What is the future of the US China Trade War? With Donald Trump set to become the next US President, all eyes will be on Trump and China and the trade war he began in 2018. Will Trump impose 60% tariffs on China? How will China respond to Trump and his Trade War? In today's video we break down everything you need to know about the US China Trade War and how China has already won this w…
My greatest concern is how to recover from all these economic and global troubles and stay afloat especially with the political power tussle going on in US.
When you reach a certain level of achievement, you can contract others to do things for you at a much lower cost. <
This is the reward you get for rising to the position where you can hire outsiders do your manufacturing & assembly. >
Traders & Merchants of 0ld have Long practiced this System oF Suppliers & Manufacturers & Shippers & Partnerships. <
Trump wants everything to be made in America, but ironically his adviser Elon Musk’s Tesla could not have survived without the Gigafactory in Shanghai.
not even that, it'll hurt their domestic economies due to tariffs. everyone will end up paying more when they shouldn't have to. Richard Wolfe made a good argument on how tariffs hurt Americans more than it hurts its exporters.
I wish Kamala Harris hadn't walked back her original comment on getting rid of tariffs. She should have educated the public on why high tariffs are bad for the American people.
Tariffs have already had a significant impact on US industries, particularly agriculture. US farmers have faced significant losses due to retaliatory tariffs from China, especially on soybeans. In fact, China has slashed its dependence on US farm goods since the 2018 trade. ️
China does not need to respond with tariffs on American products. China will devastate American agriculture, for example, by simply not importing any of its products. The repercussions will traumatise the American public.
China does not need to sell to the US in order for its own economy to keep growing. The US market is a nice to have, not a must have. China needs to focus on the Global Majority countries which is growing and they are bigger than the US and EU markets combined.
I am an engineer and working for a high tech aviation company. My superiors are white. We buy a lot of equipment from China because America doesn't have the equipment we need. The Chinese engineers are working harder, spend more in R&D but made less $$$ Boeing is given the union employees a 38% pay raise. I wish my union would help me to get the same pay raise. Cost too much about made in USA.
Desindustrialization destroyed half the USA/UK. How are we supposed to decide what cities and states survive and which become ghost towns?? Having economic policy set up as to destroy whole regions of your country is psychotic.
Cyrus, can you point me to a couple of news sites that you recommend? I want to learn more about BRICS, and global economy and tech stuff that I won't see in the US news. I saw you talking with Andrew Henderson about BRICS and China developing different countries in Africa and want to learn as much as I can.
Ten years ago, one of the points that China was attacked was the gap between rich and poor. China’s Gini coefficient was 0.48, while that in Europe and the United States was between 0.2-0.35. However, ten years later, looking at the 2021 statistics, China has dropped to 0.35, while the United States is close to 0.6, and we no longer see this information in the news.
If china was prepared why did the whole lithium industry crash right before he announced his plans.... why did the only tradeshow that sucked in china was the one neqr elections?
even if Chinese companies go to America to setup companies, they cannot duplicate the same cost and efficiency of their factories in China, so the products will still cost more to produce but is good enough for the local American market but not competitive for the world market. so Chinese companies will not be afraid to setup companies in America, even if American competitors copied their tech, they will not be able to sell outside of the US. see what is happening to TSMC, already having manpower problems.
Tariffs aims to punished their own people who will paie the tariffs and not China to paie that tariffs. Comprenendo? capiche? Cyruss would you please explain them about tariffs how it's work.
Americans voted for Trump to reduce inflation, despite his repeated statements about imposing tariffs on exports worldwide, which generally make goods more expensive. Many Trump voters seem to lack an understanding of these economic effects.
Trump doesn't mention that tariffs is a two-way street, he believes in American exceptionalism where we screw other nation that use to be true 50 yrs ago, not no more.
No ones really talking about this so I’m just throwing out a question. I’ve been working in engineering and watched companies outsource work in recent years. If a company wanted to cut costs somewhere to help offset bullshit tariffs, I mean would they not consider outsourcing IT, design, development, engineering more so? Losing more US jobs to other countries? Unless there’s penalties for this that the orange man hasn’t discussed? ️
China is not worried, Trump is rather gullible, just be the last person to talk to him for the day and compliment how fit and sharp he is and you got him in your pocket
When Japanese cars first appeared on the scene nobody my dad's age wanted to buy it, they prefer continental cars. Same thing happened with the Korean cars Hyundai when i was an adult, i prefer the Japanese cars. And i still remember when China's car Cherry first appeared. It was horrible. Now BYD is just incredible! Time passed the world changes!
So glad that there are someone who is unbiased about the whole situation and strive to see the truth and you can't do it without living in China for 10 years. Keep up the great work Cyrus.
We have already been thru this. Trump put tariffs in place. China put tariffs on American Farmers and Trump gave the farmers money. So the US consumer losses twice.
China could import grains from Brazil and Russia, because it is more price competitive.
If you really think about it, the US needs China more than China needs the US by looking at the trade deficit the US has with China.
I suggest both countries negotiate on the basis of equality on give and take basis for the interest of the world than to have trade war which will not benefits for anyone
Do what I say or I am going to punish you, with this attitude US has already lost the game because the world is changing and we fed up with US hegemony that’s why the BRICS is rising
Trump and his fellows will only make China stronger like they did last time, they never learned in terms of dealing with this resilience country
The most eye opening take away I learned about china when I took a foreign policy class was that they think in a patient and strategically long term where the US is short term and reactive. We have eroded China a bit through their embrace of toxic western hyper consumerism, but they still are not as individualistic and are more capable of operating cooperatively and centuries more of wisdom. Are only hope is that Trump sees the writing on the wall and is not as isolationist and nationalistic as he appears.
I"m seeing that China's economy is not doing very well these last few years. There seems to be some confusion and a lack of long term thinking. Hopefully that will improve.
