I would like to add one more point /fact here:-- Soon after the World War II (the year 1947) it was the US Navy helping the Nationalist government of China( then the government of China and now in Taiwan) to reclaim the islands in the South China Sea from the Japanese occupation during the WW2. Some names of the US Navy vessels participation in the operation were taken to rename some big islands reclaimed at that time. This fact suggests that the US government at that time agreed or at least did not challenge China's sovereignty over the South China See. The Chinese is consistent while the US has changed in respect of South China Sea sovereignty
Finally someone is courageous enough to tell the SCS claims of China as it is. No geo-politics, no talk about UNCLOS or distortions of history.
What will Phillipines, Vietnam, Malaysia have to say about this!???
Wow. This is an impressive, convincing, and powerful argument for a historical issue of territorial sovereignty that has been central to the modern era for centuries.
Thank you Elon, for giving such a clear, logical and solid historical evidence of the China South Sea's ownership. These parts of the sea, China has sailed since the Qin dynasty and at that time the natives on the islands of the Philippines were still busy to figure whom, from the next tribe, would be on the next dinner table. Vietnam was still a part of China.
It needs to be pointed out that China is the ONLY country in the world that has a 5,000 year old CONTIGUOUS history as a Civilization State.
In other words, its time line has NEVER BEEN BROKEN. It’s worked these waters for millennia before the surrounding countries ever existed.
Most of you should have heard of the Chinese Ancient Silk Road, but during this time China also created the Maritime Silk Road which navigated through these waters. It dates back from the 2nd Century BCE!
Here’s an overview.
Maritime Silk Routes- The Story of the Oldest Trade Routes
The Maritime Silk Road was a network of sea routes that were used from the 2nd century BCE until the mid-19th century. The routes were used for trade, cultural exchange, and other interactions between the East and West.
When was the Maritime Silk Road active?
2nd century BCE: The Maritime Silk Road began to take shape
10th–15th centuries CE: China began building their own ships and using the routes
Mid-19th century: Steam-powered boats replaced sailing ships, ending the era of the Maritime Silk Road
How did the Maritime Silk Road work?
Traders used ocean currents and monsoons to their advantage
They used traditional navigation techniques
They sailed long-distance in sewn-plank and lashed-lug trade ships
They traded a wide variety of goods, including silk, spices, and jade
Who used the Maritime Silk Road? Austronesian sailors in Southeast Asia, Persian and Arab traders in the Arabian Sea, Tamil merchants in South Asia, and Chinese traders.
UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION - https://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/6093/#:~:text=Compared%20with%20other%20huge%2Dscale,scale%20can%20be%20hardly%20equalled.
The Chinese Section of the Silk Roads
“…Chronologically, the period of Sea Route of Silk Roads covers from the Qin and Han Dynasties of China (BC 221-AD 220) to middle 19th century, when the steamship began to replace the sailboat and greatly changed the ancient navigational activities.
The Chinese Section of Sea Route of the Silk Roads can be viewed as a cultural bridge linking different regions and nations with rich historical information. Among the heritage sites along the route, the port cities like Quanzhou. Guangzhou, Ningbo and Nanjing stand as the most important junctions. The well preserved monuments and sites in these cities embody the cultural communication among different civilizations, and witnessed the great historical events like Zhenghe's Navigation, Marco Polo's Travel, and Monk Jianzhen's Sailing to ancient Japan, etc…..”
On historical ground, the Japanese conquered South China Sea was returned to China by US led WWII Allies leaders in 1945. The process was recorded into the annals of the UN.
The Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia together occupied 40 over Spratly islands following the forecast on the existence of petroleum deposits in1968 - at a time when China was in turmoil due to the Cultural Revolution.
To achieve amicable withdrawal solutions, China had invited the occupiers for bilateral talks. While permitting fishing, re-supply and troop rotation missions to bases and outposts constructed.
China had also taken up the prerogative granted by the 1982 UNCLOS Convention to preclude its legitimate borders from being reviewed.
After China dismissed the UNCLOS non compliant pronouncements of the private tribunal initiated by the Philippines, the latter embarked on a campaign of making intrusions to provoke and portray China as a bully.
