Thursday, February 27, 2025

China's tech surge. Is America's domination over?


China chinese people is brilliantly smart.❤
They don't talk much. They work hard.
Tell me which company in the US does not comes under the purview of the US govt...the US go tell them not to send premium chips to China n the obediently difference, the lady comment is bias
I agree with the Orange man, US does have the best scientists in the world. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Most of them are Chinese. 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳PRC PRC PRC
USA became tech dominant because everywhere else was devastated after WW2. China doesn't have that benefit yet still thrives. China, given that it still has huge scope for development, is bound to become the core of world's advanced tech.
Despite America's dominance in finance, especially with regards to tech companies, it's ironic that China dominates the world technologically. China leads the world in 57 out of 64 critical technology fields, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. China has more patent grants than the United States and Japan combined, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization. China has 12 of the world's Top 25 academic institutions, according to the Nature Index. The USA has 8. China has 16 of the world's Top 25 academic institutions, according to the CWTS Leiden Ranking. The USA has 5. China dominates the world in EV and battery technology, in 5G and 6G technology, in renewable energy technology, etc., etc., etc. China's Tiangong space station is an astounding achievement, completely eclipsing the International Space Station. China's BeiDou navigation satellite system is actually superior to GPS. China's DeepSeek has thrown Silicon Valley into utter panic. I could spend all day here expounding on China's technological advancements. So it's kind of hysterical that US companies think they are technologically leading the world.
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The USA government supports and provide money to technological companies. The Chinese government does not put all those companies under scrutiny; instead, the government asserts those companies to innovate and compete among themselves. The competition is fierce.
The lady said high speed rail tech the usa has no we dont. Thats the major problem there is no humility in these people. Its a joke when she said we already have high speed rail technology.
China has something like nine times the number of STEM graduates working in STEM fields than the US does. In other words, China has an overwhelming advantage in STEM talent. How can the US possibly compete?
The rivalry between Chinese and US techs are in fact rivalry between Chinese themselves, period.
The woman who thinks the US tech companies are not subservient to the government is hilarious after seeing trump's inauguration 😂
Remember the earlier crack down on big tech companies in China to avoid monopolying or singular market; this has paid off as smaller unicorns grown stronger with there own innovation instead getting bought out by the giant corporations. While in US that tech are controlled by few giant corporates and innovation is very slow as a result.
American tech is often more hype than reality.
U.S.’s Western mentality is competition, winning/loosing; stopping or even killing others in order to win. Chinese philosophy is rooted in cooperation and coexistence and win-win together.
Chinese vs Chinese
In my gradual school years in 1970’s, our math class had 24 full time new graduate students in a year, 20 were international students, only 4 were US domestic students. The same situation in the workplace (science labs and research centers in U.S.). This trend lasted 50+ years
Governments do innovate. Look at what they’ve done in Singapore and China and Vietnam.
The U.S. / CHINA issue reminds me of the story The TORTOISE and the HARE. China= Tortoise US= Hare The U.S. in it arrogance has wasted the past 40 years meddling, creating/ starting/ involved in wars paying no attention to anything else. Meanwhile China quietly just put its nose to the grind and steadily moved forward. Now the Hare is panicking and desperate to get back in the race as it sees the Tortoise has passed it by. Now the U.S. is in “Tanya Harding” mode doing every dirty trick it can think of to trip China up in hopes of stopping long enough to give the U.S. a chance to catch up and take the lead again. But the U.S. has wasted it energy, money, society, infrastructure leaving it broke and a dysfunctional state buried in debt, populated with poorly educated, unskilled, lazy, undisciplined, dystopian citizenry. Meanwhile China has produced the worlds largest educated skilled hardworking ambitious driven motivated populace in the world. The U.S. is a lost cause that will eventually crash as it paints itself into a corner of its own doing
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China has always said that the world is big and can accommodate you and me! ! The goal of the Chinese is the Milky Way and the sea of ​​stars!
i think the people have spoken...face-blue-smiling
The US has the initial edge. While China has the will & power (momentum) to not only catching up but also likely to overtake in many areas. Just like it has done in the technologies in 5G, EVs, battery, solar, hypersonic missiles, etc.
world knew that's already Absolutely CHINA❤🎉
Goverment doest innovate, lady! They innovates the system of governing, not in tech. 😂
The future of tech world leader,US or China? Why India was not mentioned? I am surprised. Because I have met Indians that told me this. They said, the Chinese have improved very fast these recent years in technology. If the Chinese continue to go this way, they are sure to catch up with India soon. I just 😂😂😂