US Presidents have to step down after 4-8 years, so they can only plan short-term. Whereas China can plan long term, making 10-year plans, 20-year plans, 30-years, since Chinese leaders will remain in power to see those plans through.
The scary thing is not we decoupling from China, but China decouples from us. If we placed tariff on China and they retaliates, they might be able to make up the difference with grain/meat from Russia and other friendly countries, and develop their own tech to replace our sanction... which both they are already doing. But we might not find another buyer for our grains and products, or get back the tech trade with the Chinese after they've replaced with their own.
Nobody wants to point how the US infrastructure causes the cost of labor to be too high to be competitive and how the infrastructure itself costs too much to be maintained in the long run. If every worker needs a large gas guzzler and a detached home and lives a 30-60 minute commute away from work, then it’s very difficult for labor costs to not be uncompetitive. Not to mention private healthcare is inefficient. The US sees committing economic suicide with tariffs as more viable than trying to bring down living expenses for workers.
Opening statement perfectly sums up the mindset of the global majority countries. While US "allies" are shivering at the prospect of another Trump presidency, countries that have built ties with China and other BRICS members can feel relatively positive.
One of Kamala Harris’ failings was her weird refusal to hammer trump on his economic failures. Why was that? Did she fail to understand it’s the economy?
Americans (and Trump) need to realize that those Americans who had lose their jobs need to retrain themselves to do new jobs that require higher skills and knowledge and give them a higher pay in return.
Try to move up the ladder of development and don't gripe.
Work with China not against China.
Cyrus, your honest opinion on Alaska Energy Metals would be appreciated. I bought some close to it's high and ever since then its been scratching bottom.
To blame China for everything to please almost every American is the easiest way to get vote, but is punitive tariff a correct choice to make? Think through yourself what happened to you and your family food and necessities price jump after 2018 when averaged 20% tariff imposed upon China imports. Sit down and discuss with Chinese to work out a joint cooperation plan is the only way to ease inflation and to reclaim spirits of America.
Ms. Malony has totally lost her way. After all that Europe has already done for the US, she wants nothing in return. Italy is in trouble big time.
China-US trade is win-win on the macro scale. Problem is when we break down the winners in each country, we see the real issues. the American winnings are not only lob sided on the high tech and finance sector. To complicate matters, we here in the America/West, just guage our social-economic health by GDP and worse we conflate the idea that the stock market is a reflection of future expectation of the economy from investors to the stock market = our economy. So when the social fallout of the unequal "winnings" distribution, our only "solution" is print money since 2008. The printed money find its easiest way into our economy through the stock market, hence creating boom from asset bubbles and bust when the bubble burst. Each time it burst we print more money, making these cycles faster and faster. Meanwhile every other sector is left deteriorating, and the deterioration is magnify by the inflation of each money printing cycle. Our belief in the mighty $ sign and market is always right, causings our kids to pick speicalization in these "winning" sectors -- Finance, IT and lawyers basically. Doctors and nurses could keep place with inflation so they are there too. Everything else are "losers". Thereby de-industrialization complete. We can have our 11 carriers group cordon off America to stop every Chinese or foreign import, the end result is that we won't re-industrialize because when we see the downturn, we just print more money as if it will create jobs, fix the roads, pay for health care. Nope, it just go into the stock and bond market.
America will learn, as China has, that free enterprise cannot be allowed to become lord and master. Another genius Chinese idea is Special Economic Zones.
The importers/merchants first have to pay for the high tariffs on imported goods which will be passed on to the consumers. If they don’t sell well because of their much higher prices a lot of businesses would close shop thus creating job loses.
Not very well investigated. Here are the top imports from China:
Video Game Consoles
Plastic Goods
Truth be told, the US economy could easily survive without electronic "junk", taking into account that most computer/smartphone sales are artificially driven by planned obsolesces, and no right to repair .
Also if the US builds it's own plants to assemble computers and phones, especially since robotics is at an advanced stage, these products could be made as cheaply in the US as in China. Also the demand for the products will plummet if right to repair is fully enacted, and "junk" electronics become something of the past.
One example is Intel which fabricates chips in the US, unlike all other chip makers who fabricate in Taiwan. Showing it is possible to manufacture in the US.
Thus I disagree, tariffs against China won't necessarily hurt the US if implemented right.
This selective quotation is disingenuous. The Chinese economists also said that they preferred Harris. But regardless, the government itself was prepared for either one.
Also, we know that Harris lost under her own merit hell her staff antagonized her voter base by verbally mocking them. Then in their infinite genius went after the mythical moderate Republican voters which just as last election was only 6% of voting Republicans. Putting her failure on Joe Biden is not fair to her own level of incompetence.
It has been common knowledge for decades that if voters are given the choice between a fake Republican and a real Republican, they choose the real one.
8:06 China goes in like a damn payday advance guy!! They have an astronomical interest and are guaranteed some form of control in those countries!! Poor, desperate countries accept trying to get some sort of help with their dilapidated infrastructures
This is silly. The high tariffs are meant to deter China from exporting their goods into America and divert it elsewhere which can give domestic companies in the US to thrive.
In order to consume, you have to first produce something. The only winners have been the elites that own stakes in Chinese factories. If you have a trade deficit, then trade is reducing your gross domestic product; since net trade is a part of GDP calculation. China has not engaged in free trade with the US. It has engaged in mercantilism. China has been engaged in protectionism, including currency manipulation and requiring Chinese production and co-ownership of factories in China, for decades. The US trade deficit with China, is not a result of the free market. Mutually beneficial free trade, requires both parties to engage in actual free trade. The US might not have had a trade war with China, but China has had a trade war with the US for decades already. It is past time that the US starts to fight back.
Do not kill the black bears in Taiwan, and Do not kill the 500 brown bears in Romania; these animals are innocent life! May God bless these bears and everyone!
