Thursday, October 3, 2024

History of China's dynasties since Jin Si Huang Di

All of China's Dynasties in ONE Video - Chinese History 101 Learn Chinese Now 192K subscribers Subscribe 24K Share Download 1,046,404 views Premiered Aug 5, 2022 💥Learn more about Chinese culture with Shen Yun Creations: In this video we give you every Chinese Dynasty from around 2000 BC to the end of the imperial system in 1912. Subscribe to Learn Chinese Now! / learnchinesenow Ben on Twitter: / benhedgesntd T-Shirts and other products: Key moments View all Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Learn Chinese Now 192K subscribers Videos About Twitter Instagram Facebook 4:08 Xia Dynasty: From FLOODING to DROWNING by Learn Chinese Now 10:58 Shang Dynasty: Oracle Bones, Bronze Arrows, and Demon Foxes? by Learn Chinese Now 1,805 Comments Eng Lam Yeo Add a comment... Pinned by Learn Chinese Now @learnchinesenow 2 years ago NOTE: We show the wrong tone on screen when talking about the Qin dynasty, we show a 1st tone, should be a 2nd tone. 560 Reply 32 replies @michaelxie837 8 months ago (edited) As someone who is Chinese himself, I gotta say I'm impressed by your pronunciation, it's quite accurate! Most non-Chinese struggle with the tones. And awesome educational video 9 Reply @Dietcoke03 1 year ago His pronunciation of Chinese words is top notch. This alone brings lots of credibility. 386 Reply 7 replies @kuri7154 1 year ago 12:11 history always reminds me that "China" is more like the throne not the person sitting on it, it can be overthrown from the inside or conquered from the outside, but even when it's overthrown or conquered it is not destroyed. The Subjugator might force their identities their culture (even their DNA) onto China but at the same time, China seeps into them, until eventually, they've become the next China, more nuanced and more expansive than the last, recognisably different, yet in some ways, same as it's always been. 143 Reply 9 replies @JohnSmith-nb6lq 7 months ago There is a fundamental mistake in this video, which is how to define Chinese people. Westerners have a significant misunderstanding in that they believe Chinese people are only the Han ethnicity, which is not the case. Chinese people refer to all ethnic groups living in China, including the Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, and so on. All Chinese people are also collectively referred to as the Chinese nation or the Huaxia nation. Individuals whose ancestors were once Chinese but who have become citizens of other countries can still be referred to as part of the Chinese nation, but not as Chinese people. It is important to understand that Chinese people refer to nationals of the country, while the Chinese nation refers to a concept that encompasses cultural heritage and bloodlines. 38 Reply 60 replies @meghjha_18 1 year ago (edited) I am from 🇮🇳...but I have no shame in saying that my favoyrite culture and history is of China.. Zhongguo. .If god permits me rebirth in a nation of my choice, it will be China to all my chinese mates 🇨🇳🇨🇳💪💪💖💖 992 Reply 97 replies @wyukigurumi 1 year ago wow, your chinese pronunciation is spot on for a non native speaker. Thank you for educating myself and others on your channel 63 Reply @lisiusabok4534 1 year ago I love world history, including ancient history of China. And others too. Thanks for the narrative and I hope you would continue to present China history by dynasty in detail. 32 Reply @alvaroxex 1 year ago A Brazilian here, fascinated by Chinese history 37 Reply @feizai245 1 year ago As an overseas Chinese, never had I thought that one day I'd be learning about my own root from a Westerner. Subscribed and looking forward to learn more. 41 Reply @caramelskate2541 1 year ago Thank U. You had simplified a whole lot of history, yet captured its essence. Learned a great deal thru this video. 19 Reply @Saltkoenigin 1 year ago I am a german who laoready knows alot of chinese history. This video was a good refresher for the most basic knowledge about the history of china. I know this video didn't go in depth but I was a good summary of the ancient history 3 Reply 1 reply @discovercha98 1 year ago Thanks for bringing us such a short but clear and completing Chinese history. As you said, a lot can be learned from China's 5.000 years of traditional culture, we are making the effort of offering a good cup of tea filled with Chinese culture. 