To use part of the negative depiction created to mud-sling and suppress China's rise, the US and allies are sending warships to encourage the Philippines to make more encroachments.
Recognizing and respecting China's historical sovereignty in this region is the only way to bring permanent peace to the region, and focus in growing economical cooperation instead of endless quarrelling. China in return must shoulder responsibility in ecological protection, maintain peace and order in the region, ensuring freedom of navigation for all normal commercial shipping.
Absolutely true, unbelievable. China came from a long solid history of moderations, hard work, scarified, corrections, built from the ancient wisdoms of the past. University education happened in Han dynasty, at the time of Roman empire. Much earlier Qin dynasty already built motorways today still can be seen at some areas. The Qin emperor had built 6 imperial colleges...
You can be a good lawyer for PRC, eloquent and logical. Chinese are also logical and eloquent, but always too too polite. What you just presented was exactly the same presentation made by George Yeo, the former foreign minister of Singapore.
CENSORED from the general public.
The U.S. WAS RESPONSIBLE for forcing the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea decision on other countries “rights” in the South China Sea. Prior to that, China had been working effectively with each country to come to a settlement on the distribution of rights.
Currently countries in the region are also working on standards, behaviors, and guidelines to maintain equality of access to the contested region. This process had been running smoothly until the U.S. prompted the Philippines to create incidents and false flags to garner media coverage, including more avid support from USAID funded media outlets.
To an extent, the Philippines has backed off being chastised by other countries in the region for their actions. As long as the Philippines remains a “slave colony” to the U.S., don’t be surprised to see incidents pick up again, particularly now that Trump wants to focus efforts on taking China down.
As is typical, the U.S. decided not to be a member to the Conventions, and as is also typical, the U.S. will interfere in legal matters it has no standing in specifically to create conflict, pit one nation against another - the “divide and conquer” concept.
The UNCLOS was adopted in 1982 and entered into force in 1994
Go to Borneo where you can find the Dustin people and they look chinese. I was told they are descendants of the ‘swept away’ people of the Chinese seafarers.
Thanks very much EM for another deep insight and revelation. As South East Asians, we need to follow what is laid by the Law. It's time we seek a closure and we are sure China as a Peaceful Nation would not mean any aggression towards us.
I would say you're probably someone like Kissinger perhaps even greater.
Kudo to Elon speaking AFTER thorough research of all the historical facts. China's claim on South China Sea have been deeply rooted back in ancient time.
That is correct. That maritime area has been part of China looooong before the other countries even existed. It would not have been a big hyped issued if not for the us intentionally pushing the other countries to make a big hype about it.
The statements are correct. In the era of colonisation, Western powers were interested in lands and colonised them. On the other hand, China's emporers administrated its marine territories with fleets for centuries.
Defending sovereignty of South China Sea is major undertaking of China currently of which Musk is aware of.
Trust he'll convey his understanding of this issue to Trump, Rubio and other hawkish members of US government to stop the use of South China Sea for stoking animosity.
In 1945, after WWII, at the Potsdam Conference, documents were signed stipulating that the group of islands including the Parcel Islands, the Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands within the 11 dash-lines are China's sovereignty, but not until 1951, Treaty of San Francisco, US revoked the Potsdam Treaty because the KMT fled to Taiwan and the CPC came on the scene. China was not invited to attend the San Francisco Treaty, and her protest fell on deaf ears. [In 1947, 11 dash-lines were drawn to designate China's sovereignty in the South China Seas, and later became 9 in 1957 as China handed the Island of Bialongwei in the Gulf of Tokin to Vietnam.]
The US forgot to mention to the Philippines that under Paris Accord in 1898, Spain sold Philippines for US 20 Million Dollars and a Map was delivered showing Longitudes and Latitudes where the Boundary of Philippines is. If Philippines wants to Follow the Footsteps of Ukraine then the Wishes will be FULFILLED.
In ancient times of South-East Asia, the Srivijaya and Majapahit Kingdoms did not cover the South China Sea area in the sense of territorial control as we understand it today. However, both kingdoms were influential maritime powers in Southeast Asia and exerted significant influence over trade routes and regional politics, including parts of the South China Sea.
