Sunday, September 15, 2024

China just wiped all US manufacruring industries

CHINA Just WIPED OUT All U.S. Manufacturing INDUSTRIES... & U.S. Was TOTALLY Unprepared! BlowMe AI 38.7K subscribers Join Subscribe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K Share Download 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 views Sep 14, 2024 #manufacturingexcellence #ChinaEconomy #MadeInChina China has become the world’s leading manufacturing powerhouse, producing everything from smartphones and electric vehicles to solar panels and everyday products. In this video, we break down the reasons behind China's dominance, including its large workforce, efficient supply chains, and business-friendly policies. We also explore how China leads in high-tech industries like electronics and electric vehicles, and what this means for global trade and the future of manufacturing. #manufacturingexcellence #ChinaEconomy #MadeInChina #GlobalTrade #SupplyChain Join this channel to get access to perks: / @blowmeai Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript BlowMe AI 38.7K subscribers Videos About 478 Comments Eng Lam Yeo Add a comment... @clarenceedwards2866 14 hours ago According to Janet Yellen, China is too large for the rest of the world; there was a time when the US was the country that fitted this bill, but I don't remember hearing the Chinese complaining that the US was too large for the rest of the world. Why is it that the US is behaving with this ridiculous entitlement? 42 Reply 2 replies @PeaceAndLove303 18 hours ago Instead of spending money on wars and weapons manufacturing and invations of death and destruction China focused on industries and manufacturing and infrastructure of everyday needs also there infatructures, roads and high speed trains are kept well etc. Countries used China to produce cheap Products that West simply cannot match. The West simply closed there manufacturing industries and failed to keep up with infrastructure even let roads and buildings fall into disrepair. and has mass unemployment and have become reliant on China for every day goods. Without China the world wouldn't get there every day needs. Trying to increase export tax and sanctions etc on China will only affect western countries. We would think the USA and western countries would learn and start investing and producing from there own new built industries in there own countries. Fight war not wars, invest in industries and production and infastruture for workers wars dont work this is 2024 a world of nukes we live in. 31 Reply 1 reply @harryni2162 11 hours ago Is America a democracy or oligarchy moneyocracy? The fundamental systemic differences between USA and China are: 1 There's no slaughter, loot and genocide against natives and ethnic minorities in China, the 'I Can't Breathe' incident never happened in China. 2. There's no forced labouring, no child pornography, not even a forced tip in China. 3. China does not allow 1% of the population to own more than 90% of the population's total wealth. 4. China does not allow its people to die in mass shootings, let alone let school children get massacred by guns. 5. China does not allow the drug problem to plague the country and kill more than 100,000 people every year. 6. China has never invaded other countries or engaged in colonial expansion. 7. China never interferes in the internal affairs of other countries, and never seeks and fosters agents abroad. 8. China has never based its foreign policies on 'We lied, we cheated, we stole. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment(Pompeo)'. 9. China has never sought to dominate the world, nor deprived any country (region) of its right of development. On the contrary, China shares development and prosperity with all trading partners. 10. China will never do anything to weaken or eliminate an opponent in order to win. Instead, China is focused on bettering itself. 11. China never fires missiles at wandering balloons, but heavily invests in better infrastructures so Chinese people can enjoy better life, safety and health. 12. China advocates and practices in 'Unite and Prosper', the US pursues and believes in 'Divide and Rule', one is constructive and one is destructive. 13. China always follows Confucius philosophy 'Seek common interest and reserve difference', the US prefers 'Either at the table or on the menu (Blinken)'. 14. In the end China walks the talk with a moral compass, the US talks the walk without any moral compass. Conclusion: China's system truly reflects 'of the people, by the people, for the people', the US system betrayed Abraham Lincoln's idea, it truly manifested 'of the 1% people, by the 1% people, for the 1% people'. 