Hope President Trump team will listen to Professional Jeffrey Sachs and this YouTube channel of Cyrus Janssen! Thank you for your important educational contributions!
China is able to plan long term with 5-year plans, 10-year plans, 20-year plans, 30-year plans China's leaders can remain in power long-term to see their plans for China bloom and come to fruition in the years 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050. Whereas US Presidents have to step down after 4-8 years, so they can only make short-term plans for USA, instead of long-term plans spanning say 10 years or more.
I admire the intelligence and insights this man brings to us. I also think he has a great underlying faith in human nature that is missing from right wing analysts.
Great show. Living in the west, I have no idea about the state or capability of AI development in china. Would this be a topic of interest for you to cover?
If every 4 years Government changed, Policy likely Changed ... this attracts a Dis-United America... this is where Coubtries like India, China, Brazil and countries in Global South ... grow their Economy
Its been said, 'Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.' I think this is common sense. Excessive handouts will sap the vitality out of a people.
Hey, Cyrus. Could you be honest? are you getting funding from Chinese government or Chinese firms to run this channel? So your whole view is all completely biased to the voice of China? To me it seems so obvious.
The Chinese will not and cannot afford to buy American products, because prices of our merchandises are too high. Why? Compared to China, U.S. wages are very high. Products we export to China are simply unaffordable for them. Therefore we have such a high import deficit.
I think the Chinese auto industry has expanded greatly because of anti-China rhetoric in the west.
This is similar to when the Russian's insulted the Americans about the American ability to get astronauts to space.
In both cases the aggressor did not appreciate the great position the other country was allowing them to have.
The result in the space industry is that the Americans started caring about space again and quickly overtook the Russian astronauts to space and cargo to space sector.
Similarly China having the greatest export manufacturing capability in the world and the efficiency of producing much of the worlds metals, electronics, and textiles, easily surpassed the western countries in producing affordable cars that are actually focused on the needs of the customer instead of ease of manufacturing and charging more for unneded gizmos and making cars larger to increase markup value.
To be the best in an industry you have to do the work and build the better(for your customer) product at an affordable price.
Sometimes that means starting over from the beginning like SpaceX, or Chinese auto manufacturers, to create a better production paradigm and provide more value to your customers.
Sachs is either not clued up or racist or on China's side. Nvidia is manufactures in Taiwan, does he think they're all the same or see it like China sees it(Taiwan should be China's)
It's not about governance and is more always going to be about cultural minuscule intuitive short-stopping community well stunting.
And it's bound to itself only if it ignores people who outplay and up play each other for the greater good.
It's arrogance turned to ignorance instead of intuition. Turn to creativity.
And share with one another.
When this fails, everyone understands exactly who the enemy is in each other.
Only ourselves.
Every time I finished watching an upload by the China Observer (a channel which has been painting a very different narrative from Cyrus), I became depressed about my investment then once I came over to this channel, the depression goes away immediately Thanks Cyrus!
A thing you have to understand about Americans, most of us firmly believe - and enjoy thinking it's true - the entire world cowers in awe and fear of Americans would are utterly terrified. As I said, nearly all Americans love this too.
From my personal opinion, the Chinese government didn't care much about the potential risks of Trump's initiated trade wars. Every of the punitive tariffs imposed by the president on more than $ 360 billion worth of Chinese goods were nearly burdened to American consumers and importers, not the Chinese. Thus, the Chinese government only thinks how to maintain the stability of the US-China trade climate that could yield win-win results for the two sides further.
Deep political polarization has fractured the nation, weakening it both internally and on the global stage. To rebuild strength and unity, both political parties must find common ground and work together to move the country forward.
The first trump term tariffs are still being felt today. Did it slow China's growth? Yes, but it slowed US growth just as much also china has diversified it's economy and made it more robust and are less affected by US tariffs and sanctions. More tariffs and sanctions on China will negatively affect the US more than China
Farmers are struggling with price drops in beans and other crops. Because of Chinese tariffs. So are the biggest gain we get is struggling to even break even. So how is that good for the USA.
Chinese theft of U.S. IP is a reality and is not without harmful effects on U.S. During the 1980s the Taiwanese were guilty of similar (if less predatory) behavior.
Americans would be better served if they recognized that American outsourcing is also problematic, although it is sometimes warranted and beneficial.
Ca 2009 Willy Shi and Gary Pisano cautioned that Asian manufacturers had established substantial technical leadership in several fields (including flat screen displays), and would
not relinquish their lead. Then GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt commented ca 2010, that, "After about 2008, our foreign partners would just prefer to continue without us".
The fantastic developments in solar PV made by the Chinese afforded the rest of the world great benefits. Economist (Morgan Stanley; Yale School of Management) Steven S. Roach
has patiently noted that the trade deficit with China appears to be a function of similar deficits the U.S. experiences with many other countries... and that the idea of Chinese
over production (dumping) of EVs is ridiculous in the context of a global need for the rollout of new energy technology.
Do not kill animals, do not harm animals, it is strictly forbidden to kill dogs and sell dog meat, do not kill dogs, do not eat dog meat, protect animals, love animals, all things have spirits! Do not give up any opportunity to save lives!! Good deeds will be rewarded!! Evil deeds will be punished!! Do good deeds and accumulate virtues, and blessings will come!!
China has patience and time'.
We are all children of the world, Daoism says we are all an element of a cosmos. Moralize and lecture the others is not constructive. I think that many Americans think this way. Just like Jeffrey Sachs. A man of peace.
As China becomes the workshop for the entire world each nation will have to assess their own trade policy going forward. Small nations rich in natural resources (i.e.the Global South ) or capital intensive (i.e. Luxembourg or Switzerland) are not competing with China in the manufacturing sector, while larger nations (U.S. U.K. Germany, France, Japan) which depend on manufacturing certainly are. Free trade for it to continue must be balanced trade or tariffs become inevitable.