1. **Srivijaya Empire (7th to 13th centuries)**:
- Srivijaya was a thalassocracy (maritime empire) based on the island of Sumatra (modern-day Indonesia).
- It controlled key maritime trade routes through the Strait of Malacca and the Sunda Strait, which are crucial waterways connecting the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.
- While Srivijaya did not directly control the South China Sea, its influence extended over coastal areas and trade networks that bordered the sea, including parts of the Malay Peninsula and Borneo.
2. **Majapahit Empire (13th to 16th centuries)**:
- Majapahit, based on Java, was another maritime empire that succeeded Srivijaya.
- Under the reign of Hayam Wuruk and his prime minister Gajah Mada, Majapahit claimed sovereignty over a vast archipelago, including parts of modern-day Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
- Majapahit's influence extended to parts of the South China Sea, particularly through its control of trade routes and vassal states in Borneo and the Philippines. However, it did not have direct territorial control over the South China Sea itself.
In summary, both empires were influential in the region surrounding the South China Sea and played key roles in the maritime trade networks that passed through it, but they did not "cover" the South China Sea as a territory. Their power was based on control of trade, ports, and coastal regions rather than direct governance of open waters.
Elon, thanks for educating the world with geography, otherwise not known by most of us. your credibility will help iron the creases between US and China.
Mr Elon, the Philippines was not Baby learning to walk, look and read the Bible first since the beginning of human history , it was not belong to China but by people who lives on it,,PERIOD!!! Mabuhay ang PILIPINAS!!
Did you know it was the US who helped ROC to claim back the islands in the South China Sea in 1946 .
US provided vessels to assist the claims under the than Chinese naval officer Lin Zun.
Please search for answers in Chat GPT.
Elon Musk is so knowledgeable, hats off to him.
This is a big issue probably many people are not aware of.
In 2016, I was at the ADNOC site executing a new project.
One of my Filipino colleagues exults towards me showing American navy patrolling and they will save as China is claiming their territories.
I then checked Google and found the same thing Elon Musk explained here. Many thanks for educating many.
Thats why after ww2 Japan return SCS back to china in the Taipei treaty or sinojapan peace treaty obligated by postdam and Cairo declaration. China then claim the surrounding sea of their SCS islands as 11dash SCS made known in the UN without objection from any countries inc major powers.
china is illegal occupying whole of larger south china sea, does not mean south china sea own only by china, some parts of south china sea is own by Philippines eez 200 notical miles and vietnam malaysia brunei,indonesia,taiwa..
I heared two Prof of law saying similar thing some time ago. And they are western prof. They said have read documents in UK, US, France about that matter confirming that thesis.
Curiosity: some history books describe that part of the ancient territory of vietnam, the northern part, was included in the chinese empire for thousand years...
China was the Middle Empire, or more properly the middle of the empire. The name china was attributed by the western powers a few centuries ago.
The Chinese better polish up their English because Elon Musk with his complete facility of the language can help explain the nine dash line so convincingly well thus giving the said claim enhanced legitimacy
But china has rectified the convention in 1982 to limit the countries EEZ and territorial sea. If china has a law that changes today they no longer recognised the laws from yesterday. it's similar to UNCLOS. Therefore, China should recognize the UNCLOS they rectified in 1982. Because the Roman empire cannot reclaim the past territories as the world recognises each sovereign territory
While the President of the Philippines won't care about it but the assets freezed by the US is more important... Well, gonna buy more high heels to support Marcos Junior..
honestly, Mr.Sir Elon, I think ur grown up in the wrong place 'n time🫵 if u live in the Mc Carthy aera I think u were never more "a good guy = a chinese friend "!!
Your explanations made logical sense to me, reasonable and clear dating back to history hundreds of years ago when China was active in the area. Thank you so much for showing us with clear demonstration and maps. The puzzle solved !
South east Asia countries all claim the South China sea islands based on nothing more than Unclos. Unclos only gives them the rights to extract economic benefits 200 nautical miles from their coast, not sovereignty. But countries get greedy, and they're now talking like they own the place.
Vietnam's claims can only extend to the Paracels, but they also claim islands so far into the sea like the Spratly, for no other reason than the islands being formerly occupied by their colonial master, France. So, all the countries have no legal basis at all.
