Wednesday, September 18, 2024

US plan for war on China in 2025

US military preparing for war on China - and soon Geopolitical Economy Report 318K subscribers Subscribed 2.3K Share Download 20,371 views Feb 2, 2023 Numerous mainstream media outlets have reported that the US military is preparing for war on China, as soon as 2025. Japan is re-militarizing and collaborating closely in these war plans. Sources and more information in Danny Haiphong's article here: German foreign minister: ‘We are fighting a war against Russia’: || Geopolitical Economy Report || Please consider supporting us at Patreon: / geopoliticaleconomy Podcast: / geopoliticaleconomy Newsletter: Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Geopolitical Economy Report 318K subscribers Videos About Patreon Twitter Canal en español 714 Comments Eng Lam Yeo Add a comment... @juliettedemaso7588 1 year ago Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Korea, perhaps especially Korea, had better quickly decide that having the US as a friend is a ticking time bomb. 93 Reply 1 reply @robertbarth5816 1 year ago Threat to security, more like a threat to their gluttony out for money. 141 Reply 2 replies @StopCopCity1312 1 year ago They've lost in every single scenario they've ran. They're nuts. 140 Reply 4 replies @EntitledMillennials 1 year ago This whole country is ruled by Imperial madmen that would rather plunge the word into world War than coexist on an equal footing with the nations of the world. God help us all. Thank you for being on top of reporting the important geopolitical issues of our time. You're a huge inspiration for us on our own little leftist indie media channel. Solidarity from Iowa Ben. If anyone is passing through the comments and looking for more anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist content; swing by and check us out after Ben; but don't forget to drop a like and a comment for comrade Ben here. Much love everyone! 305 Reply 10 replies @tonypeterson5316 1 year ago USA is America's biggest security threat 102 Reply 5 replies @carcher3279 1 year ago Ben Norton salute from Manchester 🇬🇧 49 Reply @from_each_to_each_1848 1 year ago Thank you as always for your excellent reporting, Ben. It's heartbreaking to see the West commit to this suicidal path instead of entering into an era of global cooperation. 123 Reply 2 replies @BL-db6xt 1 year ago Japan is responsible for more than 1 Million Vietnamese deaths from famine during its occupation VN in the WW-2. Many Japanese may obliviate Hiroshima & Nagasaki from their memory but Vietnamese will never forget the Japanese Crime Against Humanity 48 Reply 1 reply @james530919 1 year ago Going to war when another country is just trying to provide a better life for it's citizens? 38 Reply 1 reply @Faye_Liu 1 year ago China is a peaceful nation and the Chinese are peace loving people, but peace does not come by by bowing down to aggressors, it is earned by fighting head on, be warned the West, never underestimate the determination of the Chinese people to fight for their freedom and independence. 216 Reply 6 replies @teeong1645 1 year ago The US have faced China twice, Vietnam and Korea, lost twice. Those were the days when our weapons were very, most of our weapons are on the par, some even surpassing the US! Let them come..! 164 Reply 12 replies @willchu 1 year ago China does not fight wars often, but when it does, it goes ALL THE WAY. 🇨🇳 64 Reply 4 replies @TheSethcast 1 year ago What a nightmare. You do a great job of organizing all of these articles to prove your point 54 Reply @Kuleto 1 year ago Thank you Ben, this is quite worrying. Thanks for everything, it is very helpful. 24 Reply @YoungTang 1 year ago As a Chinese American, my frustration is beyond words!! I am honestly worried, scared, and hopeless with the relentless lies and propaganda by the American broken/warmongering political system! And the majority of Americans are brainless without any common sense left! 104 Reply 4 replies @srksii 1 year ago One interesting fact I red: Gunpowder was discovered in 7th century and chinese used it mostly for fireworks Then it came into european hands in 15th century and I guess you know rest... 43 Reply 2 replies @laohu5511 1 year ago The US maybe preparing for war with China but China is also preparing for war with the US and the second part is important. The US couldn't defeat the Taliban and it hasn't had much luck with Russia. This could be the end of the US military in Asia. 37 Reply 2 replies @NotAPacifist825 1 year ago (edited) That memo to the troops is dr. Strangelove level crazy. It includes a paragraph that discusses how your life is better when you kill your enemies. Food tastes better, your marriage is better, etc. Next level psychopathy. 33 Reply @edytan.932 1 year ago Thank you Ben. 18 Reply @glynnismacpherson504 1 year ago Great summary Ben , but bit terrifying. Thankyou for your work. 19 Reply @jvs333 1 year ago Ben this was one of your best episodes yet. THANK YOU!! 4 Reply @taiwanstillisntacountry 1 year ago P00R USA wants.....??? Nothing to want when P00R USA is begging for loans from the PRC. 28 Reply 1 reply @miguelestrada3157 1 year ago Appears that a country made of war never tires of war, while the world and its citizens suffer. The threat to all our lives is entrenched in the entrails of our government, its belicose think tanks, political lifers, and the union of the state, its corporations and arms industry. 