13 Reply @VimalaNowlis 1 year ago An excellent abbreviated Chinese history. His Chinese is very good. I am impressed! ❤️ 13 Reply @pto595 1 year ago I am Chinese and a scholar in Chinese literature and history . Thanks for the straightforward yet in-depth account of Chinese history through the Dynasties, which serves as an excellent introduction of Chinese history to those who wants to learn something about China. Keep up with the good work and all the best. 1.1K Reply 41 replies @estherorji3487 7 months ago It never ceases to amaze me how literate, advanced and cultured China was compared to most parts of the world during the early and mid dynasties. 55 Reply 3 replies @banyadben6632 1 year ago I am Chinese born in Thailand. My parents came from China. I have been interested in my ancestors' history. Thank you so much for your creative content. 203 Reply 17 replies @softerhaze 1 year ago Chinese history always gives me chills, the extent and the beauty of it 😭😭 64 Reply @EmpirEofEuropE2030 1 year ago Always been amazed with Chinese history love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩💗🇨🇳 12 Reply @simonsaville9962 2 years ago I wish all history documentaries were like this, no fannying around, straight facts, and certainly no walking around looking moodily into middle distance! Love it! Learnt so much in just 20 mins. 637 Reply 6 replies @haceletkitoviamirai8518 1 year ago His mandarin pronunciation is better than mine. Goodness!!! 23 Reply @kimtee524 1 year ago Great wall is built during the Qin Shi Huang era to keep out the barbarians in the north. Ming dynasty rebuilt some parts of the ruins. Video clips at the end can be misleading by showing the Tian an meng incident. ...etc 24 Reply 3 replies @icilike 4 weeks ago Sharp, concise, comprehensive with excellent pronunciation. Reply @marylee8372 1 year ago Even though I am not a Chinese language student, I do study Chinese art history and always struggle with pronunciation of dynasties and emperor's names. Thanks very much for this quick trip through the dynasties and how to pronounce important historical terms. 106 Reply 4 replies @backyard.craftsman 1 year ago (edited) Im not a Chinese but never seem to get tired of learning Chinese History. Thanks for the good sumary of the Chinese long history. 240 Reply 7 replies @TheAminoamigo 2 years ago Nice to see this channel come back to life! 11 Reply @afrahf9010 1 year ago You missed to mention the short-lived Zhou dynasty that followed Tang dynasty which was ruled by Wu Ze Tian. China's first and only empress. During her period China flourished, however due to her gender, other forces rose against her. Pretty much tarnished her good deeds with her wrong decisions. Her story is wonderful. 254 Reply 30 replies @marvinfok65 1 year ago (edited) The Qin dynasty was considered a truly unified dynasty in China's history. The Zhou dynasty was very similar to the Holy Roman Empire of Europe where a loosely integrated union of German states and city-states under the supreme rule of an emperor. This is why Qin Shi Huang or Emperor Shi who conquer all the other six states of the warring states period is considered the first Chinese Emperor. 256 Reply 26 replies @hleangod 1 year ago Thank you for this Chinese history lesson. Especially for those of us that grew up outside of China, and wishing to learn some of its history. Good job. 55 Reply 1 reply @jeffyoung60 1 year ago For centuries it looked as if China would crystallize as an Asian Europe, separated into solid, political entities with their own cultures, economies, and armed forces. But the existence of a common language made it possible to unite all of China into one empire. 