No way you cannot be a super power if you are surrounded by your enemies you must learn to respect island nations their existence with surrounding oceans your history was changed during colonial period and ours was erased or hidden.
The *United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)* cannot unilaterally preside over a hearing for a dispute about a territorial sea area if only one contested party brings the case. UNCLOS dispute resolution mechanisms require the consent or participation of all parties involved in the dispute. Here’s how it works:
### 1. **Consent-Based Dispute Resolution**:
- UNCLOS provides a framework for resolving disputes related to the interpretation or application of the Convention, including disputes over territorial seas, exclusive economic zones (EEZs), and continental shelves.
- However, any dispute resolution process under UNCLOS requires the consent of all parties involved. If one party refuses to participate, the dispute cannot be unilaterally adjudicated.
### 2. **Compulsory Procedures under UNCLOS**:
- UNCLOS includes compulsory dispute resolution procedures (Part XV, Section 2), which allow states to bring disputes to international tribunals, such as the **International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)**, the **International Court of Justice (ICJ)**, or an arbitral tribunal.
- However, these procedures only apply if both parties have accepted them. If one party has opted out of compulsory procedures (as allowed under Article 298 of UNCLOS for certain types of disputes, such as those involving maritime boundaries), the tribunal cannot proceed without mutual consent.
### 3. **Case Example: South China Sea Arbitration (2016)**:
- In the *Philippines v. China* case, the Philippines unilaterally brought a dispute against China under UNCLOS regarding maritime claims in the South China Sea.
- China refused to participate in the proceedings, arguing that the tribunal had no jurisdiction because the dispute involved territorial sovereignty and maritime boundaries, which China had excluded from compulsory arbitration under Article 298.
- Despite China’s non-participation, the tribunal proceeded and issued a ruling, but China rejected the ruling, and it was not enforceable without China’s cooperation.
### 4. **Limitations of UNCLOS**:
- UNCLOS is not a supranational authority and cannot impose rulings on states without their consent.
- Dispute resolution under UNCLOS relies on the willingness of states to engage in the process and abide by the outcomes.
### Conclusion:
UNCLOS cannot unilaterally preside over a hearing for a dispute about a territorial sea area if only one contested party brings the case. The participation and consent of all parties are required for the dispute resolution mechanisms under UNCLOS to function effectively. If one party refuses to participate, the dispute cannot be resolved through UNCLOS mechanisms unless both parties agree to alternative means of settlement.
Thank you, Mr Elon Musk, you have clarified the boundaries of South China Sea. Hopefully every other country will follow the right of boundary. A salute to you, Mr Elon Musk.
I learned that the China South Sea belongs to China, the then Republic of China, in my geography class in Taiwan. I was so confused when I first heard about the territorial dispute of this area caused and stressed by the Biden administration. Thanks to Musk for his explanation.
In addition to the above mentioned information, based on the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898 between USA 🇺🇸 and Spain 🇪🇸 Spain agreed to sold Philippines to the U.S. in the amount of USD 20,000,000 without the inclusion of any islands ️ in the China’s South Sea. For this reason, Philippines false claims of the islands are illegitimate.
China had never colonised another country. China is our only hope for our continued peace/prosperity/humanity in East Asia. The 120 year-old Philippines (islands) should stop being a troublemaker here in this peaceful region! I am from Singapore btw.
If you want to talk internacional law, see the Montego relative to the UN Internacional Law of the Sea of 1982 (UNCLOS), and the Arbitrary sentence in favor of the Philippines.
Where is there Velarde map?
The Spanish Velarde map, also known as the "Mapa de Filipinas," was created in 1734. It is significant as one of the earliest detailed maps of the Philippines, drawn by Portuguese cartographer Miguel de San Juan Velarde. This map played an important role in the history of cartography, particularly for the Philippines and its colonial history.
Lol bs from bots. Talk about philippines not a country yet doesnt mean they dont stay and fish at the island less governing it by their tiny kingdoms. And they totally ignored Vietnam in this context because viets already broke off from china since the song dynasty and may have been governing using living fishing on the islands as much as chinese did. your history digging into xufu looking for elixir holds no water, those guys most likely went to japan and never came back, try claiming japan is yours then.