44 Reply @unnecessaryrequest4077 1 year ago (edited) We spent 21 years trying to defeat a people living in the Stone Age…. Fighting a nuclear capable and the largest standing military on earth and the second largest military budget on earth and the country with the largest population on earth.. we the people are going to be absolutely fucked financially and economically for the next 60 years because everything we have is made in china we will be in a Great Depression where bread and water will be the daily maximum… this world is sick.. 21 Reply 1 reply @Samoasoa 1 year ago In my view, China has to go full speed ahead to deter US military adventurism for decades to come. Stop at nothing and everything is possible. "Be like water" - Bruce L. 95 Reply 5 replies @maxsweetman6341 1 year ago Absolute insanity 23 Reply @budisuwandhi6818 1 year ago With US old rusty ships , China will always welcome US army , navy , airforce even spaceforce and give them all a ferewell ceremony and buried them all in South China Sea. 19 Reply @dan2bet 1 year ago The war has to be carried out in the axis of evil's land too. To remind them forever , not to bully. 16 Reply @Emphasis213 1 year ago This reminds me of a gang of bullys constantly harassing someone they think is weak. Do these idiots not think nuclear war heads won't come into our door if they keep up this harassment? 30 Reply 1 reply @Shining237 1 year ago Thanks Ben - very insightful Your awesome dude 9 Reply @troybailey9666 1 year ago China won't let a war be fought on their soil alone ... they will make sure that war is fought on American soil too. 9 Reply @dannygonzales7923 1 year ago WELL THE WORLD MUST UNITE AND DESTROY THE EMPIRE ONCE AND FOR ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17 Reply @americanknow8232 1 year ago Japan has never apologize Korea and Japan for the atrocity they committed. North Korea and Chain may find it a good chance to pay back. Both have nukes for Japan, possibly the third nuke in Japan. 21 Reply @odyssey327 1 year ago If you keep on poking the dragon, will it let you poke all the time? It's not the dragon wants to fight with you, it's you that want to fight with the dragon. If it does happen, the eagles won't be fighting on foreign soil. It will be their turn to be on the receiving end. 31 Reply @Faye_Liu 1 year ago The US desperately seeks excuses to sanction China, however the sanctions would eventually fail as with Russia and backfire massively. If China is forced to take Taiwan back by force (this would only happen if the US breaks the ''One China Policy'', i.e. recognises Taiwan independence and establishes official diplomatic relations with it), it would still have the support of most non Western countries, as they recognise and follow the ''One China Policy''. China/the Chinese government can not afford to lose a war fought on China's shore and lose territory, but what will happen to the US hegemony if the US loses it, again (I know the Americans have a short memory that they don't remember they lost the Korean war to the Chinese). One thing is for sure, China is not going to drag the war on, it will be quick and decisive, everything in the way will be destroyed. China has been preparing for this for years, is the US ready? 53 Reply 6 replies @mralecto8998 1 year ago epic video. Crazy how this shit happends like every 5 years for the US, and we still havent learned. 20 Reply @taiwanstillisntacountry 1 year ago Japan colon-nised the Chinese Island of Taiwan and invaded mainland China, but never colonised China-mainland, it occupied parts of China. 16 Reply 1 reply @roxysponge3447 1 year ago Thank you Ben. Good information. 5 Reply @xaza8uhitra4 1 year ago well it was nice knowing all of you 6 Reply 1 reply @robertseaborne5758 1 year ago Thanks Ben, for another excellent expose of the threat posed by US imperialist/hegemonic global aspirations. A strong strategic military alliance between Russia and China with an emphasis on the development and increased production of their military forces, including and especially their nuclear arsenals is the only possible deterrent against a so called NATO+ that is evidently provoking a third world war that would almost inevitably escalate to the use of nuclear weapons. 33 Reply @Larkinchance 1 year ago Thank you Ben Norton for your excellent reporting 4 Reply @likuidmethod 1 year ago You’re a G, Ben Norton. You’re a G 10 Reply @alextjflorida 1 year ago (edited) My question for American soldiers is what you are fighting for? 129 Reply 26 replies @georgesumabat4090 1 year ago More war more homeless in America !! 11 Reply @jwclau1 1 year ago (edited) The Japanese, S Korean; and Philipino People must stand up for Peace! 5 Reply @imranesmail23 1 year ago I can't thank you enough for your efforts. There is so much involved to navigate the world today, it's a blessing to have trusted sources. How are China and her allies responding to this knowledge? What steps are they taking to prepare for such a scenario? 20 Reply @ninomelissa1076 1 year ago China is not alone 12 Reply 1 reply @genovasei9369 1 year ago Thank you Ben for yet another great analysis! 