19 Reply 4 replies @laurakelly631 1 year ago This was excellent! Thank you so much 8 Reply @salvadorvizcarra769 1 year ago Por donde quiera que se aprecie, aquí en China se ve el “Progreso y Crecimiento”. China es un país fantástico. Su pueblo es único en muchos sentidos. Esta nación es ancestral, pero en serio. China es 2,000 años más antigua que el Imperio Romano. Los Romanos ya desaparecieron y los Chinos siguen vigentes como pueblo, aferrados a su Herencia Cultural. Los Chinos han superado cantidad de broncas internas. Las más severas iniciaron en el siglo XVIII y terminaron en el siglo XX, cuando su territorio fue ocupado por 6 potencias europeas (más Japón), que la destrozaron, la corrompieron, y la envilecieron con Opio. Aún y todo, ellos sobrevivieron pese a guerras y más guerras. Mire acá: Apenas iniciado el siglo XX, entre los años 1911-1949 hubieron: --Revolución de Xinhai, con el fallido Golpe de Estado del nuevo Imperio ("Muera Qing Manchú. Viva el Nuevo Han"). --Segunda revolución de Xinhai. --Guerra de Unión para la protección nacional en contra de las potencias extranjeras. --Guerra de Otoño de 1927. --Las luchas internas de los "Señores de la Guerra" en China. Luego: --Protección contra el Imperio de Japón en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. --Segunda Guerra Civil China. ¡Tremendo! Después de 38 años de guerras continuas, les llegó la "Gran Hambruna" (1959-1961). El "Gran Salto Adelante", de Mao. Con una mortandad de casi 2 millones de Chinitos. Aunque la Propaganda nos ha hecho creer que se murieron de hambre 10 millones. Como si 2 millones no fuese una cantidad terrible. ¡Horrorosa! En fin. Sigo: En 1971, y según la OCDE, China ocupaba el lugar 44 de las economías mundiales. Ya para 1999, China estaba en el quinto puesto. En tan sólo tres décadas, China había logrado sacar de la pobreza a 800 millones de Chinos. Semejante hazaña se logró con TRABAJO y con DISCIPLINA. Hoy, China ocupa el segundo lugar... y esto lo consiguieron sin atacar a nadie, sin tirar un maldito cañonazo, sin Robar ni recursos ni territorios, sin invadir, y sin romperle las pelotas a sus vecinos. Con todo lo dicho, ¿acaso no es para hacerles a ellos una reverencia de reconocimiento? China es un país admirable. China pasó de la "Gran Hambruna" a súper potencia en 30 años. En seguida, puso en órbita su propia Estación Espacial construida en tan sólo 20 meses, para luego poner a 6 robots avanzados sobre la superficie de Marte. Una proeza increíble que se consiguió sin fastidiar a nadie. Sin meterse con nadie. ¡Ah! Pero a Occidente (USA), no le gustó nada de lo que China había logrado. Por lo tanto, para el año 2002, se preparó una campaña de PROPAGANDA (¿Recuerda la campaña de Propaganda del 2003 contra Irán: "Armas de destrucción masiva"? Pues igual)... campaña de Propaganda, para convencernos de que en China se esclavizaba; de que se traficaba con órganos infantiles; de que no se respetaban los Derechos Humanos ni los Derechos Civiles. (¡Jáh! Sí, como no). Convencernos de que en la “Gran Hambruna” murieron de hambre 10 millones, luego que 25 millones, después que fueron 100. Como si casi 2 millones de Chinos muertos por hambre no fuera un número ¡Espantoso! La Propaganda buscaba escandalizar, pero, en las Olimpiadas de Beijín 2008, todo eso, se derrumbó por la fuerza de los Hechos Verificables. Incluso hoy, intentan convencernos de que China, muy pronto, colapsará económicamente. Pues no se mira cómo, porque a veinte años después del inicio de las campañas difamatorias, vemos que China no ha parado de crecer. Su Clase Media es saludable y con movilidad en ascenso. Y en vez de irse a la baja, China repunta para ocupar el primer lugar de las Economías Mundiales. Lo dicho aquí, es una Verdad Absoluta y no Propaganda. China no ROBA ni territorios ni recursos a nadie. China no interfiere en los asuntos internos de ninguna nación. China no es ni Imperialista ni Colonialista. Mucho menos es Expansionista. China, ni siquiera en 1,000 años ha invadido a nadie en el mundo. Nunca. ¡Eso Jamás lo ha hecho! ¿Sabe usted cuántas Bases Militares tiene China fuera de su propio territorio? Ninguna. Cero. ¡Nada! China no ataca. China es un país respetuoso con todos, y es un ejemplo para todo el mundo. En cambio, Estados Unidos en apenas 250 años como nación, han “Crecido” 711 veces el tamaño de su territorio, partiendo de sus 13 colonias originales. EU tiene casi 800 Bases Militares esparcidas por todo el planeta. De esas 800, los EU tienen 93 Bases frente a China. Y es ¡AQUÍ! mismo en donde está el problema con los Estados Unidos frente a China: ¡Su Miedo! ¡Su Gran Miedo! Dado que el Imperio yanqui se construyó gracias a la Piratería, a la Esclavitud, al Genocidio, al Asesinato de Líderes de Gobierno, al Tráfico de Opio y de Cocaína; al ROBO de materias primas por la entrega y la debilidad de muchas naciones soberanas sometidas, ellos le temen al Crecimiento de China. Le temen, porque piensan que China se comportará del mismo modo que los Estadounidenses. Y no. China NO es lo mismo que EU. Para China el “Progreso y Crecimiento”, se logra con trabajo y no subyugando y avasallando a los demás. “Progreso y Crecimiento” se trata de que la gente viva bien, sin hambre, sin ignorancia y sin pobreza. Y eso, se puede conseguir, así, como lo están haciendo los Chinos: Sin Chingar a Nadie. 