My opinions: other advantages. For example: Polluting Industries are forced to pay huge fines & face expensive regulations. If they go to China & send their products here. We get the products we need, at cheaper prices, while China gets the ecological damage: not the United States. We shouldn't accept ecological damaging products from anywhere BUT we do. So it's better for us personally to let overly polluting companies to do the pollution elsewhere. I'm not happy with it, but I'm not as unhappy if we destroy Americas ecology.instead.
Look at all of the big agricultural deals with Canada and other countries made the last couple of weeks to protect themselves from the dumb Dump tariffs, depression here we come .. STRAP IN AND STOCK UP, it’s about to be a hell of a ride! one I didn’t pay for at an amusement park but am forced to partake in until I can get the hell out of here
Value is the utility a mind has goods and services. A mind surrenders what it values less for what it values more . This may be an individual mind or a collective mind.
99% usa citizen house is 45% more rich than 50 years ago. This rise can be explain in fact by wife presence in world work. In resumy, 99% americans are Very more poor with inflation factor.
I think I agree with most of this. However, that thing about blocking car imports and allowing building supply chains and factories in the USA. This isnt anything new or chinas super magic plan or something. America used bullying and political manuvering to force the japanese to do this so we could steal their tech and production advatnages, and we did it right before they had an economic crash, making it that much worse when in fact they had no reason to do this and it benifited america when it didnt even need to be done. A: the japanese were going to be crippled in a short time, but we economically and politcally attacked them instead o just letting nature take its course. B: That sure is free economics and capitalism. it was just more of ourt traditional bullying of asia. Just like how perry kicked in their doors and forced them to leave isolation and give america unfavorable prefered diplomatic and economic aggreements which likely set the stage for those who started japanese emperial expansio due to western expansion and bullying gainst japan and china.
So in other words, trump would be happy to make arrangment s for us to steal their tech and make them give us an unfair and unearned edge in the car industry. Thus saving failing american car manufacturers that honestly fasiled long ago and should have been allowed to pass on so new players could take the field like tesla or whoever else may hav emerged. You just have to to stop protecting corrupt businesses at the expense of the rest of america
People must begun to take interdependencies seriously, as it's difficult for people to remain independent, somehow everyone needs a family, even a monk cannot be independent, what more for any country, the world is round, China only knows they must get to go around easily,therefore from whatever direction route and road are very necessary, if we lived in this world than we must share lived according to our time, no country can kept every things for themselves,
With the tariffs and the mass deportation, farming and agriculture will suffer greatly. We thought eggs were ridiculously high before Trump... time to go vegan and grow my own food.
Everybody is talking about China - China is not the biggest population India is now bigger and growing so what happens if the BRICS group (China India and Russia) gets organised and there is a 3 way trade war the US losses both the Chinese and Indian markets
Question is if the same playbook would work with American culture. A lot of Americans actually do work hard, at least harder than other Western countries like Europe and AU/NZ where work-life balance is important. But compared to Chinese culture, Americans may be less willing to put up with "sacrifices", especially when sacrifices in the past have benefited the bosses and not so much the workers. I do wonder though whether the new generations of Chinese are becoming more like the West in work ethic and expectations, and whether that might slow down Chinese progress. But then again isn't the point of progress to improve people's lives which isn't purely about material wealth, but also health (for which some sort of work-life balance is important)?
The European and US are more concern to help and make the rich become richer among themselves and in contrary to imposed sanctions & war onto the developing, small and poor countries
🇬🇧 When I visited the US in 2004 the £ was worth 2 $USD. At that time petrol, hotels, food, cigarelles and booze were so cheap to me, comparatively speaking. It was almost rediculous. Now when you get to the US I find it staggering what has changed. The US has it's own supplies. The UK has it's own in the North Sea. But. The UK's crude oil is not petroleum grade so, like the rest of Europe, we go Russian and/or the Gulf States. When your Joe Biden turned off petrol supply to go green it was a disaster for you. Tariffs never work. China's customer base now in manfactures is now so vast that it doesn't need the US.
Chinese already moved out of surviving on manufacturing instead they are prepared for the future like green and renewable energy, digitalisation, new technologies, space advancements, helping under developed economies etc
China has been very very clever, they’ve seen that there are huge emerging markets in the African nations, India, South America etc etc and they’ve invested in those communities. Investment wins heart and minds and, as an extra, it improved the lives of the people and, in turn their prosperity. They can then become consumers of the good China make. They will pick Chinese over other and be new allies as they grow. The west is just short slighted. We used to do this but stopped. It’s the downside of short term election cycles and selfishness
Cheaper LABOR COST per Hour, That's the ADVANTAGE of STATE OWN Chinese Manufacturing, Factories, Corporation etc.,etc.,etc... NOT TO MENTIONED, CHINESE PRODUCTS ARE MUCH CHEAPER THAN WESTERN COUNTRIES PRODUCTS...
i lived in the US for 13+ years and realized that the system has become broken by greed and corruption as well. I'm glad i'm not alone in this. Her majesty Zhong Guo had gone through the cycle several times already and still survived so i'm sure She understand what corruption does to a sovereignty state. It's lady liberty first time at this thing so she still doesn't have to history or the culture to learn from Her mistakes
Lolz. If you're a nation that changes its entire government administration, at the top, every 4-8 years, then you're not going to be planning for the future. Sure, some civil servants will serve across multiple administrations, even through the changing of political ideologies at the helm. China, however, has been working towards a unified goal for its country and its ambitions without this frequent interruption. Of course, they're going to be prepared. Still, if everything Trump wants to do goes ahead, there will be economic pain for pretty much every country in the world. Hopefully his voters reflect on that once that pain hits their pockets.
We don't need stuff from other countries we have everything here this country used to run on nothing but tariffs until wars started then the government decided we needed to pay for that
China would be unwise to invest in the U.S. given that U.S. foreign policy can shift rapidly. As demonstrated by past instances where the U.S. confiscated Russian, Afghan, Libyan, and Syrian assets, there is no guarantee that Chinese assets and funds would be secure from potential future confiscation. The same is applicable to EUROPE. China, better stay away from EU and US until US deal internally with its issues.
