Friday, February 28, 2025

COMMENTS: Trump's Ukraine talks aim to divide Russia from China. Can he do it?


I believe China and Russia are smart enough to remember the history on how USA and West divided them
Getting others to fight your wars on their land not your own is the typical US strategy.
I am a Chinese Singaporean. My ancestors are from China of course. I will stay by China as my generation face the threat of discrimination. I support China all the way. China , continue strengthening and do the right thing and what are needed
Henry Kissinger famously stated: "To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal."
20th Century famed philosopher Oscar Wilde says, "America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization."
Both countries are not run puppets, their relationship didn't start today and won't end today. Long live 🇷🇺 🇨🇳
The only thing trump will divide is the United States.
stupid competition for world dominance, nothing but game of politicians. We Chinese people just want peace and better lives, yet the American politicians hate to see 1.4 billion Asians heading to better live standards.
Hard to separate them because every few years, you get a new guy in America who wants to do something different.
The USA is an adolescent child like state. Why would Russia fall for these childish games?
So for the USA, a world united and at peace is a dangerous thing. How evil can that be.
As an Australian, I am sick of the American bullying . Good luck, Russia and China. I hope you do become the strongest economies in the world and consider the rest of the world ,instead of just your country, as does the America first club
the division of Russia and CHINA WILL NEVER HAPPEN. That is another american dream.
Russia is not that stupid. As an Asian, I am deeply offended by their racism.
America stay out of others business.. and fix your own business at home you are not capable of being the leader.. you are not helping only disturbing.. change and work with China and Russia that's your only option..
The arrogance of publicly announcing their plans to separate China and Russia is astounding. They sure do think highly of themselves 😃 🇿🇦🇷🇺🇨🇳
Hegemony: Amendment 1 - Divide and conquer Hegemony: Amendment 2 - My enemy's enemy is my friend Hegemony: Amendment 3 - Pretend to smell nice but loots, plunders, steals and lies
Once beaten twice shy. Russia & especially China are not stupid!
Not surprisingly, I've started to see anti-china commercials on television. This is never been about peace for Ukraine or anyone else
The Chinese The Russians the Iranians and the Global south all have reason to mistrust the west given their experiences with western colonialism. I am confident that these nations have anticipated that the US would attempt a divide and conquer tactic when it comes to BRICS.
Why westerners always think of dividing other human??
Putin is smart and he will NOT be buddies, buddies with the US and leave China, NK, Iran... - that would be suicidal!
Look at what the US is doing to their closest allies, Canada for example. Why would Russia want that kind of relationship?
Hello, I want to start investing, but I'm unsure where to start. Do you have any advice or contacts for assistance?
China has the greatest manufacturing capacity. US has the greatest national debt.
Ben, you are one of the absolutely BEST reporters on the net. Keep up the great work.❤
After Ukraine, Russia knows who their friends are. 😊
He is the last president that put the last nail into the coffin of US.
Long live Russia 🇷🇺 and China 🇨🇳 friendship……….
There's no way Russia is going to abandon China just because trump says so. For the last three years, China kept Russia afloat.
When China and Russia agrees to something, they keep their words.
特朗普是成功的商人,作为政治人物,他还是太天真和幼稚了。 美国不拿出足够多的条件,仅仅靠牺牲乌克兰的利益来讨好普金,把普金当成了弱智。 特朗普要想拉拢普金,首先必须解除所有对俄罗斯的制裁,这一点是不可能的,即使美国解除了制裁,欧洲也不会跟进,普金的要求得不到满足,就不可能转变立场。何况,普金明白,中国这张票比美国能给的更多。
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Russia and China have a mutually beneficial partnership. 🇷🇺🤝🇨🇳
"Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me."
Brilliant analysis as usual, Ben. I am grateful for your presence in a world where lies, deceit, and disinformation reign over the masses.
Fooled me once, shame on you, fooled me TWICE shame on me, if 🇷🇺🇨🇳 don't learn and unite together then they deserve nothing but shall remain SUBORDINATE.
Anyone who knows world history will also know that China spent most of its existence as a super power. The rise of China is not novel but rather a return to normality.
It is racism, pure and simple. The USA could just about tolerate working with Eastern Europeans if they really had to, but treating the Chinese as equals? Impossible!
China is more peaceful than the US. It does not create wars or cause wars between countries. Which countries are responsible for all wars so far?
China 🇨🇳 Russia 🇷🇺 🤝 BFF. No back stabbing.
China's FULLY prepared for whatever US has in mind. ❤indonesia
Crowd cheering for dividing other countries. Shows you what kind of people they are.
In a word NO he can't. He will however, divide his citizens once they realise he his removing their services to give billionaires tax breaks.
Thank you Ben, you are truly knowledgeable in Geopolitic which we are all listening and broaden our knowledge on this topic. Thank you ❤
No he can't. He is already letting them know their union is a threat to the unipolar order. WTF does he think they are going to do? Get in bed with the least trustworthy entity on earth?
I hope Putin embarrasses Trump
Russia already says it will not fall for this
Ben is an incredibly insightful and intelligent journalist. Everyone needs to watch this. This video needs to go viral.
Hello everyone from Russia! We Russian people don't abandon our friends. Let the Americans dream about separating us from China.
Heed Kissinger's aphorism: " To be US' enemy is dangerous but to be US' friend is fatal".
The US has nothing to offer Russia
We Chinese always wish for the best and prepare for the worst. If Russia falls again for whatever America’s empty promises, well, good luck to them.
1. There’s nothing the U.S can do or harm China. 2. Russia also trying to divide the U.S and Europe, ultimately tear apart the NATO.
Instead of trying to diminish others countries economies, why doesn't the U.S. try to compete???🤔
How can he divide them, while saying it out loud 😂😂😂
Except Putin and Xi are not children to be tricked. They are seasoned politicians and their countries have such strong relations.
Russia is not our enemy. Iran is not our enemy. C-hina is not our enemy. Greetings from Australia.
Unfortunately for Trump. Putin and Xchi are playing a long game, while Trump is hoodwinked by time limit of four years.
What a ridiculous statements by Trump about China and Russia
Love your coverage ben, thank you!

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