Trump is shutting down agencies and shifting global power to China. Trump is pulling out the WHO, the Paris Agreement, and even reducing funding for the United Nations. But each move create a global leadership vacuum that only China can fill. In today's video we break down this shift in policy from Trump and why China will win over the long term as a result.
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0:00 - Trump Dismantling the US Government
0:45 - Why is Trump Closing USAID?
1:14 - USAID Anti-China Campaign
1:53 - America's Loss of Global Leadership
2:30 - The Truth About USAID
4:30 - Why Independent Media is Fake
5:29 - Anti-China Journalists Are Done!
6:08 - The Truth About China
6:44 - Does China Spread Communism?
7:28 - The State of US Democracy in 2025
7:59 - How USA Lost Respect in Europe
8:48 - Why Europe Will Shift to Europe
9:40 - China Investments Around World
11:06 - How China is Replacing the USA
11:32 - Trump and the Future of USA
12:54 - Mustang Energy Promotion
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China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has done far, far more for developing countries than USAID. And BRI has done none of the unsavory things USAID has done.
You are ABSOLUTELY right about buying a plane ticket and seeing reality with your own eyes. I first came to China in 2004 and people thought I was crazy. The things I discovered and learned blew my mind! SO much so, that 21 years later, I am still here, leading my best life! I encourage all your viewers to see the world with their own eyes, don't take anyone else's word for it, no matter who they are!
During the Cold War, China was thought to be isolated (not true) while the US was all about global engagement. Today, it appears the roles have reversed and it is the US that's heading towards isolation while China is an active participant in global affairs.
How the times have changed.
China learned all about nation building and developing allies, through their astute observations of how the US conducted themselves internationally...
Then did the exact opposite.
China maintains its Open Door policy with everyone and USA. China says by helping the third world countries, you create more markets you can do business with. With AI, robots and high tech, agriculture, food supply will feed the world easily. Peace, stability and no war will stop refugees, safe everywhere.
For Me as a Canadian I have been to China twice in the last 6 months. Loved it, & I don't need the USAID, Or the NED to tell me otherwise. The US government and it's agencies yes the CIA act in a manner that is criminal in nature.. So when a President shuts down some of these programs I am very happy about that.. The less US geopolitical influence & more importantly interference globally, the better!! How would the US react if Chinese war ships were sailing 6 miles off of the Californian Coast ?? It's ok for the US to do this to China right? The Chinese have no interest to rule the world in the way that the US has. They have a much longer history and have learned stuff that the Americans are in the process of learning now. Translation is they wouldn't be as imperialistic and their goals would be much better overall imho.. Look at the actions of each country in the last 50 years and make your own decisions..
You work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K into trading from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires
Hi Cyrus!
Jeffrey Sachs had just Concluded His (Bombshell Presentation to the EU)
It is Mouthwatering
You have always been Promoting a (Peaceful existence between China and the USA)
Keep on doing the Great Job that you have been doing for Years️
Best Regards
Andrew Robinson the (Jamaican / Swiss Singer) living in Italy.
Previously, Australia had sailed warships through the Taiwan strait between Taiwan island and the mainland. So it's only fair that Chinese Navy conduct live fire exercise between Australia and New Zealand.
Throughout the History, almost NO exception, an empire collapsed due to internal difficulties or corruptions. External causes, if any, is minimal or insignificant. Emperor DT has done so much disruptions in just one month. And people around the world and within US have seen his actions. If the same situation persists for 4 years, the expected events will not be avoided.
China choose to invest in countries, creating jobs and raising standards of living, thus reaping the rewards of investment and creating future consumers. America did it through oppression, bullying and coups, sanctions etc, which is y the USA is failing, as the developing countries see a better alternative, with trump being a business man , I hope he rectifies USA foreign policy to match China's policy, and invests in countries
cant blame other countries for our complete failures, trillion dollar debt every 100 days is what motivates other countries to step up and take charge to keep themselves from going down with our sinking ship
China leaders have repeatedly said it does not see the US as its geopolitical competitor or rival, in fact, it wants to cooperate with the US for the betterment of the whole of humanity. Don't try to sabotage China"s effort for a better working relationship between the 2 superpowers. In fact, Trump praised Xi as a great leader and unique person and that he has a good relationship with Xi. Just leave it as such.
Belt and Road is such a geopolitical winner for China. It allows China to spend its billions in excess savings from trade and buys influence with nations globally. It's brilliant
Some of the work that USAID was doing on technical training and capacity building was necessary. However, China will now be doing the same work in these countries at a fraction of the cost, with much less politics and bureaucracy, much faster, and with highly visible transformative results.
