Russia and China sees the world as a community where they have to learn to live together. USA sees the world as a stage only where one plays a role in it and not as part of it, to be play around and switching roles whenever suited it.
Dr O, You and Brian Berletic are probably the best leading Geopolitics analyst right now. Carl Zha, Danny Haiphong and Awakening Richard are also good for getting an inside view and represents a well informed public.
In some of Trump's speeches, he was clearly treating China as an adversary and hence it is not surprising that he will appease Russia and then try to create a wedge between Russia and China. Of course, Putin and Xi Jinping are aware of his plot. USA has not real long term friendship with any country as can be seen with Ukraine and even their EU allies.
Russia, China and N Korea must stand firmly together for each of them to survive
Great video, when no jobs and people can no longer afford to live, people will be lining up to live off the government . Acquiring $61k monthly is a blessing to my family.
US and Russkies agreeing on contracts regarding rate earth minerals aluminum etc...I hope the Russkies don't fall into some trap..history tells us .US has a bad habit of not honoring its contracts
You never bring a wolf into your house no matter what assistance you want from the wolf. There are enough stories to educate us that the wolf will never leave your house once you let it in. Ukraine is experiencing this fate right now.
Russia should be mindful that US presence in Ukraine for economic reasons ie mining minerals could be a back door strategy ie inching closer to Russia, no different from what NATO has done that triggered the Ukraine war.
The situation today is far far different from that of the 70s and this idea that with some trade sweeteners the US can pull Russia away from China is such a backward way of looking at it. The fact is Russia would have had far more difficulty surviving the sanctions if China and India and the global south played along with the lunatics in collective west, so here comes the moment of truth for Russia if they pull away from those who stood by them in their moment of pain then their word is useless and nobody will care. However it is s good thing that one of the special qualities of Russian people is that they keep their word and words mean something in Russia you have to stand by what you say or your are a disgrace to yourself and your family or Nation. The same cannot be said for the collective West their words mean absolutely nothing
Trump admin is looking at US companies development of Russia resources, without Europe.
Greenland is also about resources.
The US must see Russia and China are mutually extremely dependent now and a wedge is extremely unlikely. Agreements with US are short term and last max 4 years based on election cycles.
As always Dr O thank for another great class & discussion so glad to have caught you live today & am looking forward for another great program tomorrow….
Best outcome for humanity is for the 3 super powers China, Russia and US to come together "honestly" to solve the world's problems, not displacing each other.
You’re absolutely right Dr. David. The China and Russia never split.
If they do. They will corner themselves in the future.
Thanks for the great presentation.
In 1970 china n russia were already away from each other. So the u s succeeded. This time china n russia are close. This time they know what the u s is upto. Then in 1970 kissenger worked secretly through pakistan. So, this time success is hard for the u s. 47:24
I don't think so , actually 2 blocs are fighting with each other now, NATO and BRICS-SCO, will Russia leave BRIICS and join NATO? I also don't think so
The last 30 years of US Foreign Policy have been directed at getting the Persian Colony back, and overcoming Russia and taking their resources.
Victoria Nuland's promotion of the New American Century has cost over $30 trillion.
The US has spent a lot to follow Hitlers footsteps across Eastern Europe.
The suggestion of Thysson to fetch some Caspian Oil was not good advice.
Contemporary Leaders need to consider that lesson?
The Anglo Saxons are masters of this technique of divide and rule, which they have developed to a highly sophisticated degree. The US has tons of printed money they can use to engineer their plots. Hope Russia and China can neutralise this ploy to subvert US attempt to break them up.
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