Friday, February 21, 2025

COMMENTS: China fiinally hits the West where it hurts as their economies boom.


China today is strong becouse of productivity on economy and on innovations, and after comes the GDP which is comparing but do not express everything. China on my opinion is strong that they do not have hegemony goals, they have colaboration goals with the rest of the world (probably I have understood these well). Chinese peoples, as I understand them have strength becouse they have strong family concept, they have their ideology, they are hard working peoples. Hope China will not be a military power to dominate the world, this really will have consequences for the world and for China. Good to hear that China has understood the history of Dynasties go to self-destruction. China Economy BOOMS is real, but the boom can bust without secured dense energy resources. China is making everything possible for energy independence, including here developing renewable energies and clean energies, but most of the energy China use is from coal which is related and with polution. Big efforts from China are on fussion energy, but even some successes are declared, this energy is far than a reality. The problem on China economy boom is on coal source of energy which other than global warming damage and health of Chinese people who directly breath the polution. Other big problem for China and the world is production of crude oil decline. China economic boom rely heavely on crude oil import, may be 1/4 of all crude on the market. Every R&D is important, including AI, AGI, chips, etc., but more important is security on crude oil, refineries, transportation etc. What China must do better is producing more crude oil from underground. The Cold War today is on security of crude oil. This is where China must work more on these days. Not an easy duty, but possible with colaboration.
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Pure wisdom from the learned and respectable Mr George Yeo... 😊
Another respectable Scholar on world affairs; fairly neutral & motivating
Wow, I never knew this Singaporean guy knew so much about Chinese history. Salute!
The first time i heard George speak, i knew i would follow him forever.❤
A forty-five minute extemporaneous presentation of profound breadth and depth. This was brilliant. Deep respect for Mr. Yeo and for the Chinese people.
The world should listen to this lecture! Let the truth be told!!
How many times the beatiful chinese and other groups have to tell yall that COOPERATION is best for the world.
China is a great country and God bless China and the president of China and all Chinese
What a speech !! He has vast knowledge on the West n China, n good insights to travel in between to make observations, arguments n conclusion. He seeks not to convince, or preach, but let the facts speak for themselves.
I live in France and when french people say to me China steal western technology and I smile and reply: That's normal because in the past European s stole a lot of Chinese technologies: paper, ceramic, gun powder, etc. Fair enough😊😊😊😊
💖💖❤❤The Fantastic Great George Yeo🧡🧡❤❤One of The Greatest Thinkers of Our Time.
very very informative!
The best lecture. George Yeo never faltered and his access to knowledge, very, very deep. Not a shade of bias. Fluid and captivating.
George very robust presentation & no less captivative. Very very informative, knowledgeable & entertaining.
Everyone in the West should watch this
Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life -think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.
Good talk. Very good talk! 👍
Wow! What a great lecture or speech! Everything he said is so accurate and meaningful. Including the demonizing of China by Western media.
Very informative.
An amazing and very cleverly put speech..❤
Great speach , I learned so much Well, looks like war
A really great or strong economy will prevail itself no need anyone to sing it to the top.
Tian Xia Wei Gong = Heaven Under Is Harmony = Harmony Under Heaven
Singapore's brightest mind since LKY
The end of western dominance.
Very wise individual. Why would Singaporeans not have him as PM is unfathomable.
Respect from Shanghai China
Love to hear you speak Sir ..We gotta do what we gotta do here in 🇺🇸....
Respect China from India.
george is not funny because he's no joke, he's a force to be reckoned with!!!!!!!! always knowledgeable and highly intellectual
Kishore Mahbubhani is the other speaker and author from Singapore who explains China and ASEAN to the West. Before 1990 Singapore was British and not even present in Beijing. In fact, the Shangrila Dialogue was not trusted by PRC because of the Western influence as intelligence source like B.C.C. British Crown Colony of Hong Kong. The American military, especially the Seventh Fleet which moved its forward operating base from San Diego Coronado Island to Hawaii Pearl Harbor still call them the Sings. So Singapore was not even invited to the BRICS Summit in Beijing. George Yeo and Kishore Mahbubhani are both independent public intellectuals now and not part of the Anglo-American Five Eyes.