11 Reply @patriciaknight1332 17 hours ago Additionally China's education system is light years above US so is Russian education. 65 Reply 5 replies @randychurchill201 19 hours ago It was the US that moved manufacturing out of this country. We did this to ourselves and now we are complaining?This was intentional. Stop kidding yourself. 124 Reply 10 replies @stormyandcold 19 hours ago A nation who's people are willing to work hard without question and adapt quickly to the latest innovations is a very dangerous nation indeed to the West. 32 Reply 7 replies @MalcolmStewart-r8r 14 hours ago I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them. We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for. 118 Reply 22 replies @gooddeedsleadto7499 18 hours ago (edited) This means that China’s actual GDP is significantly higher than that of the U.S., considering that the true value of the Yuan is likely much stronger than its current exchange rate suggests. 52 Reply 2 replies @GoodBaleadaMusic 20 hours ago Europe and its colony's should learn how to cultivate abundance. 46 Reply 5 replies @TAKKLE-TFMC 14 hours ago Hopefully, Australia will wake up and get away from the American dollar choke hold. 14 Reply 1 reply @limabc2009 13 hours ago China had the high GDP but USA had the highest GDP because of large quantities of weapons which does not contribute to high standards of living. Poverty in USA is increasing but in China poverty is decreasing... 8 Reply @Da-Traveler 19 hours ago Ellis wrote: "Napoleon is reported to have said: 'There sleeps China! God pity us if she wakes. Let her sleep! " 14 Reply 2 replies @wulfychen3058 20 hours ago Cooperation is always a win win situation. Sanctions and constantly smearing people at the back is an act of a desperate loser!! 90 Reply 6 replies @edringweeko3419 18 hours ago I couldn’t get anything made in USA back in 2001 cause everything was expensive we had china 12 Reply @jeremyxu8155 20 hours ago China had not been involved in any war in the last 40 years. Since becoming independent 247 years ago, USA was not involved in wars for only 17 years. This is something that China could not surpass USA. 66 Reply 1 reply @andrewwalsh2755 20 hours ago I'm old enough to remember manufacturing being moved to China... because it was cheaper... so a company makes more profits... Today, govts import cheap labour, so that companies make more profit... Conclusion: maximising profitability... minimises lifespan... Isn't that what happened to Boeing? And countless small businesses which can no longer compete with China? 48 Reply 3 replies @javasrevenge7121 19 hours ago You forget one thing, the US is only building militairy bases abroad, China is building structures and infrastructure. 25 Reply @user-qb6gu4bk9lBiafra 17 hours ago America 🇺🇸 is jealous of China 🇨🇳, America 🇺🇸 should compete not bullying others. 42 Reply 3 replies @ericstockler2353 15 hours ago ONLY WESTERN COUNTRIES FELL FOR USA BS!!!! 17 Reply @ardenbowman4489 18 hours ago YEAH,WE HAVE WAITED TOO LONG TO CHANGE ANYTHING,THE ACTION SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE 60;S ,IT WILL CRASH CAUSE ALL WE ARE INTERESTED IN IS QUEERS,TRANS,EV;S AND HOW TO SCREW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE OF WHAT WE HAVE LEFT AFTER TAX,AFTER TAX AFTER TAX,OH YEAH AND ENDLESS WARS TO FILL THE DEFENSE CONTRACTORS POCKETS 11 Reply @AntonyTCurtis 20 hours ago When the USA became the largest manufacturer after WW2, you didn't see the former leader kicking up a fuss and imposing sanctions against the USA. Now it is the USA's turn to experience this and to do so gracefully. 66 Reply 6 replies @stephenlock7236 20 hours ago Unlike the West of the past eras, China achieved all that without the thieveries, the lootings, the genocides, the unequal wars of terrors and inhumanities that the Anglo Saxons used to achieved what they did for anout 500 years. 121 Reply 12 replies @blacksand6368 17 hours ago (edited) Something is about to happen. Japan had to go to war to save itself from oblivion. 5 Reply @RobertCharbonneau-dn6uc 20 hours ago Still you use inflammatory titles, completely inappropriate. Confronting instead that simply appreciate the Chinese accomplishments... Do you get it? 21 Reply @peterkiro2132 14 hours ago Funny that china made cheap stuff but then retailers sell it 100 times more then they get from china . 