India has it's own version of 9 dash bullshit . It's called " Akhand Bharat " . In ancient India 56 States that exsist today were part of Ancient India . That includes most of Asia . In daily Hindu Prayers Sanskrit chanting Mantras are still being recited as a part of Purification Ceremonies . Jai Hind !
The Spaniards drew a map when they discovered the Philippines in 1521 and named some of the islands as part of the Philippines long before China laid their claims.
I am totally disappointed with Musk's comments, sounding like a child. As a child, he does not know sovereignty over any sea is determined by the natural phenomenon of bordering but not determined by a country's dependence or independence. We adults should know better.
First, if you are bordering on a sea, you are the owner of a piece of the sea, regardless whether you are a village, a vassal.
Secondly, the sovereignty over any sea has a natural limit, no country did ever own an entire sea. For instance, did China ever own the entire Pacific Ocean? Did any country ever own the entire Pacific Ocean? Of course nobody did. Now China dreamed it owns the entire South China Sea. And according to Mr. Musk, the world must comply to China's dream. What a joke !
A funny incident occurred during World War II when the colonial powers of the era gave the South China Sea its name. There is little evidence linking the history of the South China Sea to the Chinese government or dynasties that once occupied land in the Malay Archipelago, except for one mission under Admiral Zheng He, also known as Cheng Ho, during the Ming dynasty, The South China Sea was even earlier known to ancient mariners as the Champa Sea and the Malay Sea on their navigation charts. What we understand is that in the 19th century, many Chinese residents in southern China migrated to Southeast Asia due to famine and political instability in China. China has never been a maritime state; instead, it is a continental force that reaches into Siberia and Central Asia.
Why didn't China confront Russia and reclaim the remaining boundaries and the Manchurian territories they had lost? Do they lack the strength to accomplish this?
There is no basis for China's claim to the Nine-Dash Line; it was made in 1949 and is essentially a self-proclamation with no historical basis. China is merely using the Nine-Dash Line as another tool to intimidate the recently independent nations of Southeast Asia.
The Nine-Dash Line is a demarcation used by China to claim a large portion of the South China Sea, but its legitimacy is widely disputed under international law.
China’s Perspective
China argues that the Nine-Dash Line is based on historical rights and that Chinese fishermen and traders have used the waters and islands for centuries. The claim was first officially introduced in 1947 by the Republic of China (Taiwan) and later adopted by the People’s Republic of China.
International Law & UNCLOS
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which China ratified in 1996, establishes that coastal states have sovereignty over a 200-nautical-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Many of the areas China claims under the Nine-Dash Line extend well beyond this limit.
2016 Arbitration Ruling
In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague ruled that:
• China’s Nine-Dash Line has no legal basis under UNCLOS.
• China cannot claim “historic rights” over areas beyond its EEZ.
• Many of the contested features (e.g., reefs and shoals) are not islands and therefore do not generate EEZs.
China rejected this ruling and continues to assert its claims.
Regional & Global Reactions
• Countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia reject China’s claims, as they overlap with their EEZs.
• The U.S. and its allies do not recognize the Nine-Dash Line and conduct freedom of navigation operations (FONOPs) to challenge excessive claims.
The Nine-Dash Line lacks legal legitimacy under international law, but China continues to enforce it through military and diplomatic pressure. The dispute remains a major source of tension in the region.
Sorry the ASEAN International Sea is free for maritime navigation, airspace which existed there and won’t cease just because China is economically, militarily stronger than decades before.
The overlapping claims over this part of world have parallels with the Holy Land at the time of the Crusades, when Jews, Muslims and Christians laid claim in favor of their sacred places.
At the time, those claims were mostly about religion, or at least seemed so.
In the South China Sea, the claims, whether historical or legal(at least per the UN), seem to be about sovereignty, with more than just hints of economics.
One thing is clear, whichever country has physical possession of any part or all of this territory, has the stronger claim by default.
What isn't clear yet is, will this be yet another Holy Land-esque conflict?
It is simplistic to say that the human race has not learned much over the centuries, that it is merely substituting religion with sovereignty here.
