das lästige Geschlecht hineingezogen haben.🙄 Es gibt viele erfolgreiche Frauen vor allem aus Südasien, die sich seit der Jahrtausendwende für das Bauwesen und auch für die Architektur entschieden haben. Dann ist es keine Seltenheit, einen Doktortitel in 3 Jahren zu erlangen, wie ich an einer Uni in der Ames Street, MA. Nichtsdestotrotz gratuliere ich ihr ganz herzlich und wünsche ihr mehr Erfolg bei ihren zukünftigen Träumen.👍
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With great respect to serve the motherland China leaving a Democratic Wealthy Rich country Germany to China knowing china being a Communist country
why are the Chinese crying every day now? there is nothing to be proud of. it is not like she completed her Ph.D. in China. there are thousands of foreign students who return to their homeland after they are done with college here in the USA. it is not a big deal.
China has become a modern and environment clean beautiful motherland for all Chineses.
Did you get pay by China?
Ready to be in endless lockdowns
Love you chinese ladies😊
After a year Chinese County will advance in Science Technology in all structure. I hope in the future. I bet USA will be jealous. having genius people can Change everything to City's advance medicine & Technology.
All Taiwanese should see this video. .. Harris Ng YM 💜💰🇨🇳👍🇷🇺👍
high salary or self respect
If she were that good, she wouldn't have left her homeland in the first place. But to leave a host country after one has learned and developed is fine; don't badmouth.
Another patriotic Chinese. It seems that there are more and more of these good people coming out to show the World that there are many patriotic Chinese. They put all those Bananas to shame.
I'm seing Chinese ,indian ,asian every1 coming back from Europe or America doesn't mean rise of Asia it means the west is collapsing badly🤔🤔🤔
if i shall run into her in china, i would plead with her to drill a tunnel connecting japan to the asian mainland, and also one between asia and america.
Come on, Europe is broken right now, thats why
Respect to Prof. Zhuang🌷
Give her a big thumb up.
Meanwhile Indians bragging about Indian ceo in American companies 😂
Your home is where your heart is.
Never forget home 🇨🇳 with love from 🇺🇸
great respect to her!👍👍👏👏 does anyone know if she's married😘😘😘
The Germans can recruit more Indians, who have an IQ beyond the Europeans💪🇩🇪
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Of course, after learning all the sciences from these developed countries.
but what China need most is material scientist
相信祖國不會 虧待她的,薪水車樓一定滿足的
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why men and women don't girl s to study engineer? go girls go and help China. yeeeeeee!
This is great. But stealing secrets and removing from post because of this in not a good professional behavior
exist not Genius girl - is impossible
Maybe she wanted to join the protest
Wow great idea 1🤍
She got a better salary in China.
Still better Feminism representative story compare to Disney
yr birth country ..... u hv a choice 2consider if yr own birth country do not appreciate yr heart..... look far not near.... it is right 2help yr own birth country ...
Girl, take the money and run !
That's biggest mistake return see what happen to jack ma and others
Go ahead with acquired knowledge to grow up your society & MANKIND
Did she really go back willingly?
a true genius girl and nationalist
This is the reason Elon is not hiring other races.
I would not live outside European lands even if I am offered the entire stock of gold in fort Knox, Texas. To me, freedom and democracy are non-negotiable.
🎉🎉🎉 China numba 1
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有一颗中国心, 没有钱可以买....谢谢你的真诚.
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That is not totally true, she did received the Award money, not Bonus and worked in Germany for sometimes before return china and probably getting marry
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She should have spoken to Peng Shuai or the people of Hong Kong or was she Blackmailed? Or maybe she can work on actually getting a Chinese Covid vaccine that works, without drastic side effects.
Train them so that they can take knowledge home and use it against you. What a plan!
Hoping their genius will be used for peace not for war of world domination by china
A lot of complementary but with no info on what she has actually achieved to deserve the complements. The video makes people think it is a paid flattery.
You know! I'm getting tired of this robotic voice. I rather hear a human voice.
Just sighted this posting (May 14) forwarded to me: my comments: Who in the world, would forego all these be loyal to the Chinese Communist Party and to return to PRChina?, where there are presently over 10 MILLION Graduates and Hundreds of thousands Chinese with MASTER degrees, all are presently unemployed...Opine, this is among the most interesting piece of CCP Propaganda.
I'm of Indian culture and origin and truly tell the world, the amount of indian contrubution is at huge level where huge percentage of Indian's are running western countries economy's and they just keep quite and get on with work and don't chest thump the issues, but china like talk bigger and sounds more like Chinese vaccine which doesn't work for its own people and covid is still spreading even today.
Be alert nutzi's low
They say the most talented. Genius Chinese girl in Germany. Will go home to his. country China. We Philippines. Filipino people are not worrying. Why. If. their highest intelligent will use China in doing evil. Remember God is bigger in them. The Power of God will demon strate to all country to the whole world. So that they will know. That no one. No one is above God. Jesus is alive. We cannot immeasurable His power. Thank u Jesus.
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This is the most transparent and silliest propaganda produced by the CCP, Hi guys working for the CCP - I love your robotic responses to a staged piece of propaganda rubbish. I've lived in Germany and spent time in China, honestly I'd clearly rather live in Germany, the people were so much nicer and they tell the truth - and don't have to produce rubbish to tell everyone how wonderful their country is.
she better stay away from party officials. If any abuse happen it may be covered up like in the case of the leading tennis player
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Watch a video more, what does the nano material has to do with undergroud mechanical structure? when you are writing the 'scientific' report, try to be a little familiar with the area first, do not make youself a fool in the eyes of professionals. those NANO 'babble' come and go, like five year from now, China was filled up with nano-materials, even washing machine and detergent, in a very biased view in normal term, you may say that detergent is kind of nano-material. Anyway, I see this video as a propaganda arsenal of CCCP.
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You are too verbose. It should be a lot more shorter.
They had her family
Listen to the story , it looks like a comic story..
It's only niche click bait on the rise ..... it still works
Poor girl...selling her freedom for money when she can have both.
Chinese propaganda
This BS. Zhuang XiaoYing as at 16/November/2022 is still in Germany.
Incredible annoying this AI voice.
Sad attempt at luring talent back. Try harder CCP! 😂
She probably wants to find a chinese husband.
CCP imprisoned her mother? Her father? Both?
all bull story from china
People let us vote today, how many of us hate artist asking us for subscribe their channel Count me first
Is this propoganda?
Total propaganda, can tell by the way iot is written, Nice attempt at passing BS as fact though... .really it is .
Genius? a Genius would chose to live in an authoritarian CCP run China? HAHAHA im dying dude thank you for the LOLS!

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