9 Reply 2 replies @peteskipetek 20 hours ago Only if we had smart politicians i think it would of been a better idea to go south america for cheap labor instead of china across the ocean we would have amazing train rail system 12 Reply 2 replies @awwman240 19 hours ago So USA could senction China and Russia but they could not? 8 Reply @robertnitschke1649 7 hours ago we did it companies CEO make more money by making it in China , its all about greed .we don't make cars anymore in Australia .our cost of living and high wages have put us out of the market . 4 Reply @mamunahmed2506 20 hours ago Wonderful and informative podcast, Sir.. Please keep up the great work you are doing... 15 Reply @jessemayle1380 19 hours ago China needs to worry less about quantity and a lot more on quality because who cares if it's cheap if it falls apart the first or second time that you use it 6 Reply 2 replies @user-hy5yt6jt6u 10 hours ago As US & Some European nations are becoming's in public interest to bring these notorious nations down economically.... 2 Reply @ravenouself4181 20 hours ago The USA: Fuck around China: Ok, then I assume that You want to find out? The USA: Holdup 15 Reply 1 reply @chingo3625 20 hours ago Planned economy is very different from that of so-called fiscal or monetary annual budget. China plans what could be done or achieved in five years, the term "Made in 2025" in the year of 2020 means, they are closing to their target regardless of deficit that is internal money supply to the economy, while the fiscal or monetary of annual budget is how to spend the revenue generated, no goal or any achievement is looked after. 6 Reply @Randywilliams-xy4sj 20 hours ago That's good ok you move to another for cheaper labor this is what they mean the rich gets richer because you don't want to pay your employees. Let companies find out what it's like to lose money. 5 Reply @gretekristiansen2384 21 hours ago BRICS. LOVE IT. 68 Reply 2 replies @sootuckchoong7077 10 hours ago (edited) Time 21.00 "Japan is giving $10 billion for the..." .... isn't this also subsidising by the govt? US also do that. Many more countries also do that. It's already common. What's wrong with China doing that? 2 Reply @elliotlambert3817 6 hours ago the truth about the value of the Yuan to US dollar is that the US dollar is over valued by 50%, drop the value of your rip off dollar and start giving value and not buying cheap. 2 Reply @AlmaMercer 20 hours ago (edited) 0:16 Repercussions for all the sanctions, we have put on them , can we blame them not at all. 11 Reply @multipolarworldorder 18 hours ago Viva China 7 Reply @Hmyt-yucca 13 hours ago China should consider imposes Exit Tax for NATO countries export. Your mfg capabilities and efficiency should never benefit them, but to the developing countries 2 Reply @lominiski 8 hours ago I remember in the 90s when I was working for a US corporation and we were moving computer manufacturing to China. Prior to that in the 80s, Canada was setting up telecom network manufacturing in China....Yeah Cisco did too.....At first it was only production, then the Americans moved R&D. The US corporation that I worked for had a JV 51% shared with the military and 49% for the US corporation. 2 Reply @redsparrow5584 14 hours ago Terrific podcast and its discourse subject matter is ‘second to none’, great work. Fraternal greetings from the U.K. 3 Reply @padredemishijos12 18 hours ago China's low cost of labor is mainly due to subsidized housing, transportation, education and healthcare and finance, all supported by the Chinese government and state owned banks. That means that workers can save money on those living costs, and have a high savings in their bank accounts. 8 Reply 4 replies @dandan2593 19 hours ago The average wage and minimum hourly pay are actually higher. Especially in Beijing and Shanghai. Mixing one truth with two lies makes this presentation at least questionable. Part of the $ 1.8 bil ussa propaganda machine. 7 Reply 1 reply @noyrobi 18 hours ago God bles china 13 Reply @alexblik122 13 hours ago Greed, what's killing , and the decision to move manufacturing to china is the worst for the Western countries ,and this is the consequences . 