Honestly our government has no idea how people are suffering these days. I much feel sorry for the disabled and homeless people who don't get the help they deserve, Investing in alternate income streams should be the top priority for everyone right now. especially given the global economic crisis we are currently experiencing. stocks, gold, silver, and virtual currencies are still attractive investments at the moment.
China is doing their Fifteenth five year plan next year, they have an advantage of time as they'll be able to decide what to do in anticipation based on the u.s current events up to the passation day.
China does not have to trade with the West at all. China will still survive and thrive if she trades only with the BRICS member countries, the countries of the Global South, and the market provided by her own population.
The same goes for Africa. Africa does not have to trade with the West, to prosper and develop. She need only focus on trade with the BRICS member countries, the countries of the Global South and her own internal market.
The truth of the matter is that China, Africa and the Global South can and will make the adjustments necessary to enable all of them to survive very well and thrive, without dealing at all with the West and all the nasty baggage of suppression, oppression, enslavement, tyranny, and a total disregard for the human needs of the rest of Humanity, that comes with engaging with the West.
Keeping our distance from the West will also bring us one day soon to the realization that money and the capitalist system have ceased to serve humanity, and we must evolve beyond them and create and establish a whole other system and way of living on this Earth.
BRICS gives us the first very basic, rudimentary steps and structures that will evolve to become that other system.
It is time to cut the pretence and its accompanying mantra that the US and the rest of the West need to trade with China and the rest of the world, and that China and the rest of the world need to trade with the US and the rest of the West. No. Not at all. It is the West that needs the rest of the world. Please, let us stop this pretentious narrative and instead help humanity to face facts and take the necessary Divine right action to establish a new reality that serves Humanity.
@CyrusJanssen I just wanna ask, what’s up with the depopulation crisis in China? Doesn’t this render all this advancement pointless within the coming decade or so? Just curious to know
Trump said that he would put higher tariffs only on items that the US manufactures in the US. Not on all Chinese items. Not that I agree with disbalanced tariffs.
Let me address the misleading statements in this video:
1. "The Chinese are not worried and watch the U.S. election with ease and amusement."
China’s leadership projects confidence but engages in internal debates and contingency planning for potential trade disruptions.
2. "Europe has lost its independence and autonomy to the United States."
While influenced by U.S. security (e.g., NATO), the EU pursues independent policies in renewable energy, tech regulations, and global trade agreements.
3. "China preferred a Trump victory."
Trump’s policies created some opportunities for China (e.g., alienating allies) but also strained its economy through tariffs. Stabilized U.S.-China relations would be more beneficial for Beijing.
4. "Trump's trade war was a total failure, with 92% of tariffs borne by Americans."
Tariffs impacted U.S. consumers but also disrupted China’s exports, encouraging manufacturers to shift to ASEAN countries and reducing China’s dominance.
5. "China's exports to the U.S. are now less than 3% of its GDP."
While the share is smaller, the U.S. remains critical to China’s economy as a key trading partner and technology source.
6. "Western auto brands will be finished in China within five years."
Chinese brands are gaining market share, but foreign automakers like Tesla and BMW succeed by localizing production and focusing on premium segments.
7. "The U.S. must seek cooperation and assistance from China to revive its economy."
The U.S. benefits from trade with China but is reducing dependence through supply chain diversification and domestic investment (e.g., CHIPS Act).
8. "The U.S. economy depends on China absolutely."
U.S.-China trade is mutually beneficial but not absolute. Both countries are reducing interdependence through reshoring and domestic consumption initiatives.
Therefore the video oversimplifies U.S.-China relations. While China is strategically prepared, the U.S. and its allies are countering China’s influence through diversification and innovation. Both remain interdependent but are adapting to new geopolitical realities.
You forgot to mention China Cosco that built the biggest port in South America Port that will be inaugurated in a few days in Peru, it will be able to receive the biggest cargo ships in the world From Chancay to Shangai. It will take goods and minerals from Peru, Brazil, chile, ecuador, bolivia, colombia and neighboring countries.
Today China produces 3 X STEM post graduates than America does. To judge the quality of these Post Graduates you have to just visit any top STEM university in America to find that Chinese students beat their class mates hands down. This has resulted in China registering more international patents than America & Europe do combined. Thus America has lost its innovation and technological edge to China. This can be seen in EV cars. Today Chinese BYD made and sold more EV's than Tesla. Last quarter Chinese company out sold Apple in advanced mobile phones. In Green energy and Drowns China is beating the west.
So maybe JD Vance would be "enough of a strong character" to become president in 2025. Jeez. I don't know, America is so divided the presidential race was so toxic and all that. I am completely clueless of who is actually going to be president in 2025.
Well said. Imposing more tariff will only lower living quality of average American people and cause more inflation. It will not bring manufacturing back to US as these days it is so complicated and expensive to make all components. It requires a well-organized, efficient and comprehensive industrial supply chain. It is simply impossible for US to achieve this after 30 years of importing from China where China has already established a complete industrial base system. It is so sad that Washington never understand this.
Why spend efforts in producing shoes, shirts, toothbrush, combs, etc, the low end products instead of producing the high-end value-added products for export?
They are giant economies, with even bigger populations and still greater ambitions. Starting Tuesday, leaders of the group of nations known as the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – are meeting for a three-day summit, which is expected to draw eyeballs from capitals around the world.
Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attend the August 22-24 conclave in Johannesburg, South Africa, but will participate via a video conference to save the country the embarrassment of hosting a leader with an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant against him related to Moscow’s war in Ukraine. South Africa is a member of the ICC and, under international law, would have been obligated to arrest Putin if he were to visit.