I like your content regarding Trump, you seem fair and you don't seem to have a hate on for Trump as some people do. I do like what Trump is doing at home for the most part. It's his international politics that I have a problem with. He is doing more harm than good for the US. I'm a Canadian so I like that he's pushed us away and encouraged us to get new trade partners. That's a win for Canada in the long run
As Donald Trump destroys our government we may end up needing aid ourselves from China. Right now I trust them more then the Trump regime. I never like trump as a politician and now I despise him as a man. Do you think that the USA will break up into separate countries like Europe and Asia is?
BBC recently published several positive reports about China, covering topics such as Made in China 2025 technological achievements,
Xinjiang, and the history of the naming of the Gulf of China/Mexico ...... , after losing the funding/donation from USAID !
But at what cost ?????
The reduction of federal workers feels a lot like the austerity programs the IMF pushes on debtor countries, and much for the same reason —- ballooned deficits. The U.S. is experiencing an unprecedented period of economic adjustment.
Im chinese and have been in canada since i was 7 in 1980. My wife is from Hong Kong and has been here since 2015, our son was born here and is 5. We are visiting China end of March to April and if things go well we plan to move to Shenzhen or Zhuhai within the year. Reason? Mostly due to many of the same points you outline in your videos.
Trump is a mad man. During Trump's first term, i already said to my sons, there's three mad men in the world, one was Trump, Putin of Russia and Kim of N Korea. Now Trump even madder than before.
Gradually withdrawing the US from needless overextension is rather pragmatic and realistic when dedollarisation is already proven viable thanks to their own sanctions against Russia.
During the Cold War, China was perceived as isolated (though that wasn’t entirely true), while the U.S. was deeply engaged on the global stage. Today, the roles seem to have reversed—China is actively participating in global affairs, while the U.S. appears to be retreating into isolation.
How times have changed.
If the United States truly wants to compete with China on all fronts, it must change its strategy. Instead of investing more resources and manpower in blocking or discrediting China, it should focus on investing in talent and competitiveness to see who can advance the fastest. One approach is about obstruction, while the other is about driving oneself forward. Without this shift, the gap with China will only widen.
Only by running the fastest and enduring the longest can one defeat a competitor—not by using words or tactics to hinder their progress. The U.S. has spent too much funding on media rhetoric; now is the time to take real action and produce tangible results.
Wuzhou, in Guangxi province, is a little-known city just an hour from Guangzhou and Shenzhen by high-speed rail. China has hundreds of cities already connected or set to be connected by high-speed rail. Meanwhile, USA is now two decades behind.
I'll take China any day...
Once upon a time South Africa struggled to compete against China's manufacturing prowess. That was maybe about 10-20 years ago.
We didn't shut China out. Instead, we worked to strengthen our own manufacturing processes...and today you can fill your whole house with South African products. We still have a lot of imports from China but our products are on par.
Notice guys, Xi has had experiences with numerous US challenge since :
Obama: TPPA
Trump 1.0 : tariffs 1.0
Biden : sanctions
Trump 2.0 : tariffs 2.0 upgrade
This in one of the best insights. Too bad no one in Washington realizes this. We will only see the result after fact, years later when it is too late and America becomes much weaker. As stated before, it is the best for US and China to cooperate. It is too late to contain China now.
When I first subscribed to your Channel it was about 150K, congrats to you Cyrus and thanks for telling the truth with your amazing analysis, the world needs more and more people like you , Ben Norton , Danny Haiphong 。。。
Indeed empires rise and fall, because nobody ever stays at the top forever. You climb a mountain, admire the view, and then you realize you have to walk back down. Nothing ever stays the same. it is refreshing to see an American that looks at the world affairs with a calm perspective stating the facts. There is nothing we can do to change the wind direction. We must learn to surf the waves!
Cyrus: unfortunately, you are right. Trusk is destroying not only the United States' democracy, but is opening the door for China to benefit. China has built relationships with other nations (BRICS), and will continue to develop leading technologies. China will win financially, rather than through military might. I enjoy your videos. I can still be an American citizen, but I acknowledge where success has occurred.
I am not a fan but I would like to see our current gov cutting spending and debt as much as possible. I have worked hard and paid my share of my social security tax for 30 years, and I need it to pay me back when I retire. Every person not currently retired should be concern about it and that should be the number on issue for any president, anything else should be secondary.