3 Reply @mottscottison6943 1 year ago fascinating how East Vs West analogy is represented so simply and well in the flood story. In the West, only a selective people is saved by Noah while in the East, Yu built the dam to save everyone regardless. 26 Reply 2 replies @reozen8727 1 year ago one piece of advice to you all: don't learn our history with established bias of yours, empty your glass first. if you can't, leave now. 3 Reply @andieman3000 1 year ago Hmm...... Qin shiwang may seem brutal in one aspect but in my opinion he was one of the greatest emperors if not the greatest till this day, he did what was necessary to unite a nation or bring concept of unification to future rulers who had never imagine possible. we called it shihuangdi, if you know really know Chinese language you would know how much we appreciate him for his effort. 7 Reply @LisaSummers1988 1 year ago All i ever wanted, all i ever needed, was a reliable source of information about Chinese History and Culture. It sure looks and sounds like i found just that in this video, and i cannot write enough of a thank you, for that. I am truely greatful for this video, so thank you! 14 Reply @normandybeach9230 2 years ago I'm so happy you're back! Great to see this but would also love to see more of you teaching Mandarin dialog. 54 Reply @jscc7711 1 year ago Nicely done! and you pronounce Chinese very good 5 Reply @tc2334 2 years ago Very concise summary of all the dynasties. Well done! 44 Reply @fridaywithmateobonus2477 2 years ago Huang Di's Nei Jing is a classic masterpiece of medicine ... great book! 27 Reply @faridabiyyu 1 year ago (edited) Han Empire and Greco-Bactrian Kingdom interaction is probably the crossover we never expected 1 Reply @lollettealipe9363 1 year ago Thank you for this very informative video. Yes, we can learn so much from the long history of China. 16 Reply @Liveforfood9394 1 year ago Fantastic video! I only know up to 700 years of Chinese history and still murky. This video teach me a lot! 12 Reply @mottscottison6943 1 year ago The end footage is pretty misleading. China faced much bigger lost of lives due to Violence than the Cultural Revolution, The Five Barbarians Upheaval, An Lushan Rebellion, Taiping Rebellion, and WW2 Japanese Invasion. As bad as Cultural Revolution was, 'only' 1M died. People always confused the Great Leap Forward famine (40M) deaths with Cultural Revolution which are 2 different things. China throughout the history has faced plenty of famine deaths and Great Leap Forward was one of the worst but it doesn't equate death due to Violence. 20 Reply 4 replies @FallenSky925 1 year ago Great video just wanna voice out a few inaccuracies I've observed. 1) The imperial examination system was first introduced in the Han dynasty, under Wu Emperor 汉武帝 2) The period after Tang dynasty was not immediately the Song dynasty but rather it went into another turbulent period known as Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (五代十国). 10 Reply 1 reply @kinlian 1 year ago This is an excellent narrative of China's history as viewed through the dynasties. Well done. 20 Reply @edmurks236 1 year ago You didn't mention that the US was also a major trader and dealer of Opium to the Chinese.Nor the wanton destruction of the Summer Palace. Still it was an excellent presentation thank you. 19 Reply 1 reply @dorishuin6338 1 year ago Thank you for your effort and dedication of your hard work of conversing Chinese history in English. Excellent summary of 5000 Chinese history. ❤😊 59 Reply 1 reply @ianlow 5 months ago thanks for pronouncing the words properly Reply @user-kw7xk5hj4f 1 year ago Thank you very much for the quick informative summary. 5000 years civilizations... wow 7 Reply @roseymami 4 months ago (edited) Hello i'm Mizo from North East India. We were known as Chin in Myanmar .kuki, zou or zomi in India and other places ,We believed to come sinlung or chhinlungsan from the river banks of Yalong River, China. We speak sino tibetan. Mizo who done ancestry dna test have about 70% chinese dna. Its so nice to see chinese rich history. 