Yet, while the conflict in Ukraine and deepening geopolitical tensions between the United States and China serve as the backdrop for the summit, the BRICS meeting is likely to foreground the grouping’s growing standing as a force challenging a long-dominant, Washington-led world order.
The expansion of BRICS is expected to be high on the agenda. It is a club in demand. From Algeria to Argentina, at least 40 countries have shown interest in joining the grouping.
Central to the grouping’s attraction is its rising economic heft. The five BRICS nations now have a combined gross domestic product (GDP) larger than that of the G7 in purchasing power parity terms. In nominal terms, the BRICS countries are responsible for 26 percent of the global GDP. Despite this, they get only 15 percent of the voting power at the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Coupled with grievances over such imbalances are growing concerns in the Global South that the US could weaponise the dollar through sanctions the way it has against Russia. That has led to BRICS nations individually and collectively trying to reduce their dependence on the US currency while increasing bilateral trade in their own currencies.
Agreeing that something needs to change is one thing, but agreeing on how to work together is another. India and China have been locked in a tense border standoff since May 2020. Meanwhile, India, South Africa and Brazil want warm relations with the West as much as they do with China and Russia.
So, will the BRICS emerge as an alternative economic and geopolitical pillar to the US and its allies? Or could their internal differences limit what the group can accomplish?
The short answer: The clout of BRICS nations is likely to grow but the bloc is much more likely to offer piecemeal economic and diplomatic alternatives to the US-led global order than to dramatically replace it, analysts say. That could still lead to more tensions with the West as the grouping’s leaders seek to chart out an independent path in a world in flux. But to remain effective, the BRICS will need to manage the disparate priorities of its member nations – a challenge that will not be easy for the grouping to address.
Interactive_BRICS Summit_August 2023
(Al Jazeera)
‘Voice’ of the Global South
In opening remarks at the BRICS foreign ministers meeting in South Africa on June 1, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar described the current concentration of economic power as one that “leaves too many nations at the mercy of too few”.
It is a sentiment that resonates across the developing world, where the United Nations Security Council’s veto-holding power remains limited to five nations based on an understanding rooted in 1945, at the end of World War II.
In recent years, cracks in that US-led model have deepened. China, a dominant force in global economics as well as a military powerhouse, is testing the limits of Washington’s influence. Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian visited Riyadh last week and met Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the latest step towards a pathbreaking normalisation of ties between the traditional Middle Eastern rivals, brokered by China.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
drive south to where king cotten reigned. drive to the steel mill towns.what do u see, poor hungry people looking back at thee. farm for the us. raise cotton for the us. make clothes for the us.
Of course tariffs will increase cost of goods made in China. Right now we tax goods made in the USA and not made in China. It makes sense to reverse that equation.
As much as I can't stand MAGA, Vance is right in what he said about the differences in U.S and Chinese foreign policy. Unfortunately, the statement is an outlier that's being ignored. He's just another U.S politician who knows where his bread is buttered, so we haven't heard peep from him about this ever since.
Goe-policies or world political problems don't depend on the USA for solutions as we depend on China for what we consume. Keep outsourcing and sooner or later a "Chinese President" will be elected here.
Maybe some group could develop a systematic solution to wake up and educate Americans.
Your debt should be paid by yourselves.
Anyone any people in this world are equal, not just within this territory.
Not to apply double standards, selfish mindset onto others in the world.
The key is not what Trump says, it’s why so many fellows take it!
If the US wants to reverse its decline it must persue a policy of non-interventionist foreign policy coupled with mutually beneficial trade policies with the world especially with countries that are in BRICS+.
Convicted Felon President-Elect Trumps first needs to understand he needs to get the American people on board with his policies. If he doesn't work with his whole caucus and wins some Democrats, his lame duck Presidency will be pretty lame.
TRUMP'S Amazing economics but not possible in the short run!
Imagine your own pocket paying for the tariff... you want to pay more for your import ?
If you say yes what is the chances that US Walmart will be buying from local US manfacturing of alternative imported goods like shoes shirt biscuits panties soap peanuts butter...
In a couple of years? Can you meantime pays for 20 to 60٪ more ?
Can US manfacturers make cheap alternative to import?
If it is not cheap are you going to buy the cheaper alternative of import....
Trump should get the manfacturers ready before he talk tariff.. so far not many local manfacturers had emerge or might emerge to help you !
Thing is, china is well aware that U$ wants ownership of the tech, not a reciprocal relationship. Also, they don't underestimate american's capacity for development - unlike the americans, who assumed the Chinese would be too stoop-id to innovate on their own. So, Dunne's insights will likely fall flat, cuz China ain't gonna fall for it.
P.S.: that whole ownership/insight was never the deal. It was technology sharing, from the get-go. So he kinda gave the game away with 'ownership'. The plan is to rip off Chinese innovation, and claim IP.
China should help resolve the differences between Europe and Russia. China and Russia alliance is good. However, China, Russia and Europe alliance is even better.
Sachs endorsed Bernie Sanders, a self-proclaimed "socialist" and Democratic candidate, for president, and is a big government green new deal kind of economist. He called for the United States to move more in the direction of a social democracy, with Germany as a role model (how's that working out for Germany). Just something to consider before anyone gets alarmed about anything opined in this video.
This video sounds like one of the so-called experts who said the same thing about this trade war in Trump's first term, and they were all proved wrong over time.
Since China is in such a great position, could they please step up and give more financial help to the UN? The U.S. pays 25% of the UN’s budget, 17% of IMF and the World bank…giving out loans to ‘developing’ nations. The U.S. should not be giving anymore money out…most of those loans are never paid back. China is in a better position to give out money. Now that they are in charge of BRICS, hopefully they will give out more aid. The U.S. taxpayers need a break. Seventy five years is long enough. Let’s let China take the next seventy five! They are the superior nation.