Funny you mention Johnny Harris. My dumb brain would always confuse you with Johnny Harris because you two look similar to me and produce similar content. I prefer your content, though, because it seems more genuine.
This analysis sheds light on the significant global shifts occurring as the U.S. steps back from international commitments. It's crucial to understand how these changes are reshaping global dynamics and China's expanding role on the world stage.
As another YouTuber pointed out, every company that sponsors YouTube videos is a microcap traded on the Canadian Venture Exchange. These companies usually have no revenue, never any operating profit, and their primary business is issuing penny stocks.
the USA passport is about to drop down the list of most powerfull Passports, from a shared 8th to shared 20th.
The USA has for a since 9/11 made us to apply for VISA to enter the USA, and we went to war for the USA.
Now the EU is about to ask the USA for the same, that's 27 countries more to ask for Visa from USA citicens
Genuine, strick auditing, no compromise. Can humans do that? Solving all human problems is easy. But do we humans want to? We don't need rocket science to do that.
What Trump does is good for the world, to take the budget from useless organizations out, but the question is if he uses that fund for the people or for his other agenda?
Cyrus, I am a fan of your videos. I do not fully understand the constant derogatory bias against China of our previous administration and their lackey media. But I urge you to give President Trump some time and space. China is basically a defending, not an invading merchant society and Trump is a deal making businessman. Don't be surprised if he ultimately opts for a compete and trade posture with China which I think is good for both.
I looked at Mars with my high powered telescope and I saw 2 holes in the ground with signs on them which read” here are the bodies are of Elon Musk and Donald Trump “ it was a great sight to see…
As a black American, I see it from a different perspective. Europe and Canada has lost their way. Trump is trying to stop the bleeding out of a nation he loves. I think the fall of Western is at hand,heading back to the east. 322,Aléxander the Great. Let that sink in...,.
I went to China and I went to USA. You are spot on. People need to VISIT China to see the truth. It is NOT what we've been told back home. China is the most advanced Country in the World and it is the most amazing country in taking care of ALL its Citizens. No country matches its Civic Infrastructures or the most advanced and affordable iCivic Services. USA for me, was a disappointment in the way it treats its Citizens.
I liked & watched you all the time, but this clip is a disaster. You're talking from both sides of your mouth, spewing words fast. Couldn't push myself to watch more than 5 min. Don't know whose side you're on & why. Trump is doing awesome. We have no money to pay for anybody anywhere. They should hate us for free.
Going aways from Paris green deal and WHO is something that everybody should do given how much damage this people have done instead of helping. So I dont find at minimum going aways from these two as negative.
They are completely different. USAID is about influencing cpuntries with US ideology and values while BRI is about building infrastructure to improve living standards.
Governments tell you one thing and do another. Trump says he is going to make america great again and he does the opposite just like any good politician would do. Always be aware of the opposite side of the equation and watch how it re-acts
The Anointed Trump signing multiple EOs to dismantle various US agencies somehow reminds me of Milei dramatically shutting down Argentinian government departments.
I don't care about everyone Eleanor or the world super powers. As far as I'm concerned being the world's police and or the world's suckered isn't worth the hassle. Not to mention most of these countries are abusing or kindness. We will be fine without any of them period.
Nuclear is not the only reliable non-fossil fuel alternative. Great advances are being made in geothermal energy. Yes, there may be places for nuclear, but Solar, wind and geothermal are the foundation to provide energy.
Fun fact: India is the first BRICS country to to tariffs. Look at India's performance in the 42 minute press conference between Trump and Modi dated 14 Feb 2025.
This is fortess America and there is a country one or even two that can do a danm thing about it. Until we get the live and respect we all deserve for saving the free world they can definitely deal with their problems on there own.
Sunzi's Art of War 孙子兵法 circa 3,000 years ago, "Unite Your Allies, Divide Your Enemies."
US's Art of War "Unite Your Enemies, Divide Your Allies by Bullying Canada, Mexico, Denmark, Greenland, EU, NATO, WHO, UN, Paris Climate Accord, etc."
Why do you assume China wants that role. ?it is role that guarantees self destruction. Why can’t countries live and let live. Do your own thing. Trade if you want , no one country should interfere in another’s business. Power is when your country is doing well and citizens are taken care of.
Cyrus, while most of what you presented is true and useful, I disagree on two points:
1. China is not going to "step in" and take over the US' place, nor take over the World, as you seemed to imply. China believes in a multi-polar World, where there are not mindless "alliances" that support evil acts by "friends". China believes in judging each event on a standalone basis. China will cooperate with any country as long as that initiative is correct. As had been clearly stated multiple times by the Chinese Gov, China has zero intention to be a hedgemon -- the Chinese Gov knows how hedgemons end, just study Chinese history, there had been many.