2 Reply @20luzer52 1 year ago The people from the Garden seems to have a problem with the people in the rice fields. 10 Reply 3 replies @tha7225 1 year ago Well just America goodbye I guess I better brush up on my Chinese 7 Reply @johnlay3040 1 year ago (edited) There are two things which will be the deciding factors for the war. None of them is about Taiwan, but about being defeated. The first one is semiconductor. US might have to struggle in the end, not because of technology, but because of the massive loss of market share. The second one is the de-dollarization and the diminishing trust in Treasury Bonds in international market. Almost certainly US is losing its hegemonic power in this area, and its prospect in getting loans is diminishing. Hence economic hardship is looming. What is it going to do then with its military stockpile? This becomes very dangerous as it will have to dispose it in a war. There is only one war possible, that's against China. It is going to be a final act of suicide, as there won't be a winner. It will be an act of desperation. The civilization on both sides of the globe will be destroyed. The Washington's attitude at present is: "If I can't have it, you must not have it either". I just hope the next elected president of USA will have enough wisdom not to go down this path. 40 Reply 2 replies @paracelso875 1 year ago Good report Ben, Russia just warned Japan 2 or 3 weeks ago about leaving its pacific development and fast speed remilitarizing, Russia said it considers Japan's new posture Russia's security threat and of the Asia Pacific region. They said if this continues Russia is going to take appropriated measures. 9 Reply @V.sw.L 1 year ago Fight to the last Japanese, it's PAYBACK TIME for their war-crimes' atrocities in Nanjing to start with.... 3 Reply @playerish 1 year ago US: the kingdom that doesn't dare to be no 2 7 Reply @tuckerbugeater 1 year ago The New cold war brought to you by Harvard and Stanford. 27 Reply 1 reply @CarlosWillis 1 year ago I call them The United Snakes Of America nowadays 5 Reply 1 reply @beproudasian8279 1 year ago U$ the greatest threat to humanity! 3 Reply @jfgjgjhgj 1 year ago Most Chinese people don't seem to possess the same genocidal aspirations that I can only dream of, and I feel that that is a problem. 11 Reply @mark2406 1 year ago I do not think many people grasp how terrible a hot war like this would be the global starvation that would occur alone is unfathomable and horrific. 2 Reply @Anubis-hm7ro 1 year ago You are excellent. Thank you Reply @zenscape4594 1 year ago Japanese need to remember Chinese will not be like Russians being kind to ukrainians .. Chinese has a big bone to pick with japan.. And once that happens i doubt Chinese will be kind to the japanese. 4 Reply @drakekoefoed1642 1 year ago china might get mad and finish off the usa economy. we don't even make our own toasters any more. are there computers or cell phones that do not contain chinese parts? 22 Reply 2 replies @antimattv 1 year ago Hank Hill: "Dang it! We do not need to start a war with China!" 7 Reply 2 replies @boonteoh7240 1 year ago Thanks, Ben. Why is China a threat?? Isn't it all about money??!!! 6 Reply 1 reply @chitaegandalalake263 1 year ago ,,, China should not lend money/help to USA-Yellen 2 Reply @nativaindocil 1 year ago Man, your channel has become my favourite for international affairs issues. Unfortunately, I'm not able to sponsor your work with money, but I help spread your English and Spanish content on my network. Thank you for your clear and sound analysis. Reply @Unfamous_Buddha 1 year ago This is sick. 3 Reply @user-hi1mj4mc3w 1 year ago This is how empire ends. Running face first into a wall. ️ 3 Reply @V.sw.L 1 year ago "Aim for the head" won't even get close to a PLA soldier, your 7th fleet will be at the bottom of the Pacific! 4 Reply @clarenceedwards2866 1 year ago If you ask me this is just blowing hot air. First of all, what kind of war the US is planning to fight with China? Is it going to be a ground war and where will that ground war be fought? Certainly not in Taiwan. Is it going to be an air war with missile exchanges? Where will these missiles be launched from, sea or land? Can the US muster 1 million troops in order to engage the Chinese, and how and where will these troops be deployed? China is not going to be invading the US, they have to come to China, and if it goes nuclear, the US stand to lose just as much or even more than China. If the Japanese are so stupid to allow the US to trap them in a hot war with China, they will deserve everything they get. This is not 1940. 8 Reply @jerronng6036 1 year ago US military shd just b domesticated n stop causing troubles overseas. 6 Reply 1 reply @TheTigerQuoll 1 year ago The US will receive the biggest butt kicking in modern history. 1 Reply @donHooligan 1 year ago USA gets hit with BRIC 4 Reply 1 reply @Larkinchance 1 year ago The Wolfowitz and Brzezinski proposals for the strategic dismantling of Russia seem viable in 1991 but in the last 30 years we have seen the incredible rise of China and the recovery of Russia and the de-industrialization of the US. There are people in the US that will do anything to prevent a US decline even... nuclear war. . 2 Reply @johntam9923 1 year ago Looks like uncle Sam needs war to survive. 11 Reply @LORDNAG1 1 year ago usa implosion 2024 7 Reply @yliang1688 1 year ago 當美國把錢投在援助烏克蘭的軍火無底洞時 對中國投資建設上的說三道四都是屁話。 