Most rich people stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then most poor people stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich but impressing them. People prefer to spend money on liabilities, Rather than investing in assets and be very profitable
If we want to be serious about Made In USA then we need to bring back the US customary units, US thread sizes etc, and rebuild our domestic supply chains with that.
While the Americans are eating beef stakes, driving gas-guzzling cars and living in appliance-rich houses while the Chinese are eating boiled rice, riding on bicycles and living in tin shacks, what Jeffery Sachs is saying is fine. But as the Chinese people and are starting to prosper more and more, eating beef stakes, driving cars and living in apartments with nice appliances, what Jeffery Sachs says is not so fine, as the Americans are not making the massive profits they are used to.
Hence the trade wars.
5:30 your not making a great case here. We tariff tube socks and plastic nicknacks and they respond by tariffing food? I don’t think so. I agree tariff isn’t the way to go, but America makes its own food, energy and weapons. Which makes it self sufficient. Trade is good, but it comes at the cost of our psychopath leaders dominating other countries. I think it’s better for us, and the world if US minds its own business.
I don’t know how to do this , But we need Jeffrey Sachs to start setting himself up now for the 2029 presidential candidate . This is the guy that could make America great again . But he would have to run / switch to democratic or Republican Party and I know he’s a very strong supporter of the independent party. I believe he just needs a good financial backer like Elon Musk . But jeff needs to Commit to this now, so he’s not only a contender but the strongest candidate in next four years .
Excellent commentary for the 1st 11 minutes. The remainder blatant selling of your sponsors product, sucking up to the greed of your views is hardly unbiased journalism. Love the analysis, hate the hard sell.
I agree with you about China long term, but there are big problems to overcome short to medium term. There is an analyst who's not as extreme as Bass or Zeihan, Jeff Snider, who I think understands China's present problems very well.
My assessment is that the gains by American are the rich one. They does not benefits the poor. Even their middle class is shrinking and moving towards the poor. This is because of capitalism. They should move towards socialism. America can learn from China that has Controlled Capitalism, just enough to promote the so called American Greed. American should also change their mindset that the people (employees) are co-owners of the capitalist employers. Without employees there are no employer in the physical goods and services sector that is real growth as against American norm of Financial Markets that are superficial growth. Total Dollars may increase but it's real value may decrease. You can see in holders of the USD capital market. In fact the real value has not improved significantly. That why the world is ditching the USD.
My guy... before you showed your face in this video, I could have bet my whole house on the fact that you wr using a boom mic on a head set. That's how bad your mic sounds! >.>
Stop considering the East, namely Asia the same as the US Americans. The mentality is totally different. The US politicians and academics will never understand the East. They can focus on rebuilding the US strong again. No more meddling to waste time.
That's what I've been saying all along, Trump is a pragmatist while Biden & Co. are a bunch of ideologs that are delusional and still think they are still some sort of moral police despite facilitating the horrors taking place in Gaza. Now, don't get me wrong, Trump is a pragmatist that is driven first by what will benefit him or make him look good. However, that means there is some room to maneuver with him (a very small room but still a room). Lets hope that what is in his best interest overlaps with doing the right thing more often than not.
Hello there, now, China may have predicted Mr. Trump returning to the White House. But, Mr. Trump has been known to be a wild card. Can't predict something that can happen out of the blue. Thank you for your time on this matter.
If China can produce and be self sufficient, and export as well, why can't America and many countries do the same: produce and self sufficient,, and export too.
I am Japanese. US did same economic war toward Japan over 30 years ago. Before that our GDP was world No.2 but US treatment stop our economy totally. We had just survived as underdog in deflation of economy. The US political parties changed so many times but their economic sanction to Japan was constant and never changed.
Let's see if China can survive and how many years....LOL
Tariffs slow down and eat into out sourced profits, eventually bringing manufacturing back to the land of the consumers, there fore if it is not followed through with it fails.
I’d be interesting if each countries success and progress was measured by the level of life satisfaction of the ordinary citizen. Imagine if every last citizen completed a life satisfaction survey and each country had an honest score that was used instead of the GDP. It be interesting to see how countries ranked.
Hi Cyrus, great video, I have been traveling to China since mid 80{s and I have seen their transformation. I share 100% your perspective about China and I wish more people give a chance to see what China is nowadays and find ways to cooperate rather than to disparage without really knowing.
If the US side pays the majority share of tariffs against Chinese goods, does that also make the same argument true for the retaliatory tariffs China levied against American goods, that the Chinese side has to pay for it?
When you explain US consumers are paying vast majority of tariffs, why would you worry about retaliation on US farm export to China when the Chinese should be absorbing for their own tariffs? I understand your viewpoint but the net outcomes of the upcoming new tariffs are exactly what new US government is looking, isn’t it?
there was another time in history when an American reporter asked the Prime Minister a question, but this time it was about "asking for directions". He asked Premier Zhou, "Why do the Chinese people I see walk with their heads down, while we Americans walk with our heads held high?" The Prime Minister thought about this question, which also had an ulterior motive, and then answered him, "Because we Chinese are walking uphill, we need to maintain our center of gravity, so we have to lean forward and naturally lower our heads. And your country is walking downhill, so you have to stand straight and hold your heads high."
Look, I don’t like Trump but if good things are done I’ll admit they were good! The tariffs are something to worry about. JDs comment is encouraging but for now are simply words.
Stay humble China. I hope this success although deserving would not make future generation to have big ego and end up losing the passion that got you where you are now. Don't make history repeats itself.
I disagree with you. Why ??to be honest, because until now US' GDP is still the largest and much bigger than China and Russia combined. And most of the greatest innovator ,enterpreneurs and inventor comes from the USA
It’s just been a few days and every YouTuber has the same topic I don’t give a f about trump. But there is something else going on, How come so many want to base content around this topic?
You people are crazy this bull is what got us here. Woke professors who can't even give common sense to business. I went to small business school and was told to mark up products by 300% as long as your competitors do the same. See corporate greed just like this.