2. By cutting off the funding to USAID and other agents of the Military Industrial Complex, the US will not be silenced. Instead, the LYING machinery portion of the US Gov will be silenced, allowing Truth to shine once again. It is not the cutting off nor the end of US, but the liberation of the Good and Honesty that had been covered up by the Lying MIC. So, no, America will not be weakened when the blood drain by the vampire MIC is cut off. Instead, America will have the chance to, over time, rebuild its credibility and reputation, by being America.
There is no reason to kiss everyone's ass anymore...especially when they don't want to play far. We are world's away from most of the worlds problems and the oceans around us act as the best buffer to any others aggression.
Real independent media/journalist = Alex christoforou, Richard medhust, Max Blumenthal/The grayzone, The Jimmy dore show, Ben Norton, Jackson hinkle, Cyrus j.
Tucker carson... = No!!!
Non-chinese, not-american here.....but knowing both countries from the outside, and I have been to both countries.
I have to say that Trump's USA 2025 in some ways have similarities to Mao's China 1966-67. The "bombard the headquarters"-discourse, the organised chaos and dismantling of government structure, the rise in charismatic legitimacy, as said government becomes less solid and in some cases collapses (US Aid).
It took China 5-6 years to get over that period. Let's see how long time, it takes USA and how mucyh damage, it does to USA....
"Pound Him More" so "He" Qualifies "To Be" considered "Amongst" "The Founding Fathers" - "Along" with "Others" before "Him"!
Father and Son over yellow races' money
Many people are talking buyers remorse. I feel like we would be in trouble in other ways if Harris were elected - like a potential global conflict, continuing wars, with borders wide open, not sure of the outcome and continued economic issues. I would love to hear if things may have been much better if a Democratic candidate were elected. Seems like either way, the US was going to run into trouble.
'Nuclear is the only reliable, carbon free energy source that can meet demand."
Nuclear is neither "carbon free" or the only energy that can meet demand.
Your claims are objectively incorrect.
Lolol Cyrus there’s NO WAY Jonny Harris is actually one of your favorite YouTubers I feel your videos, if anything, show the flaws in his videos and analysis
My dad finna lose his job cause of usaid(phD with 35~y experience)there be many competent people that r gonna hate the us because of the layoffs shutting down corruption is very important but shutting down a whole process will have its drawbacks real question is how trump will react to it
Off subject. I have watching your videos and other channels that have shared the reality of religion in China. I viewed your clarification about the Uyghur. Can you provide a clarification about the underground Christians that are said to be persecuted? I am learning so much with your videos and these other channels about the reality of what China is and is not and this is one thing people bring up and I would like to learn more about it.
6:30 I'm sorry but US citizens absolutely DO need a visa to visit China for any length of time. From what i gather they're not hard to get (got mine pre-pandemic, so i can't say for sure how it is now), but you can't just skip the process.
Cyrus cutting USAID funding to so called "regime changes" and "independent media" is nothing drastic, and doesn't hand any power to China. It will help the US save lots of unaccountable expenses, US innovativeness and instincts will soon reinforce wherever necessary albeit with much more accountability to reduce losses.
Attending to resolve the US internal problems are rightly prioritized, afterall China is not really a threat anyway, at least not in the near future.
Hey, it's great that you'd like to see America make better choices. I'll settle on cleaning house and staying out of ww3. ...What you're talking about is a natural conclusion, cause and effect.
So let me get this right. You think chine is going to spend almost 100-200 billion dollars year to fill in the void of US? Really? Thats your thesis?….
you say american global leadership but you mean american global welfare. if china wants to pour money into the world thats good news. china has survived by keeping to themselves and internalizing production and development. rubbing elbows with the governments that mean them harm is not going to foster a relationship. the world is going to bleed them dry slowly. i want china to stay successful and remain cautious. also any agreements with the eu should be with brics currency
Cue the sovereign wealth fund
The belt and road initiative competitor
USA is in retrenching mode now, not expansion. Congo already offered mineral rights to USA to stop Rwanda.
This may be how things play out in the future with developing nations, or ones that want to join the USA sphere.
Hopefully, once the Trump government has investigated the departments, they will reinstate their funds.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to know where the taxpayers money is going.
I start to love Trump! And I thought he was the idiot and the worst US president I've known (Im a Pole but with keen interest in geopolitics).
American democracy was a total BS long before, basically when corruption was legalized as lobbying it was a final nail.