👀👉Finally UR talking.
⁉️ 250. Idiocracy 👎. ⁉️ 250 Elonsky 👎. ⁉️ 250 Trumpsky 👎. ⁉️ 250 Gatesky. 👎. ⁉️ 250 Applesky 👎. ⁉️ 250 NATOsky 👎. ⁉️ 250 Capitalist 👎. ⁉️ 250 Sanctionist 👎. ⁉️ 250 Monopolist 👎.
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The government doesn't innovate? Yup, that may be true for the US government, and it sucks.
😂😂😂😂 finally acceptance is setting in ...
America one hundred years of humiliation has begun .
No amount if propaganda can beat real progress.😂
China's tech surge: Is America's dominance over? NO! YES, no doubt, China's tech IS surge , BUT Is only 【1 foot step】 behind America's dominance 。。。。。。。。。。。🤣🤣🤣🤣
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The Proper Competition and balance will help human develop better life.
Who makes you think that America must win everything?
The Chinese guest did not pushback against the other guests- which is unfortunate.
🌏 🎖 🇨🇳 🎖 🌏 🛰Taikonaut 🛰 Shaolin masters in space temple. Wishing you all : Health , Vitality & 360° Security @ Every Moments 🇨🇳. Space Station 🇨🇳 Moon Station 🇨🇳 Sea Station. 🇨🇳 Earth Station 🇨🇳 AI Netization 🇨🇳
US should have chinese advisors
China is only a developing country. What Americans are worried about is the powerful India, not China😢
6:51 The US a free market ??!!??
These people just not facing realities. America is losing in every department. America is ahead in chip only because. Asmc was force not to sale to China. We see what happen next year. 😂😂😂😂😂
Most of scientists who work for America high tech companies are Chinese and India scientists that why America have the best scientists in the world
The main difference between China & the US, - Parents in China want their children to obtain University degrees, and they will provide financial supports as needed. - University costs in China are much more affordable. - Parents with the means may send their children to Western Universities, enabling Chinese students to learn from both sides of the World.
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Government don't Innovate? But they lead ... Indirectly they Encourage, Enable and ...
Most stable phenomenon around: Quantum computing is just around the corner, exactly as it has been for the last fifty years.
13.30 governments don't innovate...? This woman has no understanding of China...
The triangle Trump 1- Biden - Trump 2 is 12 years to form the foundation of Chinese technology boom.
So far in the recent scenario it is china,,,,but any thing can happen...
Byd is a wonderful car...
China has implemented various measures to encourage innovation and technological advancement, which are seen as key drivers for future economic growth. China has also encouraged Chinese firms to invest abroad to gain access to intellectual property, technology, and to help Chinese firms become major global competitors. Chinese firms are increasingly involved in R&D and innovation, contributing significantly to China's economic growth. China supports R&D through various plans and policies aimed at boosting innovation and technological advancement. These collaborations between the government and Chinese companies are designed to drive economic development and maintain China's position as a global economic leader. China has made significant strides in artificial intelligence (AI) research and development, with a focus on strategic applications and innovation. China's tech sector has experienced a significant surge, with stocks of tech giants like Alibaba, Tencent, and Xiaomi performing exceptionally well in recent months. High-tech industries are growing rapidly. In 2024, China's high-tech manufacturing sector grew by 8.9%. China continued support for innovation and technological advancement is seen as a crucial driver for the tech sector's performance.
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Good panel of guests
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bullet train is not a new technology? Probably. So, does it means that US also have the technology but didn't roll it out yet simply due to internal administrative problem only? Let's wait patiently and see what US technology can improve their 84moh (135kph) "High Speed Rail".
The reality is China will come out on top technologically but there is the high possibility China and US are on same level into the future. Thus the idea of dominance, control and stopping China on her technology progress track is muted.
One side lives in delusion. You decide which lol
GASP its not the US?!?!?!?! GOD FORBID!!!!!
I would buy a bad if it was sold in the us.
Digital Rome or digital war, which term do you prefer?
Hi everyone me from Pakistan
Cheating, Stealing to innovation , impressive ❤
She is a communist... expecting the government to do something for people!!! Havent they done enough already?? Bailing out billionaires every time they gamble and loose 😂😂😂😂
9:00 what about tik tok
China and India very large man power hence in science and tech both are un stoppable .
"Trump likes bargain and negotiate"??? 😂
Maybe that's why they build 90% of the ships in the world
💖💚🎖🇨🇳🎖💚💖 💖💜☸☯☸💜💖 Wishing you all : Health , Vitality & 360° Security @ Every Moments .
I am a Chinese from mainland China. As a strong believer of history lessons, I think our long history has proved that we are not particularly great at science and technology. it was not us who invented the train. I doubt we can surpass the US in this field any time soon. but I am certainly very happy that we are making progress, we will see in the next 20 years.
Why can't us & china work together?
You all talk too much you don't know nothing people living them life I don't give a deep pick your mode off the people
China not import foreign talent 😜

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