America First !!!!! Develop America, not other countries, there are some sacrifices but fix our country ... Make America Strong !!!! Whoever is not a Nationalist go live somewhere else
The US put 16000 sanctions on Russia, all they did was turn to their partner china and it's economy grew almost at the same rate than the US.
China has made US sanctions less hurtful.
Not many countries are self-sufficient in food, energy, and basic necessities. Why spend efforts to produce basic necessities? Produce high-end value-added products is the right strategy in economic development, and a higher standard of living for the people.
Most of what I see on this channel is why China and Russia are so great, and it makes me laugh. But it's good to hear an opposing perspective and to get a heads on up the adversity the US faces. At the end of the day, Trump could somehow make the economy worse, and it still would be better than giving the country to dictators like the Dems, Putin, or Ping.
There is no "national strength" in China!!! China better sort out the powerty that bilions of their own people citizens are, there are too many issues in their own country starting with extreme powerty, tyranny, censorship, police state, hygiene, health, infrastructure.... not just in their big cities but in the majority of their rural areas .... and the list of issues is going on. A country who is dealing with these very serious issues should focus on sorting out those issues before focusing or aspiring to have a global relevance!!! No one will take such a country seriously as it's kinda hypocritical to try to influence global affairs when they can't fix their own country!!!
Any time someone used the "cost of the tarrifs are passed on to the consumers" argument, i know they either don't know what they're talking about, or they're trying to trick people who want to feel smart without thinking too hard.
Yes, the cost is passed on tho the consumers, as it is intended to be.
The point isn't to make things cheaper, the point is to make American products competitive with imports, which increases demand for American products, which increases demand for American jobs, which increases American pay rates and job benefits.
Tariffs are essentially sanctions on yourself, slowly retarding your economy vs everyone else’s. However the US is in a unique position of becoming self sufficient, which strengthens its hand over China. It gives the US the upper hand to put sanctions once China attacks Taiwan.
Which leads me to believe this video is a Chinese psy-op.
China Mein nibandh I want money I want money app to 6 March Mein kam kar raha hun 6 mahine se main kam kar raha hun mujhe koi koi mujhe paise Nahin mile 6 mahine se main kam kar raha hun kam Karta raho mujhe koi allows Na mile mujhe koi paise Na mile 2 million dollar de rahe the theek hai Varna main bilkul hi Kam Nahin karunga maine koi World ka theka Nahin liya Ki main world ke liye kam Karta raha hun mere chhote chhote bacche main world ke companiyon Ke liye main kam karo mujhe koi support Nahin de rahe support chahie mujhe paise chahie 2 milian dollar
We all need fare trade not dumping on the world. America needs to make the vital things and protect that for the safety. China is a dumper of everything they make. Trump needs to be tough to stop the dumping but not trade. Looking at all the so called university professors that have never run a business or made a product in their life. Show me any one of these economist that have any skin in the game! SO maybe they need to take their money and start a business and see how long their money lasts and show us some kind of skill other than verbal diarrhoea. This is just my humble opinion .
It's on purpose. If we don't, we go bankrupt. If we do, the economy goes through a rebuilding process. During which, yeah, it's going to suck. This also opens the vacuum for another power grab.
I am not American but I support Trump Ideology and Idea
aside from his eco war with china I thought that was stupid step
I am talking since Huawei ban not from today (I miss this company)
If what I've seen from Serpentza and Lao Why 86 is true, US company or individual investment in China could be a disaster. When Trump made China angry at the west, it became no longer safe for foreigners to live there. They gave the example also of an Australian friend who had built a Gym there. He decided to go back to Australia because of the hostility. A man he'd never met claimed the Australian man's gym belonged to him. China gave the Chinese man this man's years of hard work, his business. Both Lao Why and Serpentza claim Chinese courts will never side with a foreigners.
This is false! Consumers bear part of the cost in the short term only! In the long term manufacturers and supply chains shift to more favorable conditions. As such China’s market share of US imports would decline, and us based manufacturing would increase and prices stabilize to competitive levels. If Chinese production is too expensive then products will start to come from other nations outside of China. China can only afford this if they have enough markets to replace US consumption. They do not at this time….
Let me get this straight, US consumers will pay the price of tariffs on Chinese imports but American farmers will pay for their exports to China because of tariffs?
How about we realize the free market is just as fanciful as a communist utopia. Tariffs are needed to protect domestic industry and markets from dirty economic practices like currency manipulation, industrial subsidies, etc that give unfair advantages. Denying this has lead to the destruction of US manufacturing and industry.
This guy talks about American tariffs but never once mentions the tariffs China and Europe has on us. We built up an apparatus during the cold war to help us defeat the Soviet Union. Where our allies can tax us, but we don't do as much in return. That apparatus should have ended long ago. Trump is only going to use tariffs as a negotiation to end that. Guy keeps arguing that China thinks in the long term. Is that why they instituted a one child policy that they then had to overturn because they found out it reduced their population too greatly? Is that why they are facing a financial crisis caused by their housing market and overproduction?! China is about to burst just like Japan did once they thought they could compete with us.
Honestly, I don’t care what happens to China and their economy. I don’t care if they wanna put 60% tax on soy products. The two economies should not be in any kind of symbiotic relationship. One should not depend on the other American goods should be made in America Chinese goods should be made in China and that’s it.
Don't "watch this story for me". Never ever try again to be such a lousy seller of junk. Ne prend pas tes auditeurs pour des débiles, Cyrus, tu vas te cramer les ailes.
You sound like you are sound like an importer of Chinese goods . If America's got anything they got the workforce the manufacturer the goods . Tariffs we're not to increase manufacturing in China it was to increase manufacturer in the United States
China stock market are shit
Buying them crashed all the time
You can earn lot of money
Compared to USA stock markets
China stock cannot recover at all
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