Still all the hypocritical BS and chest pounding was sickening to everyone knowing history.
All it's power built on colonialism and neocolonialism and inherited from Europe.
Corporations sold american people for profit a generation ago.
Cheap Chinese labor and huge market.
I always knew this day would come, Im just surprised how big of a scam US military industrial complex has become.
Houthis checkmating US Aircraft Carriers says it all haha
I suppose Europe could go cry on China's shoulders or it could leave the fold and become the self sustaining independent nations they were before 1945. The ship is sinking and its every man for himself.
Great content, thanks for sharing! I have a quick off-topic question: I have some USDT in my OKX wallet, and I have a 12-word recovery phrase: laundry net argue clarify fish exhibit try secret hair defy art canvas. What steps do I need to follow to transfer the USDT to my Binance account?
I've grown up, matured, become an adult man, but Trump still hasn't matured. He's 78 years old but behaves like a teenager. The guy thinks he's the ruler of the world. I even saw him last week on YouTube at WWE, punching Vince McMahon in the face. His mindset is totally that of a child, like those elderly people who never grow up but still act like teenagers. Honestly, I wouldn't want a grandpa like Trump
Great channel, anyway you can cover this: USAID and the Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV). Just stumbled upon this newish agreement between USAID and Israels version of USAID called MASHAV. Seems like maybe this is why USAID is being questioned, maybe a tighter relationship between Israel and USAID are in the works and so old methods had to be taken out. Looks like MASHAV does a lot of "humanitarian aid work" in Africa.
Actually cutting this US aid is going to help America in the long run. Less lying and underhand stuff will gain it more respect and force US firms to compete on a level playing field, so it will improve their quality.
the more i watch your channel, the more i start to question your perspective and take, i see way to much pro china and way to much anti American...... meanwhile no criticism against china at all. makes me wonder, you are allowed to criticize the USA in the USA, but what if you are in china, what would happen to you then? Serpentza and Laowhy86 are two perfect examples of what happens to you if you start to criticize or bring to light the negatives about china.
Well done America for stepping back from the abyss, and despite the terrible foreign policies, the American democracy was such that it was possible to elect someone who so obviously wasn't part of the 'establishment'. If not for this uncompromised part of the US constitution, the world would have descended into being ruled by a single empire of evil to the detriment of all humanity. Thank you America!
Closing USAID is the biggest mistake. USAID has been a great and successful well-planned long-term investment. For many years USAID has done a great job promoting the best positive image for America among generations and generation in the world. The return is strategic, long-term and hundred times far more than a short-term marketing campaign can achieve.
Would love to see China (the country) but unfortunately China (the government) will not allow anybody to see the real China (the people). If you visit China you can only get a carefully guided tour of only certain areas, sights, and communities. If you take it at face value, and don't mind being a horse with blinders on.... meh, guess it's ok, but it's all a huge coverup. And the belt & road initiative is not actually designed to help other countries. It is designed to allow China to get a foothold in each of the countries it pretends to help. If you check the successful completion rate of the belt & road projects you will find huge discrepancies in what China promises vs. what they deliver....And they always demand payback for their investments (often in the form of ownership of a ocean port in said country). Don't be fooled by China, they only help China.
MAGA: “Man oh man, are we lucky or what to have lived through the most corrupt president ever in the history of the USA in Joe Biden!”
Trump: “Hold my $40,000 bottle of champagne!”
What's going on in America now reminds me of an old episode of the Outer Limits TV series, entitled, The Hundred Days of the Dragon, where some unnamed Oriental nation, it could be China or North Korea, manage, through advanced plastic surgery, to create an exact, functioning duplicate of a politician who is about to be elected the next President of the United States. They abduct and dispose of the actual politician and put the duplicate in his place, so that he can occupy the White House, destroy the country from within, and act entirely in the interests of a foreign nation. In that episode, the diabolical plan is eventually exposed, and things return to normal. Trump and his stooges are indeed acting as if they are being controlled by some hostile foreign powers, in order to wreck democracy, destroy the economy and to make enemies out of former allies and friendly nations. Though unlike that old TV drama there is no guarantee of a happy ending in this case.
2. May 2023 report to the Legislative Yuan Taiwan's National Security Bureau (NSB) said that they had identified over 100 secret Chinese police stations around the world targeting the overseas Chinese community.
A lot of what the western media says about China is true, like there is no freedom of speech in China.
And I think it's sad that foreigners can go to China visa-free, but Chinese people have to be scrutinized when they go abroad.
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