3 Reply @irritatedanglosaxon1705 1 year ago The question is where would be?? 80%: Phillipines, Borneo, Japan (US has spied them in disguise of training and with the help of Anglosaxon clan, Australia) 70%: South Korea, Vietnam, Guam 50%: India, Taiwan, Myanmar, Hawaii Malaysia-Singapore 5 Reply 2 replies @tongchang1435 1 year ago Good luck with that 8 Reply @jfgjgjhgj 1 year ago China needs to forge ahead with military alliances with the countries of Central Asia and the Middle East, including the following: Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. China must also do more to strengthen their military allegiances with African countries that are against the US/West. Alas, China needs to seriously scrap their "non-interventionist" mindset in terms of their military. The whole strict "non-interventionist" mindset will only allow its foes to build up strength. 5 Reply 1 reply @maherj351 1 year ago Japan have a demographic crisis, what the hell are they doing? 2 Reply @MrNeversweat 1 year ago They couldn't beat the Afghan goat herders, what do you think the Chinese will do to them? Where will the fight take place? Who's going to fire the first shot? I don't think there will be a war, they just want to derail or slow down the Chinese economic prouesse (success) 5 Reply @traceycroxford8880 1 year ago Lunatic US Warmongers. Thank you Ben, you are brilliant! 2 Reply @tenderpr3y 1 year ago Can the US just chill?? for a second??? 2 Reply @claudiohidalgo8021 1 year ago Viva Ben !!! Reply @mjmf1430 1 year ago (edited) Let’s not forget that USA couldn’t even defeat the slipper wearing Talibans in Afghanistan, do the Americans really think they can win any war with China AND Russia? peace 1 Reply @donaldrshaffer 1 year ago Thank you! Well done. Reply @johnkauai5865 1 year ago Pivot to China, Pivot to China, Putin kicked our ass! Reply @DanBurgaud 1 year ago I am not surprised. Reply @tammymaltese21 1 year ago (edited) and I believe brzezinski son is still US ambassador in Poland, thank you for your brilliant work! Reply @dianelipartito6654 1 year ago LOL (not really), they are going to meet in Hiroshima, Japan to prepare for war???? Christ on a bike, how cynical is that??!! 4 Reply @itzenormous 1 year ago The current political spats, going on in Washington - between the Democrats and Republicans, are indicative of the only real fracture between these 2 parties. The Democrats prefer, first, a military campaign against Russia, and later, one against China; while the Republicans are clamoring for an initial campaign, against China, and, in-time, one against Russia. The real disputes, between these 2 Far Right parties, concern a question of tactics ... nothing more. But yeah, go ahead and vote, Americans. See how far that gets you. 2 Reply @mjmf1430 1 year ago (edited) Don’t worry too much about Japan going to war, they have a crisis of very ageing and low birth rate population, if there’s a war it would be over in a few days unless they start having millions of babies now, which we know it is next to impossible if war broke out within the next 10 to 20 years. 4 Reply 1 reply @robertseaborne5758 1 year ago Penny Wong, take note. 1 Reply @luckysui2460 1 year ago Anti war and please concentrate on improving the life of the people. 1 Reply @iwantpig 1 year ago The state is at their most vulnerable when arming and training the proletariat to go to war for the bourgeoisie profit. This is the time to increase class consciousness, organize, and put a proletariat state in power. 3 Reply 1 reply @tha7225 1 year ago Goodbye Sony and Nintendo you were my childhood great memories 7 Reply @kib3571 1 year ago Guessing a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, that general's opinion must be wrong. 4 Reply @DailyBeatings 1 year ago No military person calls a magazine a "clip" unless they're shooting a Garand. Total propaganda from the WP. 1 Reply @egay86292 1 year ago and why not. the war on Russia is going so well. 1 Reply @josephvalo 1 year ago This summer will be one for the books in one way or another. Reply @GETJUSTICE4U 1 year ago "The greatest threat to American security." (TGTTAS). Has anyone out there noticed the countless TGTTAS from countries all over the world? Fact is America has never been invaded or had a single city or town reduced to rubble since 1776. Unlike America China has never pursued a policy of regime change in any country anywhere in the world. Unlike America China does not have 800 military bases all over the world (only necessary to maintain a monolithic empire). So what do the Washington/EU/UK corporate plutocrates mean by TGTTAS. What informed sane person wishes to be ruled by a small cohort of corrupt, mega wealthy, warmongering megalomaniacs who have no moral compass? 1 Reply @jorgelazarini4499 1 year ago americans meeting with japan in hiroshima. i mean imagine the level of subservience of this nation, taking orders from the country that threw 2 atomic bombs at them, at hiroshima. 