17 Reply 9 replies @ahjotco906 1 year ago Thank you for your interesting video history of China. Cheers from Pennsylvania, 🇺🇲🙏👍👏🇺🇸🇨🇳🇨🇳💖💓🇨🇳🇨🇳 1 Reply @shannenchin9825 1 year ago Thank you so much for this video which I stumbled on. I always wanted to know more about Chinese history as I am a Chinese (ethnicity) but I did not go to a Chinese school thus I can't read anything in Chinese. This video makes me understand about my ancestor culture and country. Thank you so much for your effort. Look forward to more education and informative video from you ;) 25 Reply 2 replies @kierahicks9314 1 year ago Let me tell you sincerely, the eight countries in the late Qing Dynasty (British Empire (UK), United States of America (U.S.), French Third Republic (France), German Empire (Germany), Russian Empire (Russia), Great Japanese Empire (Japan), Austria The allied forces of the Hungarian Empire (Austria) and the Kingdom of Italy (Italy) invaded Beijing, the burning of the Old Summer Palace by the British and French allied forces, and the subsequent Japanese invasion of China (Nanjing Massacre) can be explained in detail. Through the above incidents, we can get a glimpse of the original motives of some things that happened in China later. 1 Reply @cat-xh3qi 1 year ago There are many errors in the details, such as the Sui attack is Goguryeo, which has nothing to do with Korea. (Goguryeo was a frontier regime established by ethnic minorities in northern China.) 45 Reply 6 replies @shirleydong269 1 year ago Your Chinese is perfect. 1 Reply @MaximumAlex 1 year ago 一种外语学到主播这个程度,这个语言所承载的历史就很自然地成为了他个人生命的一部分。 13 Reply @oliveroach8688 1 year ago I might actually pass my AP exam now. THANK YOU YOU ARE MY SAVIOR 🤧🙏 Reply @WTF8848-l4v 7 months ago Oh my goodness! Your Chinese pronunciation is even more standard than many Chinese people🤔🤔🤔🤔 2 Reply @NG-fq5lf 1 year ago I just started learning about China’s history. I really enjoyed your video. Thank you so much for it 5 Reply @kaanerdem2822 3 months ago As a Turkish whos a bit history enthousiast i find the last years of the chinese empire very similar to the Ottoman empire. Also i heard the ottomans have the biggest ming period porcelaine collection, it would be interesting to hear what kind of relation they had eachother Reply 1 reply @Pinkee3867 1 year ago Thank you for this wonderful video. I’m Chinese, born in Canada. I can speak Chinese, but never learned to read or write. I’ve always wanted to learn more about Chinese history, but reading books in English were more confusing than informative. This was brilliant! 113 Reply 12 replies @qkchia1593 1 year ago I just came across this clip. Excellent summary of Chinese Dynasties in 1 video. Great Chinese history lesson. 7 Reply @raymonddon8875 1 year ago this is awesome china... oldest surviving civilization, longest uninterrupted history & richest nation 2000 years ago, as well as the richest nation on the planet today. no other nations even came close... 19 Reply @dwchen1 1 year ago Why there are the 1989 Tian An Men square protest in this video...? Isn't 1912 to 1989 have nothing in common and too far and wide in between...? You are talking about Chinese Imperial Dynasty history but adding some scenes that are absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this video You getting pissed off because 1989 China failed to become Western Styled democracy...? 2 Reply @papazataklaattiranimam 1 year ago "History of the Suí dinasty", chapter 84: The superiority of the Göktürks is in their cavalry and archers. When they are in a winning position, they advance with fury; but when danger comes, they withdraw with the speed of the wind, and disappear like lightning, without preserving order. Bows and arrows serve them as claws and fangs. Helmet and cuirass are their usual attire. Their detachments do not go in order, their camps do not stand still. They stop wherever they find grass and water; rams and horses provide food for their army. If they win, they stop and seek the wealth of the enemy; if they are defeated, they withdraw without any shame. They do not burden themselves with night duty, nor do they keep watch during the day; they do not waste their strength in building fortifications, or in storing provisions. But when Chinese soldiers go to war, they [Göktürks] behave very differently. If the Chinese enter the battle with the Göktürks, they [Chinese] rarely win. If we begin to imitate them now, if we adapt to their means, they will not be able to overcome us, and they will not attack us again. – Emperor Yang of Suí 5 Reply @dollygracevillanueva6605 7 months ago I am from 🇵🇭 and I am fascinated in Chinese histories. You're amazing I must say! 3 Reply @ainouta123 1 year ago (edited) 16:15 you make it sounded like the Mings invented and built the walls. They maintained, rebuilt, and extend the walls which was originally built during Qin dynasty. 