4 Reply @stephenlock7236 20 hours ago China must implement tariff policies that are as aggressive and as unfair as those imposed on it by some countries, so that the imports from these countries will die a death for lack of a market for it. 11 Reply 1 reply @kontrollierteschaos4068 19 hours ago And that is why China supports Russia and always will. China needs Russian energy to sustain such a large industry, without possible sanctions from the West. 13 Reply 1 reply @flow6279 10 hours ago US companies continue to seek countries with cheap labor to manufacture their products as evident by many companies recent relocations of their operations to India, Thailand, etc. from China. Maybe the US should sanction or tax these companies to push them to bring jobs back to the US. 1 Reply @phongy45 20 hours ago SINCE THE USA DON'T LIKE CHEAP ESSENTIALS , WHY DON'T CHINA OR OTHERS JUST PRICES UP 50% OF ALL PRODUCTS TO USA ???? .... ALL PRODUCTS , JUST UP YOUR SELLING TO USA !!! ... USA DON'T LIKE LOW PRICES ... 11 Reply @YOU-kd5fb 19 hours ago cheap labour.. business ecosystem..export tax transportation.. huge skilled human resources who can compete 2 Reply @jacintochua6885 18 hours ago So this is over capacity accirding to Yellen? Private enterprises takr a large portion of manufacturing in China. The commentator is either lyung or ignorant. 4 Reply @sofiadreamer 6 hours ago The companies are withdrawing from China and not the other way around.. 1 Reply @MrjackieG 5 hours ago Over 50% of US military spending is going to graft.(over priced, non battle proven). 1 Reply @user-go9jn4gv2t 3 hours ago All my respect and gratefulness to the Ancient Chinas Wisdom. Remember the Opium war. Would Europe and the USA not be willing to a Beautiful Cultural Revolution? To revenge the savagely beheaded Queens and Kings of Europe? And all the innocents victims the post 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki Thievery caused? The more than 1.000.000 Vietnamise zum beispiel ? 1 Reply @SquirrelLoverr 2 hours ago China made 19% of world economy , US made only 15% , US has 4% lesser than china 🇨🇳 1 Reply @Dragon3514-m9u 2 hours ago China will ensure Russia is the next in line for superpower manufacturing status. 1 Reply @andyjk5974 17 hours ago 0:40 so they decided to use red colour for China and green for USA. 2 Reply @Dragon3514-m9u 2 hours ago Bless China and the Brics Nations. 1 Reply @AIPretendingToBeHuman 17 hours ago "Beijing hourly US 3.70/hour"; California US $16.00/hour. I live in Silicon Valley, intuitively I felt China had a 5 to 1 advantage, this is across the board from factor workers to chip/ai designers. The only way for US companies to be competitive is to use our military and "soft" power to coerce other nations to buy from us instead of China. 1 Reply 2 replies @jackforstudent8200 15 hours ago in the beginning china offers a cheap labor inchange for technique and the peoples will improves this is the result now. that is a common phenomena. every one want to improve themself right????????? what is wrong with this??????????? 2 Reply @o.z.p. 18 hours ago Such informative truth. U.S. worried about weaponry. China interested in economics. Americans now buy str8 from China online. As an American consumer I've always been a bit envious of China and their appeasement for the bare minimum and their restraint for the greedy maximum. I guess that proof is showing in the pudding. 2 Reply @fourtycents 10 hours ago Ummm…… what now all those brands left China greener grass close to home 1 Reply @GARRYJackson-q1h 3 hours ago 100% tariffs on all Chinese goods Reply @johnbradbury5111 14 hours ago Good bring those jobs back in usa not china 3 Reply @arnargulaugsson2252 10 hours ago Very interesting thank you. 2 Reply @davidstahl1819 11 hours ago Of course they are , no environmental laws to hold them back . Reply @jourdanmiranda8662 20 hours ago when you try to feed a baby dragon hoping that it could be tamed, but when the dragon grow and become stronger than the one who feed them, they will eat all of them like a rat 13 Reply @KNxYZ8 14 hours ago All these company mentioned may have their products manufactured in China but at the end of the day, they are US Companies! Now that they are pulling out from China, what then? Put the same product of a company but manufactured by different countries, put them side by side. If a consumer is particular about quality, Made in China will be left behind compared to Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, specially SouthKorea and even Philippines! Why? No amount of propaganda will change the fact that China has a crazy way of doing things nowadays. Propaganda might work well before but then again, didn’t Chinese Economy only grew after abandoning a full pledge Communistic way and adapted Capitalistic system? After all, USSR did not work, why would Chinese Communism would work? 2 Reply @user-go9jn4gv2t 20 minutes ago If VW suffers from sanctions because of their plant in China, the same will happen because of sanctions to all other EU car brands (Mercedes, Audi, BMW, Porsche, Citroen PSA, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Dacia aso because they must all have installed plants in the Lth areas with the fair consent of China). But we are governed by a plethora of useless guys at EU who dare to impose their way of thinking to civilians but who enforce blind sanctions. To look impartial as judges while we all know they are parties to their own interests. The most stupid Civil Servants and Politicians I ever seen. Reply @markowen7255 3 hours ago we know that. But we can manage without China. Reply @manabouttown2739 14 hours ago Bye bye America 2 Reply @user-ui7gf4os2q 7 hours ago считают военные расходы США но не понимают что там цена болта или час рабочего стоит намного выше чем в других странах Reply @mhjb0034 4 hours ago Electric cars have no engine, no power transferring system, and no cooling system. Electric cars seem like an empty can added battery. So an electric car's price might be cheaper over half than a gasoline car. Reply @ltshakir2602 4 hours ago America's Hypocrites did America say too big to fail bailout GM Corporation at the taxpayers cost ??????????? 2 Reply @AresLau 12 hours ago I blame both of the Rich and the Union. The Rich outsourced the manufactories, and the Union jerk up the cost. People have to learn one thing, don't stay with the same company, and the same job for the rest of your life. I have learned my lesson ten years ago. Loyalty doesn't pay out in the real life. Reply 1 reply @user-jo3my4un5dzD 13 hours ago It all started at 1990s . First it was very good but future is blick. Reply @ricardocoloyan8419 10 hours ago It's in a different situation now. China ia struggling. Reply @rupertbear6883 16 hours ago (edited) worked in south china for 3 years... never so a wind turbine or solar panel... 1 Reply @blacksand6368 17 hours ago But if no one buy their stuff then what? 1 Reply 1 reply @juneflower9965 14 hours ago THE PROBLEM IS, AMERICAN BRANDED APPLIANCES OR HIGH TECH PRODUCTS IF IT IS MADE OR ASSEMBLED IN CHINA IS NOT AS DURABLE OR AS GOOD AS MADED IS USA. 2 Reply 2 replies @GhulamMustafa-fz5ic 20 hours ago Very good 1 Reply @Zindo.Majesty.HisMajesty 13 hours ago Proof it’s time to bring back manufacturing. Reply 1 reply @jurgennolte7577 18 hours ago Good and if you get an order in make sure it's from a civilian so you there in china can still send it. Reply @BureaucracyWorld 20 hours ago (edited) Chinese workers are concerned about their productivity and quality outputs for their companies. American workers are concerned about taking a break on time, work-life balance, going golfing, and having BBQ before the sun goes down. 13 Reply 5 replies @khairularchi 5 hours ago Not trying to be funny but everything said in this video reminds me of something that Cardi B (the rapper) had been said sometimes ago during the pandemic whereas "anti-China" sentiment amongst Americans and the politicians and she'd said, if I can remember correctly that we Americans shouldn't have China because everything that we had, bought and used are coming from China. Thus, she reminds Americans to be thankful for that and the gov should be more collaborative with them in an economical sense of affordability and spending behaviour. Reply @thecsucihai 7 hours ago Come on. One Minute Ago? That is old news. Next time use One Second Ago. Reply @thehypocriticalcynic9182 19 hours ago This guy should fire his research-team... Janet Yellen (U.S. treasurer), went to China to inform them to stop producing, "so much stuff." 2 Reply 2 replies @ValinPrezkowski 11 hours ago If you believe this video you are sadly uninformed. China’s gdp is crashing. If you are paying attention then you know that China’s residential construction sector is crashing. Foreign investment and foreign companies are fleeing. Unemployment is widespread and those that are working are either expending slashed wages or are not getting paid at all. Millions of stores and restaurants have failed or closed. People are in shock! Millions of people can’t afford to eat. Social unrest is rising and there WILL be an accounting by the CCP! Reply @healer1000040 5 hours ago Make short movies nobody has time to stick on 48 min long. Reply @MichaelHarrisIreland 20 hours ago Yes, but what else can they do? Reply @dutchuncle3310 5 hours ago So Xi decided to cause a short term shortage goods to try to boost its collapsing economy. This video completely ignores the fact that foreign companies have been pulling out of China for some time now. A lot of these companies have been moving to India and Vietnam. The