1 Reply @iamjustgreg 1 year ago I for one am interested in seeing what the world’s largest Navy can do with it’s ships and hypersonics! No amount of carrier battle group force projection can stop a navy armed with carrier killers and an anti-submarine fleet. I’ve served on 3 US carriers, one was new and still old tech, two were old and aging and one of those two broke down for extended periods, twice at sea! I don’t know ️ 19 Reply @nebojsadurmanovic2268 1 year ago I love how they phrase the threat to their financial and political grip on the third world as a national security threat. Reply @derekhands9903 1 year ago Hopefully the straw that breaks the bully of the world’s back. Reply @troybailey9666 1 year ago I've seen dead porcupines on the road...they move slowly and get run over by speeding vehicles when crossing the highway. Reply @julieta203 1 year ago Good luck with that Yankee! 4 Reply @scottadams2977 1 year ago Don't they mean "greatest danger to the US dollar?" Reply @gracieladoval 1 year ago Warning.Insane. Reply @bungkusi2432 1 year ago Fighting USA is very easy Just send 99 weather balloon And the US will go nuts 2 Reply @sabmeier9265 1 year ago Now, we're facing Ukraine nuke threats and who knows if WW3 is already on the way which could end in nuclear winter long before 2025. 3 Reply @V.sw.L 1 year ago Hey Minihan, why wait, come now & btw, you dont refer a magazine as a clip but then again, what do you expect from a transportation service 4-star! 2 Reply @nektarios_ 1 year ago I'm not trying to sound condescending but the purpose of the military is to prepare for and wage war. It would be negligent to be unprepared for a conflict that appears to be possible. Why not talk about China's massive military build up and aggressive rhetoric? 1 Reply @ionutsfetcu4550 1 year ago Go China Go Reply @jimsummers487 1 year ago Buy Halliburton while it is cheap Reply @michaloswiecinski7916 1 year ago Thx Ben! Hope all US warmongers will stop this nonsense. Reply @dmitrylangar 1 year ago (edited) Ben, what would similar packages of sanctions on Russia, if implemented on China do to the rest of the world? 5 Reply 3 replies @zprodigalson 1 year ago America is also at war with LGBTQI.....and pronouns. Reply @tonyescalantejr1443 1 year ago CORRECTION ! More likely within the next year and a half,any hour,any day.None will be prepared,though they see it coming. 2 Reply @winkstorm 1 year ago Remember Captain Sobel (Ross) from Band of Brothers who fetches supplies? That’s what Minihan is responsible for. 2 Reply @Stealthy6 1 year ago Send all the feminists. Since they are better than men. They will surely will win. 2 Reply @bungkusi2432 1 year ago For those who don't know... This is the crusade war part XXIII The whole anti communist/socialist by evangelical Reply @richneuro6121 1 year ago We can only hope that the Filipino Marcos government will not collaborate and not allow Imperial Core forces in its territorial waters when it will go down Reply @Realist-sh3dg 1 year ago Who is going to support the US Military, we can't keep up with the equipment Ukraine is going through? 1 Reply @teatree6228 1 year ago Filipins say NO way 4 Reply 1 reply @rubenalba1704 1 year ago Well we had a good run... 1 Reply @loririchardson9960 1 year ago What do the people of the US do to prepare for this? Will it be fought on US soil? Reply @ArChi285 1 year ago "And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not." (Qur'an 2:30) 1 Reply @gerardoravarra4170 1 year ago we dont leave the phillippines Reply @georgejesson1944 1 year ago The next call from the US: we will fight to the last japanese Reply @sjm1408 1 year ago OOOPS! More losses for the USAmerica, we really need to do something with that US mob. Maybe we can ask President Putin if he can come weed your garden too - after ours of courseLove to you all 8 Reply 1 reply @harvillmurray8413 1 year ago wish them luck on that one 1 Reply @joosiekawk 1 year ago Goood luck US. That will be your last war. Reply @gerardoravarra4170 1 year ago my grand father serve in world war 2 Reply @gengwanwong8783 1 year ago Do it now, why wait for 2-3 more years. Reply @r3plaCment 1 year ago Who wants ww3? Japan "me me me" 1 Reply @billngo7197 1 year ago What a joke one hand bagging other hand poking 2 Reply @nativaindocil 1 year ago Can you figure out what amazing public universal health system the US government could provide its population with just $28bl, instead of bombing other people's territories??? Reply @zacheryolson3100 1 year ago If you think peace is only dependent on the leadership of the US, read the CCPs hundred-year plan or at least snippets of it that you can find (MSM sensorship). When a party kills 100M of its own citizens as was done with the takeover of the CCP, what would stop wars in other countries. I would love peace, but that would require peace-seeking leaders on both sides. Our biggest hope for peace is an overthrow of the CCP and a rebirth of the culture of the Chinese people which was crushed by the CCP. Let's pray for peace and be prepared for anything that may come. Regardless of what happens the citizens of each country should never look with hatred towards each other but rather look to establish peace-seeking leaders elected by the public, putting the future of our children first. Reply @sgtjarrodrayner 1 year ago Dear USAF General, It’s called a magazine, not a clip. And you aim for the chest first, especially if you’re an Airman. Thx, The Marines 2 Reply 1 reply @urrywest 1 year ago I think Hudson wrote a book about this 'Destiny of Civilisation'.... So if you want to know why, review Hudson's work. Reply @rb26benjamin8 1 year ago Japan should worrying about their declining population bout they be preparing for war. Reply @spiritweird 1 year ago Nero watched Rome burn, and said the city never looked brighter. 