2 Reply @dimitripaizis5456 1 year ago What a history!!! Fabulous narration. 7 Reply @Huboran 2 weeks ago There are couple of mistakes in this video, 6:51 for instance, not against korea, but Gaogouli(高句丽Goguryeo),It's a completely different country and nationality, in the Tang dynasty, the central land even beat Gaogouli with It's ally silla(新罗, one of the states in korean peninsula), so Gaogouli and korea were actually enemies Reply @lalmuankhupzou3303 1 year ago I'm a Zou tribe from Manipur India Don't know how Zhou seems relating to my tribe 😳 Can you please do more research on these Zhou Dynasty I'm interested 🙏 3 Reply 1 reply @streetman6661 1 year ago you forgot to mention that at present chinese people are enjoying the best of life since the tang dynasty. 1 Reply @liuliuliu3747 1 year ago Great video, very informative and well summarized. It's evident that a lot of effort and research went into creating this content, this is a true gem for history enthusiasts! Thank you. 9 Reply @北岸bakon 9 months ago the Qing dynasty sucks, hate it so much 3 Reply @ReseCema 1 year ago The video discusses the history of China's dynasties, starting with the legendary Xia dynasty and continuing through the Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Three Kingdoms, Northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. It highlights important events and cultural achievements during each dynasty, including the use of bronze artifacts, the emergence of Confucianism, and foreign invasions. The video also mentions the Opium Wars and other conflicts with European powers in the 19th century and the decline of the imperial examination system. 5 Reply @Conor.Mcnuggets 1 year ago That is an extremely "scratch the surface" version of Chinese history, the speedrun was great, but you got many details wrong: - There has at least 3 archeological site that dates back to Xia era, what's missing is uniform pattern of written text, lack of metallurgy, and lack of alignment from text to this pre-Shang era of civilization. - Zhou's feudal colonialism both contributed to the overthrow of Shang and the subsequent conquering of neighbor cities and states, what civilization existed before the expansion of Zhou we may never know... - Jin dynasty was plagued with internal conflicts between the emperor and next-in-lines... - ... 5 min into the video and its unwatchable already. 2 Reply @khemberlybayog1395 1 year ago Would you believe I studied these dynasties in school, I'm Filipino and Asian history was really amazing that we took it very seriously in understanding each. 26 Reply @richardkan8499 1 year ago Brilliant, thank you. And in Traditional Chinese too Reply @AmyChan-kc2xv 1 year ago wa really good, thank you very much, In 10 minutes I learned about the Chinese Dynasty and the important history figure within the dynasty 5 Reply @alanjyu 1 year ago I would not characterize the Chinese Communist party as being the party that departed from Confucian values and destroyed centuries of tradition. The way xi jinping runs China is in no way different from a prior emperor taking action on behalf of the population. The mandate of heaven and all of the sacred Confucian relationships, including that between the ruler and their subjects continue to persist under Chinese Communist party rule. Therefore, I just consider the Chinese Communist party to be just another dynasty. They might think they are going against the old ways, but some of these old ways are just too ingrained to walk away from. 13 Reply 4 replies @mystgirlone2166 1 year ago Thankyou for this informative lecture on Chinese history. A series of more in-depth documentaries about individual dynasties would be appreciated greatly. 