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What a masterpiece!! I'll be taking a mandarin class very soon.
simply brilliant n enlightening 👍👍👍
I wish he will become our prime minister in Singapore. My gifted son currently in NUS that he loves person like George Yeo. Fyi
Yes, who drew the political cartoon of the eight Scramble for China with the knives carving up China?
China has no ambition to beat the US who is of colonial mentality except to be strong and prevented from being destroyed and imposed hegemonic subjugation.
How sensible ! I will often quote you: If you want to help, you can help. Thank you.
💯🥺🥺🥺 very very informative
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It’s true - Americas health care system would have utterly collapsed without Chinese PPE imports. We couldn’t get those critical supplies from regular dealers due to severe shortages at US wholesalers and we had to buy supplies to stay open from truck sales of Chinese imports
Just China Family ways of life , they all can survive!
Clickbait title, however I learned a lot of knowledge on Great presentation!
we chinese people have a culture of embracing working hard and endure hardship, because we know these things pass and better times will be on the horizon. there really is not any other culture like it, people of other cultures or ethnicity being like this? there definitely are but they are an exception and they usually do exceptionally well too.
Mr. Yeo has an incredible depth of understanding of global history and geopolitics, especially from the point of view of China. Many critical points were made by him. However, two key points that goes against his assertions about China and its intentions: 1. The behavior of China vis a vis its neighbors (forcibly taking over disputed territories) could be taken as a signal as to how it would behave globally when it becomes the preeminent world power. 2. His example at the end about potential cessation of Northern Ireland or Scotland from the UK is incorrect. If in fact if the people of these two constituents of the UK vote in a referendum to become independent countries, the reaction of the UK government would certainly not be to invade.
PAP can only survive with Mr Greoge Yeo brilliant mind....better than LKY.i believe
Singapore lost a briliant Minister in Mr. George Yeo.
Wonderful analysis of China in its history and perception of the outside world. The world changes but the morality remains deep because of its lessons in history.
I love China and US to prosper and trade
American govt is not interested in the PEOPLE, FAMILY UNIT, BASIC PRINCIPALS/ PRINCIPLES. Wars.
West is a recent organization. There is no comparison to China culturally or economically
Wow what a wonderfull insightful speech. Tx.
West talks tooooo much. No action. Gets nowhere.
All we have in the USA is one idiots after another for president
China 🇨🇳 is years ahead of 🇺🇸 U$A in every way!! China 🇨🇳 'IS' the new SUPERPOWER!
China nearly became lost Till Xi Jing pin has put it back on the path to greatness a strong leader not in for personal glory but aspiring for the greatness of their country Hail Xi The wise man Praise to Mao He laid the foundation
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Till today I can't understand how George yeo lost his seat. What were the voters thinking?
I look forward to a better, cleaner and more opportunities going forward, China is doing this for the people, USA 🇺🇸 is too just work together..USA just needs to drop the ideology of supremacy
Haha, being saying that for years. Yet still in dreamland
China has 5000 years record to survive till now. This is the power of China's resilience in the name of survival.
Industrial economy is no secret, once with technological breakthrough, it will go down the road of over-production....
💙 Thanks 💙 💙🎖🇨🇳🎖💙 💙☸☯☸💙 Wish 🧞‍♂️ i was Chinese
If he wants to form a new party in Singapore....many people will vote for him.People in Singapore youngsters regardless of races knew about his brilliant
Wow!!! Who is this guy ?
If it depends on Europe if there will be a war or not, you can bet there will be a war
What if he is still a member of PAP Government. Will he have the courage to express his thoughts.
Business always there mord or less it depends individual
In 1898 When China was ravaged. At the same time Zionism was founded and today Palestine is being ravaged.
