Friday, September 27, 2024

Comments on : China tracks, records on foreign warships transiting through the Taiwan Strait.

germ&gem • 15 hours ago 1 Or like a bunch of rats maybe: the weakest member is sent ahead to try the bait, if it's poisoned. GT6ML5B1G • 18 hours ago 0 Since 2018 China has denied that the concept of international waters applies to the Taiwan Strait. China does not claim sovereignty over the entire strait but seeks to regulate what it views as "support for the Taiwan authorities and muscle-flexing against the mainland". This position has led to concerns from American, Australian, and French officials and objection from Taiwan. Taiwan solemnly reiterates that the Taiwan Strait constitutes international waters, refuting false claims made by Chinese officials during recent meetings with the US. GT6ML5B1G • 18 hours ago 0 The Taiwan straits are international waters, not China's. Frustrated • 19 hours ago 1 Unnecessary provocation. Childish and pointless. They intimidate no one. Texas • 22 hours ago 1 Rather tasteless of any navy to skirt so close to China without regard for the near term diplomatic consequenses. Americans are NOT on board with the constant sabre rattling from the unhinged American political decision makers. Blinken has always been a thug, never a statesman, not even close. People see that fact in his track record, they dtopped listening to his words over a year ago. China will stands its ground like Russia has, America will possibly have to learn the hard way that the Unipolar era is over.

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