10 Reply @gabbyfoo2 1 year ago Thank for a very easy to learn about the History of China. May 2023 bring you good health/Bliss & prosperity. Reply @carlosjohnson6726 1 year ago I am not Chinese, but Chinese culture resonates with me. The history, inventions,the books, poems, artwork,the six schools of Thought. I am a beginner in speaking Chinese. The culture is very rich,a testimony of a country that has been around for almost 5,000 years. 29 Reply 3 replies @lawrenceng7971 1 year ago The video is good until the last moment when it started demonizing the CPC, conveniently forgetting that china is so strong today is due to CPC policies. Thumb down!!! 2 Reply 1 reply @博谦赵 1 year ago The emergence of Chinese characters predates 5000 years ago very much.The Chinese character "姓(means family name)" consists of "女(mainly means female)" and "生(usually means birth)". It can be seen that the Chinese characters appeared as early as in the matriarchal society, and by the Yan and Huang Dynasties (about 5000 years ago), a mature writing system had been formed (according to the Folktale “Cang Jie's creation of characters”and some cultural relics) 7 Reply 2 replies @jalcome4201 9 months ago Very good propaganda at the end there. Guess ill block this channel 2 Reply @jianxiongRaven 1 year ago Love how you explain even the shorter dynasty in between. And if they already established a kingdom beforehand . As well as if they follow the ethnic chinese custom or not. Nice video . The other history channels especially those shorter explaination wans doesnt really include them 7 Reply @sharhu 1 year ago 면류관은구슬을앞으로배치해서귀신들을가린다 다이아로만들어 색동저고리 Reply @novanitrox8530 1 year ago 我愛中國 3 Reply @aquagaming8749 1 year ago (edited) Your pronunciation is actually spot on, except for some of them Reply @lordlee6473 1 year ago (edited) Very impressive summary of Chinese history. I would say it’s worth mentioning that it was in the Tang Dynasty that women gained a lot of freedom, and were allowed to dress in non-conservative styles, and the only female emperor came to power during this period. 58 Reply 13 replies @shqip_sumejja 1 year ago Very informative and interesting, I must visit China one day Reply @guppymalaysia 3 months ago Last minute of the video show your true color. 3 Reply 1 reply @khmer31 1 year ago The Great Wall is not for defending against the Mongols- it's against the Huns. 2 Reply @ngeehaiheng8377 1 year ago (edited) Lots of mistakes. Liu Bang did not defeat Qin. It collapsed from losing or surrendering mostly to Xiang Yu, who was then defeated by Liu Bang. Early emperors of Han don’t subscribed to Confucius teaching but Huang Lao 8 Reply 1 reply @monkeymachine33 1 year ago This is very interesting Reply @henrytan5707 1 year ago (edited) Li 礼- ritual, is the formal part of social order, it is very important for harmony of society and to the government. And this western guy is very good in Chinese and well versed in Chinese culture, speaking Chinese better than I do😅 3 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @crystallizedmint5462 1 year ago think of it this way its like a jig saw puzzle you make seprate parts and then join the together like how the Qin to over some other dynasty's like connecting jigsaw puzzles Reply @lilliedoubleyou3865 1 year ago A perfect mix of high quality production values and straightforward information. Well done. 14 Reply @shanghaiteahouse 1 year ago Why does he look like Ben shapiro and Matt Smith's lovechild 2 Reply @八卦佬 1 year ago Hi even though you didn't show your name in the video, but I really appreciate that you did this video. It did cover most of Chinese history in a very concise chronic pattern. However there's some glitch or missing part in your narrative, that is the part about kosinga who resists Manchu Invasion while maintaining the last Ming stronghold in Taiwan. 5 Reply @evasavonith6234 1 year ago "Dynasty" ... the Word originally comes from "die nasty?!" 😅 👍 1 Reply @joeysu7591 10 months ago Thank you so much ❤❤❤ it's like the tiny bit of Chinese blood in my veins rejoice whenever I indulge myself with China's long history. Like it's longing to be one with its history way way back then. And maybe that's the reason why Im not just reading Chinese novels, loving anything about the Tang Dynasty, rolling my eyes with Empress Cixi and admiring how advance china now compared to how it was thousands of years ago and yet you can still see the every bits and pieces of it everywhere, the road, the mountains, the river towns, the boats, the culture itself and yeah the language and writing system, so yeah, 谢谢你。 