What ever please REALLY!! So What,, The LORD JESUS Christ OWN All of us..WE ALL HAVE TO ANSWER TO Jesus,,,,, god bless
Glad the World is Democratic so farmers can get a chance to a better life.
At the core the difference is individualism (west) vs collective (china). I used to think individualism was superior as it drives diversity and innovation. Now I am not so sure. Individualism also promotes endless greed at the expense of others, just look at the inequality in the west now. I think combining both would make a better society.
China number one
except neoliberalism is dying
The so-called “golden era” simply does not exist. The United States remains the world’s most powerful economy, leading in military strength, technology, artificial intelligence, medical advancements, aerospace science, and various other fields. The purpose of U.S. tariffs is not only to reduce dependence on China but also to strategically shift manufacturing back to the European Union, Canada, Mexico, and certain parts of Asia. These countries have long enjoyed a trade surplus with the U.S., reaping significant economic benefits from the American market. Now, by restructuring global supply chains, the U.S. is addressing this long-standing imbalance, requiring these nations to take on more manufacturing responsibilities. This can also be seen as a form of “reciprocity,” acknowledging the economic advantages they have gained over the years. Not only does this align with U.S. national interests, but it also promotes greater diversification in global supply chains, reducing excessive reliance on a single market and ensuring America’s economic security and competitive edge.
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Sadly he is not being listened too by the people that need to listen and pay attention. politicians as always care more about their own corner and hanging on to power rather than doing what is right for their own people and humanity 99% of the time.
I still remember during the COVID its when I start to learn and ordered my online goods. And ALL of these goods I ordered are from CHINA. The world stopped then , but not China.That just show what China is capable
Singaporean lost a great man. Fyi
This is a good speech reflecting on world history and the Chinese culture and philosophy but the subtitles did immense harm through wrong translation especially of names and dates which are significant facts of the periods concerned. Trust you guys can sort it out correctly.
Can you in your wildest dreams imagine a convicted felon and sexual predator speaking in the same manner
Given China, China and allies, USA, USA and Allies. Countries have land, natural resources, buildings, companies, roads, bridges, highways, militaries, weapons, and all that can be quantified by prices. How much is the total worth of China? How much is the total worth of China and her allies combine? How much is the total worth of USA? How much is the total worth of the USA and her allies? Do not include Intrinsic value of potential original inventions, discoveries, breakthroughs, and byproduct developments.
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At this stage , he crossed the line . He is too pro Chinese . The AI war has not been decided , so it’s wrong to assume . I am a Chinese btw .
China come to Tibet take all resources to China 😅.
Wait tho, Chinese economy is in huge trouble right now.
Interesting…. Mind you a few little countries like Aust & NZ also coped with Covid per capita in the best
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How to remove motor of Dyson v11
Is this a SNL monologue?
Can George Yeo speaks, reads and writes Chinese Language ?
The Mateo Ricci archives which were at University of San Francisco have been moved - when, where?
Majority of Americans can be seen laid back that seemed to be content and many sluggishly working on interesting product with no government funding and no foresights of world human progression only makes them happy when they have achieve incremental success. Recent American entrepreneurs the Apple and Microsoft developers were school dropped out and known drug users. Millions of Immigrants from the entire world come to work hoping to have a better life are given equal opportunity in accordance with god given gift. Time will surely come that Americans will copy or clone Chinese original meaningful inventions, discoveries, breakthroughs, and byproduct developments. Americans will be mentored and assisted in mining asteroids and planets by their Chinese instructors in the future. 1.5 billion Chinese are highly educated eager workers, and highly motivated with government funding. They sure favorable to pass the Americans.
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Is good that the dragon can now tamed the eagle. Both flying creatures. Having a balance means do not have to suffer heavily under one. No superpower or politics are healthy under non observant circumstances, is like watch what you do because your days of full control is over due to your own predicaments. The world only wish to have a three corners fight at all times to get more blessings over a longer period. However, all been said, take strong advice to look at internal health which may cause them to have upset disruption occasionally. Don't be too naughty because eventually bullies will be taught a lesson.