message here is China got where it is by undercutting its competitors. Add to that the fact that china produces goods to replace other goods that are still perfectly fine like cell phones. Steel and aluminium production are a non issue there is enough production capacity present in the rest of the world. China is where it is because of its exports without exports China will collapse. Then there is the real kicker China is aging fast, it will lose a large part of its workforce. Reply @Dirkbmw 20 hours ago its a two way cutting knife, china does not produce those anymore 1 Reply 1 reply @blueraytransmission7904 17 hours ago dont worry we have Korean Reply @alinlou9236 10 hours ago Do they pay the work force. Reply @myeverythingworld8123 13 hours ago The leader in bad quality goods 1 Reply @NewZealandWild 13 hours ago Misinformed and out of touch. China is in sharp econimic decline. It is currently experiencing financial chaos. The cities are emptying and industry is collapsing. 1 Reply 1 reply @hjb4304 19 hours ago Yes fainely Reply @willemruiter8423 18 hours ago Think about the Philippines! Reply 1 reply @snodgee 19 hours ago A lot of big tech firms are pulling out of China like Apple and Foxconn 2 Reply 4 replies @bc0601 20 hours ago Yea!!!!! we don’t have to buy china made products anymore???? 250% tariffs coming 2 Reply 1 reply @fialeks 18 hours ago This Baldwin? Reply @gibbs677bg 20 hours ago There's NOTHING that China makes that I can't do without! 6 Reply 5 replies @willemruiter8423 18 hours ago Go to Vietnam the best from the best! Reply 2 replies @MaCo-p9w 20 hours ago Get lost MooFoo Reply @lindaanderson3698 18 hours ago Now China is too expensive so they moved to Singapore/Shanghai and that's too expensive so they're looking at Africa. China's gov will give money to losing companies so despite losing money they can undercut competition. US companies are not getting the same gov funding so it's not comparable. Solar panels were started in US but China gov gave money to industry until US could not compete with producing at a loss and lost solar to China. Might have wanted to mention that. How can US compare with wages of $3.00 per hour in China? Move to Africa for $0.80 per hour. ? Reply @emirzarfan133 19 hours ago lazy #wolfofwallstreet Reply @edmsh5988 18 hours ago You live in a bubble Reply @edgonow 14 hours ago (edited) That's why we need to take our country back. Stop relying on the rest of the world. 1 Reply @user-go9jn4gv2t 3 hours ago #PunhetasDeBacalhauComBatatas Reply @geno4825 19 hours ago " China's too large" the other side of her mouth "We need a one world government" 2 Reply @robertsandberg1183 17 hours ago USA made Chia’s economic success and it can break it too Reply 1 reply @wesleyferguson6932 20 hours ago Time for the manufacturing of products to be made in America again where American people can be working again. 3 Reply 5 replies @rishiadhikari7081 3 hours ago Tit for tat ! Reply @danv965 19 hours ago Canada and Mexico will help America 1 Reply 2 replies @captng 16 hours ago Propaganda news network... Reply @wookfoot8408 19 hours ago Taiwan is a free & independent country 🇹🇼️ 2 Reply 2 replies @wookfoot8408 19 hours ago Just a friendly reminder to post "Taiwan is a free & independent country" on anything regarding chna 🇹🇼️ 2 Reply 3 replies @frank1424 18 hours ago Bravo China. BRICS is the Future. Long Live BRICS. Reply @rogeroeyen 1 hour ago According the IMF, the world bank and the CIA, China already surpassed the US (27.63 vs 34.64 for 2023) in (PPP) GDP a few years ago ( Nominal GDP is a flawed figure, because it doesn't take in account the purchasing power of the country and includes government spending. Wealth can only be measured by what you can buy from the money you earned. If a country wants to jack-up its nominal GDP, all it needs to do is spend more money. This would still be OK if the money spend is available and benefits it's economic growth, but the US doesn't have that money and needs to borrow ever greater amounts of money just to maintain the status quo, while a good portion of this money is squandered away on their military. Military spending doesn't create wealth for a country, but is doing rather the opposite. US federal debt is currently at 123.44% of nominal GDP and rising by a cool trillion every 100 days. This is unsustainable and the US will eventually pay a hefty price for this miss-management. 1 Reply @roberttouchette2823 20 hours ago Bout past time to change this. 1 Reply @jjpowell1468 9 hours ago (edited)

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