15 Reply @gerardoravarra4170 1 year ago as a united states navy. Reply @MrSupersunbeam 1 year ago The USA is preparing this for a long time. See the documentary "The coming war on China" by John Pilger. Reply @apakansaja8505 1 year ago The US wants India to quickstart the first salvo. Ukraine can, why India cannot... Reply @spinningdragontao 1 year ago (edited) Insanity. This is all about economics using the military to enforce the exploitation of numerous countries around the world. Japan is also suffering from insanity. China will not be ruled, bullied or invaded easily if at all ever again. Prior to WW2 when japan invaded China it was a different country with many problems. It is not like that now. Japanese people I am sure do not want this fight but politicians don't care what the people want or think. Same in America, I have no doubt the people there want education, healthcare, jobs and a peaceful future instead of war war war, It's time people stood up to be counted and make a stand against this rubbish. Reply @philipjames5054 1 year ago You need to distinguish between the insane utterings of crazies in the US military and political elite, and what is remotely feasible. A successful war against China is would mean the destruction of China at a tolerable cost to the US in lives and infrastructure destruction. Such a task is beyond the pain threshold of the US. I cite the US debacles in Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East, particularly Afghanistan. I believe the fever pitch of anti Russia and China rhetoric is evidence of the frustration at the impotence of the US war machine. The idea of going to war against China is just plain ludicrous, and will never happen. Further, China and The US are still joined at the hip economically, so even in the event of a successful hot war, one in which the Nuclear option is not employed, economic destruction would be a result for the US. Of course, the US will posture in an attempt to stare down China, like the proverbial schoolyard bully, but that’s a different game altogether. Reply @acoshah2489 1 year ago Wow Reply @mikeace5831 1 year ago Didn't we learn our lessons from World War II? This is going to be ugly more deaths , more destruction, more misery. And the name of the military-industrial complex and it's all about profits bottom line Reply @drakekoefoed1642 1 year ago de dollarization will send dollars back to the currency market where they will be devalued unless usa taxes the 1% to reduce money supply. 2 Reply @patri153 1 year ago 1 Reply @johndoe-oc9ms 1 year ago 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 1 Reply @teatree6228 1 year ago Hypersonics into continental uxa at least 1000 2 Reply @GamerRangerX 1 year ago (edited) Why can't we live peacefully together? It appears that someone or some force is dooming humanity; someone simply wants us all dead.Ben looks just like Elijah Wood,I have a friend at work that looks just like Tom Hanks, no joke 2 Reply @monarchnoo8561 1 year ago do u think US is picking off potential allies to China before they act on China itself? 1 Reply 1 reply @antonionguyen9636 1 year ago Let’s goooo !!! Let we all die in nuclear hellfire wooooohoooo ️ /s 1 Reply @gerardoravarra4170 1 year ago phillipines love democracy will come my beloved United state's of amererica Reply @Unfamous_Buddha 1 year ago (edited) Doctor Strangelove, like Daniel Ellsberg said to a friend after watching the movie, "Could have been a documentary." Reply @exu7325 1 year ago 10:15 I wouldn't worry too much (China certainly doesn't) about this "first island chain" missile network. The "first island chain" doesn't exist in reality, after all Japan alone does not a "chain" make. Reply @3rdeyeepiphany383 1 year ago I find this rather troubling that our government doesn't seem to entertain the thought that just maybe Japan could end up being like some semblance of a Trojan horse .. well, apparently the U S is actively re arming the Japanese military to aid us and of course I'm aware of the U S military bases there but the Japanese military likely being trained and armed with U S weapons. and so it's expected that the Japanese military who once invaded China and committed Genocide against the Chinese who never forgotten and its one of the major reasons the Chinese military is as strong now so Japan is insignificant in a fight with China, take into account Japan too never forgotten Hiroshima and Nagasaki even until this day do you think they really will go to war against China who never harmed them in anyway or end up Allied with the Chinese as penance for the atrocities they committed against the Chinese. Most Americans is under the delusiona that the Japanese are just preachy having U S military bases there after all these decades, no not so I know from personal experience because I was in the military and I had 2 deployments to Okinawa Japan I had a sense of how or what they feel about U S military. When you go out in Okinawa and visit or come across some places or establishment you'll understand when you're told no military or no Americans 1 Reply 1 reply @gerardoravarra4170 1 year ago mc Arthur told that he needs 10000 pilipino sildiers to conquered the world.we are ready. Reply @sbrgm 1 year ago Thank you so much! I hope and pray that the USA once for all time will vanish into insignificance, so that the rest of the world can live in peace. But I'm not sure if China is already strong enough. Reply @KikoRex 1 year ago Haha, 18:36 the "Chinese" flag. Looking quite Viet there Reply @normtran7501 1 year ago Reply @teatree6228 1 year ago Japan wants to be ukraibe???? 