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Pretending to work hits hard especially for economies whose population is not tech savvy.
China is successful because it doesn't have democracy. It also doesn't rely on foreign labor or technical experts to work in its economy.
Hats off to The Democratic Free World for helping them come out of the farms and poverty and Japanese Companies
American help and assisted China’s Rise Started in the year 1970s then by US President Nixon. American with western nations moved manufacturing to China up to certain point in time there will be a de-couple time frame shifting Chinese economy conversion gradually to local economy vice export economy in the plan. There was never a permanent framework agreement that China will be the almost sole manufacturer of majority American goods forever. China was given permit to copy American products similar of what was provided to Japan earlier. China have huge populations to be able to sustain their in-house economy. Americans only intended to give them a way to kick start Chinese economy. And, maybe assist America during the USSR era. Yes, they both made money in the process. Weaning of China from USA and western nations can be a bit challenging process but can be overcome. Chinese have not mastered many high quality metal, forging manufacturing process, and others. They are still heavily dependent on western design but that will be overcome with time. Indigenous creativity will surface given with the right conditions, environment, reforms, culture, and tradition self analysis.
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Just had to ruin it didn't ya; "A statue cured my wife's cancer." Makes me doubt everything you said previously.
None but the smart and brave speak the truth, many respect.
Paper arrived and they thought they could just start writing things down and that makes it true…Like the Constitution here in the US.
can America gets any worst under trump ???! | BIZARRE 330AM NYC SUBWAY Walk 4K (West 4th Street Station) JANUARY 2025 🇺🇸 | | The end of DECEMBER 2024...KENSINGTON PHILADELPHIA | | Los Angeles wildfires expose an insurance crisis | | America - Streets of Kensington Ave Philadelphia 2025 | youtube
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LLC replaced Inc.
terrible subtitles
subtitles are terrible
George Yeo is well known for spinning compelling fairy tales on the cocktail circuit divorced from reality. Take what he says with a pinch of salt. A HUGE pinch of salt. LOL
What a beautiful speech
And remember about Leadership .. Gargoyles bragging of precion-placed wild sloppiness does no one honor or grace, well the gargoyles made a comfy spool that's something, oh not something productive, well thanks for coming Earthlings but the coming stops here, bye
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So, this is where Trump gets his idea for Canada as the 51st state of the US: 37:25
This is total BS Bla bla bla ?
In bullshitting ... I see ^^
Bla bla bla
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China works hard. America watches tv.
China's economy is booming? What are you all smoking? 😂
Will the ±Chinese Government finally tell the world, what happened to the leaders of the Tienanmen Square protest? After they crushed protesters under their tanks, the leaders were rounded up and never seen again! Will the government tell us what they did with them?
China where's are the jobs for college graduates 🎓 👀 🤔 😳 😅 🙃 🎓 👀 🤔 😳 😅 🙃 🎓 👀 talk is cheapest 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Buddhism came from China? You are not refine enough and the audience still listen to you. Hahaha...
Why is Cox’s Bazaar named Cox’s Bazaar? Why is Scarborough Schoal named Scarborough Schoal? Etc?
What? Buddhism came from China? Need clarification on this falsehood.