But the hard truth is, it is about the race for resources, which in truth the human race has not learned to manage properly. Until this is rectified, it would appear here that all roads lead to a destructive conflict.
China may have made a map during ancient times indicating the islands in South China Sea, but that was in the past and China did not even bother to protest for all Southeast Asians to fish freely within those boundaries. Why not China be magnanimous at the present, and let Southeast Asians be treated like in the past?
Do the Spanish, Portuguese or Brits need a lawyer or line for their land possessions in Brazil and Americas? And what of our ancient relatives the Phoenicians and Romans?
China could have colonised or occupied SE Asia had China behaved like western imperialists. SE Asia was basically undeveloped hardly populated except for small settlements. Western imperialists created SE Asia countries like Indonesia, Malaya, Philippines,etc. without western imperialism,there won't be such countries
Sovereignty refers to the territorial jurisdiction of a UN member state to govern its boundary e.g. China's 9-dash line which affirmed the historical presence of her being the original occupier of the islands in the South China Sea. Through the treaties of San Francisco in 1951 and Taipei in 1952, the islands of Taiwan, Pescadores, Spratly and Paracel were renounced by Japan and returned to Chinese sovereignty. This principle is rooted in international law that allow a UN member state to enact domestic laws to regulate people and property located within their delineated territory.
EEZ refers to the Exclusive Economic Zone that will apply if no overlapping occur with other member state. Between Sovereignty and EEZ, the former takes precedence.
Important key not mention is phillippine illegally “park” BRP Sierra Madre in 99 after Taiwan remove it troop from second Tomas shoal from a hurricane and found phillippine is there after that. They tried to complained to US but as US is an allies to both and advise Taiwan to let it go to phillippine.
Pinoy is patriotic but stupid enough not knowing what they are fighting for.
Let me say. ASEAN countries all are Chinese people's. They speak different dialect. There skin are similar to yellow skin. Some are darker. There is no black or white skin peoples. Okay
What the f are you talking about? The Philippines has one of the oldest Maps that shows most of those territories belongs to the Philippines. Even Sabah belongs to the Philippines
I have no problem with China claiming the China sea. But, with sovereignty also comes responsibility. So, if China protects the environment of the South China Sea, I say yea
I guess this is not truly Elon Musk based on this: "I aim to deliver insightful and engaging content based on his ideas, achievements, and vision.". Care to show respect for and confirm to all the viewers of your videos whether you are Musk or not?
Thank you very much for your excellent geopolitical and historical explanation of the South China Sea and its entire region, and that is why you know so much about Mars and Earth, right? You are also a great teacher.️️
Are we living in 2025 modern world with international justice system Or some claims made based on utopian mediaeval imaginary lines,
If that was the case what is the status of Tibet or Mongolia
Hahaha this author is talking nonsense. How about the velatde map which was drawn on 18oo did you not see it don't make comments when you do not see the truth. You are just speaking bulshit.
Get educated musk, look at Philippines map 1734. You will see what the Philippines owned. Stop talking bullshit.talk to historians and experts before you open your mouth.
Later, they'll say that America likewise belongs to China since American Indians also look like Chinese in some ways & are said to have migrated from China & other places in Asia during prehistoric times.
Maybe, he thinks he can gain more & more sales in China's markets by doing this.
All of a sudden EM is now an expert on all matters! Maybe it’s self driven considering his business affiliations with China. I lost all respect for this guy!
Excuse me! Our Philippine History is way earlier than before the Europeans came and also way earlier than the Chinese History 'coz God's Creation Story happened here!!!!!!
But china has rectified the convention in 1982 to limit the countries EEZ and territorial sea. If china has a law that changes today they no longer recognised the laws from yesterday. it's similar to UNCLOS. Therefore, China should recognize the UNCLOS they rectified in 1982. Because the Roman empire cannot reclaim the past territories as the world recognises each sovereign territory.
Important key not mention is phillippine illegally “park” BRP Sierra Madre in 99 after Taiwan remove it troop from second Tomas shoal from a hurricane and found phillippine is there after that. They tried to complained to US but as US is an allies to both and advise Taiwan to let it go to phillippine.
Pinoy is patriotic but stupid enough not knowing what they are fighting for.
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