3 Reply 2 replies @teodorosicat1120 1 year ago Hello ! Any way the love of God is missing , may the best win . Thanks! Reply @northstar1060 1 year ago miniman is just feeling the effects of his viagra 1 Reply @mikeace5831 1 year ago When Eisenhower the president warned about the military industrial complex get out of control it's out of control there's so much money to be made owner taxpayer dime Roman Empire continues Reply @humgurung1594 1 year ago Why you want to wasge a war when there seems no clear winner at a time when hypersonic weapons come to use. 2 Reply 2 replies @davidbrogan9945 1 year ago Uda doesn't need anything from any country we re produce ourselves every thing dub Reply @davidbrogan9945 1 year ago Duh Reply @gerardoravarra4170 1 year ago out earht will die if they do it. Reply @teoengchin 1 year ago At 18:25, that's actually the flag of Vietnam 3 Reply @dbrzy8989 1 year ago I guess its the end of the world. Whoever is losing is gonna nuke itself and their enemies all at once. I'd def wouldnt go down alone Reply @davidbrogan9945 1 year ago We have no more people in r country who will protect r land we have a lot of little towns big cities countys states even r kids know how to fight and use weapons Reply 2 replies @DeBeard 1 year ago (edited) lol us is a pretty excellent surgeon who knows when, where and how to open up those aged wounds, makes them start bleeding, so that he himself could wait n see to strike n winner win it all Reply @robsin7406 1 year ago OMG! I've never seen more of a China and Russia sympathizer than I do with this guy. Long live Ukraine 🇺🇦 and Taiwan 🇹🇼 1 Reply @CoyotePark 1 year ago So US is setting up bases around pacific and Indonesian seas, around china.... and saying that "train to kill".... and then it's china who is the aggressor?? xD completely coo-coo :) Reply @robertroth3930 1 year ago The aging wolf with a mouth full of worn teeth howls the loudest. Reply @greghodges2116 1 year ago (edited) This is very biased coverage! Have you been reading Xinhua News (not the English translation)? The Chinese government has been threatening to invade Taiwan (and fight with the USA by proxy) for a while now and have been open about building an amphibious invasion force. The reason is because Taiwan is run by the KMT, the opposing force to the CCP/CPC during the Chinese Civil War and has been in exile on Taiwan since they lost the mainland in 1949. The KMT has had an alliance with the US since fighting the Japanese in WW2 so the US has made it clear it will defend the island. The Chinese government is being the aggressor here - please don't ignore the context here. You make it sound like the US is planning a preemptive strike against China out of some rivaly for geopolitical dominance. Edit: Adding context - the DPP is the pro-independence pro-US party, and they may win seats in the Taiwan 2024 election if they have US support in declaring its sovereignty. However they have yet to move on this, they don't want to end the status quo and start a war! So this may just be posturing to influence an election... 1 Reply 1 reply @browntaint6916 1 year ago I wish to get married in 2025 Reply 2 replies @brucewane6282 1 year ago Japanese people are super smart. Why would they fight for the US who ruled over them? 1 Reply 1 reply @charlesvarain5 1 year ago When I was in the military in 1968 I was in a mobility unit. We were told to send all our personal property home because we were about to go to war with China. 1 Reply @jesuscisneros2555 1 year ago Looks like the Gut of this general is really smart and wise Reply 2 replies @Yigit_Hacioglu 1 year ago Haha bullshit 1 Reply @bernardsebranek1963 1 year ago I hope it's before 2025. Reply @bangthingneng9433 1 year ago West style Democratic belligerence somewhat poses much problems to the existence of others nations when they can't compete fairly or to exert dominance over the others. The point is, dominance are built upon the slavish obedient or dominating over servile followers thus achieve Greatness . Most of these belligerence nationalism took in the form of subtle manners & camouflage under Democracy . Looks , why is there uninvited US armies in Syria . Russian was there becos Syrian government ask for but not US. Now, US is controlling eastern regions of Syria that's oil riches regions . How could it be. Very Strange. When the Syrian are weeks, & Russian could not touch on this matters ( mind your own business though you are protecting Syria now) then suddenly US occupying eastern syria. As simple as that. I do not think US will let go anymore. The rest of the countries in these world & UN can't do anythings anymore ( UN is own by the west & not all of us as we may thought so - the world are living in pretentious manners, as simple as that) . The fact is only a country that is big & strong with dignity that would be able to protect the rest of the world right now. This is before this world is actually diverging into Democratic Feudalism with servile nations with servile adherence & fullishly submissive to its masters ( alliance of belligerence nations) of sorts. This world will only falls apart when the rest of the nations fail to recognise & deny to continue in their supports of all kinds unconditionally to a country that could liberate them & actually the liberations has already taken place in some forms which are not possible before the arrival of forces that contribute to it. The west knew about this while many others countries are still ignorance about this & may be drown in it & only to realise their liberations are gone for not playing the necessary roles in keeping to support the very much needed forces against ..... the forces that would again torn them apart. The bet is, if Russia couldn't bear anymore in its war with Ukraine , Syria would falls to US totally. Bye bye to Russia & welcome to China ( we are closer to you now). Also, the honourable writter Mr. Doug Casey predictions on Russian would breakups further would become a reality. Why ?. There are more to that & are not visible to many people. Probably, most countries are helpless & leaves as the way it is. It was already a preplanned & pre-meditated ways back earlier even before the Ukraine Russian war broke out. Together with its comrades in the middle east, they have far more objective then anybody would thought off for the their futures endeavour. The reasons is simple, to corner Russian then China. On the West part of Russia, you have Nato. How about southern Russia ( Syria woùld be idle location), contiguous to Russia & nearness to China .while on the eastern regions, you have Japan. You may ask why not Kazakhstan, uskbeskistan , Turkmenistan, etc - becos these nations have military pact with Russia. Towards peace & better world Bbc - Bang broadcast corp Reply @Bob-of-Zoid 1 year ago Since when is a (one) generals "Gut feeling" an official stance of the US military? It isn't. Sure, with everything that is going on, China may take advantage of the situation, and try to take Taiwan while everyone is busy defending Ukraine... But again, there have to be better indicators than a general stressing preparedness, who knows darn well that troops should always be prepared for the worse, and that in war "kill them or else give them the opportunity to kill you", is always taught and reinforced in order to succeed, and with as few casualties as possible. Absolutely nothing new! Do you think that in times of peace they teach our troops to not worry, because nothing is going to happen? I don't think so! You are making a mockery of our armed forces who train hard for when shit hits the fan, as if it could happen at any moment! We learned our lesson at Pearl Harbor, and in Vietnam, and I don't think it has been forgotten, or is being ignored! Yes, shit is a brewing, always has, and always will, but shit happens when it happens, not when someone screams "Armageddon", which happens every freaking day, and has for millennia! As it stands, China also would have a lot to gain in invading Russia, now that they have been exposed to be much weaker than self proclaimed, and the land is right where it would suit them best! Is it probable? Maybe not, but it is for sure a possibility. Just because you can do the math in statistics, in relation to human behavior the margins of error are increased greatly due to the human condition, which doesn't always make perfect sense. Reply @michaelmoore6484 1 year ago (edited) I've seen many of your videos and have so far agreed literally with everything that you have said, but I have to say that the portrayal of Japan in this piece is a bit unfair. It has been 80 years since WWII and in the meantime Japanese people have truly become peace-loving. And while right wingers who are war apologists do still carry weight in top Japanese politics (read: Liberal Democratic Party), the population is very pacifistic, and the government too, it can be said, despite sometimes tough words, has actually been restrained in actions in the past couple of decades, considering how far North Korea has gone in developing nuclear weapons and ballistic and cruise missiles and China in developing its missile capabilities and the navy. And yes, Japan is preparing for what might happen in Taiwan, and I personally feel very strongly against the possible war over Taiwan and especially the provocations and involvement of the US (which might involve Japan too in to the conflict), but you have to take into account that Japan has a territorial dispute with China over islands that are right next to Taiwan and that each country even in peace time routinely plans for war with neighbors, even when they are on friendly terms - and temper your argument accordingly. Reply 5 replies @napoleonlaguerre5587 1 year ago madness policy and dangerous evil policy Reply @zztopfan5201 1 year ago Have you seen Avatar 2? It’s one of the best anti imperialist movies I’ve seen. 3 Reply @BlazeEst 1 year ago Last time I checked I was never enough for this country so good luck my fellow master race Reply New: Multi-function Vacuum Sponsored Shop now

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