Yes China 🇨🇳 💪
However, the Chinese economy is tanked right now
In 2003 china starts to write the history of qing dynasty. But what about the dynasty that came after the qing dynasty and before the mao dynasty? Let’s see who must be disqualified, And who has contribute enough to the preservation of china to deserve to be all a dynasty. The self-claiming 民国时代 of sun and chiang was just a Christian proxy of America and the mass murderer of Chinese people should never even be considered as a legitimate dynasty. The manchuguo was most legitimate but it contributed nothing to preservation of china. The zhang zouling and japan cooperation could have contributed but Stalin and zhang’s son, zhang xueliang, murdered zhang zouling, and contributed negatively in causing inner conflict between china and japan. The wang jing wei government was legitimate and contributiong, but it was basically a puppet of japan, like wu sanqui to the qing dynasty. So, the most likely candidate is JAPAN! Let’s count the ways japan contributed to the preservation and building of china, putting greatest emphasis on how japan sacrificed itself in its decolonization efforts against the west, particularly America. 1. Japan dented Russian territorial ambitions toward china by beating it in a war. 2. Japan blockaded america’s shipments of arms to china’s traitor, chiang kai-shek. 3. Japan inadvertently provided sanctuary to china’s only domestic resistance force under mao ze-dong. 4. Japan build china’s infrastructure, such as railroads, hospitals and schools everywhere it went in china. 5. Japan endure the smearing by America and Chiang kai-shek all the way from before wwii to today, while preserving the true history of asia. 6. Japan provided china with better cannon technology and flying skills than America, that contributed significantly to china’s repelling of America both in north korea and Vietnam. 7. Last but by far the most important is that once the above truths in history is accepted by china and japan, it’s goodbye time for America in asia.
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WTF. Y U even bragging about doing better than other countries during a pandemic that you created ??? I have a huge respect for Chinese leadership and its people for their magnificent achievements but that being said it is also a fact that china lacks freedom. Yes, China is more rich and advanced that western countries yet millions of Chinese every year immigrated to western countries. Many even put their lives in risk to enter countries like US and Canada. Forget west, just look at India. India has a reputation for being a slum infested, high unemployment, and wealth gap, yet their are many northeastern Indians who are genetically more closer to Chinese but they choose India over China. China is that one grand mansion that is full with richness but gives the feeling of a prison.
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It’s the Democratic World and countries Like Japan that help them get to where they are
... What the babbling.....
Chinese people should ask about the Tienanmen Square protest in 1989. Why did your government erase it from your history?
Delusional as always 😂
what a lot of crap stop talking shittext-green-game-over
CCP propaganda
1818. My money of the fifth division. Look in the wall, Carl max Look at my fucking face do you think I’m bluffing? I want my fucking money. With interest. Of my investments. To inform you that I own Mexico too. 1821. In my investments that I made with China in 1818 do you have my understanding? ❤
Everything’s already paid for. You can’t stop was gonna happen if you don’t go through the paperwork and do what you were supposed to. Any Chinese company look for me to pay me my money? No. You had a party without me 2018. Where is my fucking money? With interest do you know what I’m talking about?
Two 2027. The Mexican accessories of defaulted on ownership. And I’m the owner and defaulter. I did that because they were trying to steal my land. Who’s gonna pay for the consequences? The government had to pay the debt by 2027. It’s been a reset. 1994 paperwork Clinton. And the 1977 paperwork of the carters. I didn’t get paid for the Panama Canal. I made it.
This guy is a gaslighter.
DON'T BET AGAINST AMERICA ! | LA: A City Fallen • Ep 50 | Los Angeles, California [4K] | america - Kensington Ave Philadelphia | January 27, 2025 | | Kisah Kelam PHILADELPHIA ❗❗ KOTA ZOMBIE DENGAN KETERGANTUNGAN OBAT TERLARANG | | Homeless In New York City - Homeless Crisis In New York - Travel Documentary | - youtube
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Mr. Yeo has an incredible depth of understanding of global history and geopolitics, especially from the point of view of China. Many critical points were made by him. However, two key points that goes against his assertions about China and its intentions: 1. The behavior of China vis a vis its neighbors (forcibly taking over disputed territories) could be taken as a signal as to how it would behave globally when it becomes the preeminent world power. 2. His example at the end about potential cessation of Northern Ireland or Scotland from the UK is incorrect. If in fact if the people of these two constituents of the UK vote in a referendum to become independent countries, the reaction of the UK government would certainly not be to invade.
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Everything’s already paid for. You can’t stop was gonna happen if you don’t go through the paperwork and do what you were supposed to. Any Chinese company look for me to pay me my money? No. You had a party without me 2018. Where is my fucking money? With interest do you know what I’m talking about?

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