3 Reply 1 reply @papazataklaattiranimam 1 year ago Initially dubbed in historical sources as the Turks of Shatuo circuit (Shatuo Tujue), occasional references to the "three tribes" of Shatuo-the Shatuo, Anqing, and Yinge-suggest the existence of multiple confederations, the Shatuo ascent coinciding with the decline of the Eastern Turks in the eighth century. Their armies were surpris ingly small relative to other minority rulers of China over the past millennium, but Shatuo warriors seemed uniquely "brave and aggressive," courage in battle buttressed by an enviable expertise in siege warfare and archery. Indeed, the arrows of a skilled bowman could pierce the shield of any foe." Davis, R., 2017. Fire and ice. Li Cunxu and the founding of the Later Tang. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, p.4. 2 Reply @MrShaunG 1 year ago Great video Credit Shifu , mysteriously popped up in my feed and I’m thankful 2 Reply @potatOmega-Z 3 months ago 很好的历史讲述片。 Reply @benjaminyip9870 1 year ago The music scoring was great. especially at the end. Coupled with the aptly chosen imagery, I can't help but be moved me to tears. 3 Reply @GloryToTaiwan 1 year ago The introduction of ancient China is very correct and great, but it is ridiculous to talk about modern China and start anti-communist. 2 Reply 1 reply @trulahn 1 year ago Even though the Xia dynasty has no direct evidence of its existence, its successor Shang dynasty had written about how it defeated Xia's last ruler. So we know something was there, just no real details of what happened during Xia, only that it was over thrown by Shang. 3 Reply 1 reply @charleschenhua 1 year ago I'm glad I discovered this video, awesome job!! Reply @latisha9158 1 year ago so many rude people in the comments when this is only 23 minutes so of course it can't include everything within a 5000 year period. you did well explaining in the video and people should look to deepen their knowledge from being given insight by your video. Thank you for making this. Also, do you know what music was used around 22 minutes in that was vocalism? 9 Reply @jayshen84 8 months ago Great video but i need to add one clarification to correct a common misunderstanding. The Xia is not a mythical dynasty. Archelogy has proven well beyond a doubt that China had several cultures that had the population and complex social structure to be beyond an average network of villages. The issue with the Xia is that the Zhou used the records of the Xia as the foundation for the Mandate of Heaven. The Zhou used the mandate of heaven to justify taking over from the Shang. The supernatural elements also made them unbelievable to the scholars of the late-Qing China who started this theory that the Xia was completely invented by the Zhou. This is where the theory that the Xia did not exist comes from. However modern historians say that it would be impossible for the Zhou to completely invent it from scratch considering the Shang royal families continued to be a major political force during the Zhou, Qin and even early Han. They would not have allowed for a fictional Xia as it would delegitimize the Shang Dynasty's own narrative. So the consensus today is that the Zhou probably embellished the Xia story based on a historical dynasty that did exist. 1 Reply @mhow4967 1 year ago Super like this video 👍 Please continue to give us your hard work and will support your video 😜 3 Reply @og882001 1 year ago (edited) No matter what people say QING was manchu dynasty 1 Reply @loukhuak1948 1 year ago One of the best introductions of China presented in a single video/audio clip. 4 Reply @htc3971 7 months ago oops, Shouldn't 秦朝's Pinyin be qín cháo " with the second tone? I just spotted it, hope it helps. By all means, I liked your brief intro. of the Chinese dynasties, very interesting. I just subscribed to your channel today. 1 Reply @Marcos-sz2gp 2 years ago Compare the history of commerce between China and Europe, you will find the difference 😀 3 Reply @papazataklaattiranimam 1 year ago Sinitic history is very powerful history like Germanic, Turkic and Slavic 1 Reply @wheezyshoe212 1 year ago A few things to note: 1. Tibet was conquered by the Mongol Empire prior to Kublai Khan founding the Yuan dynasty - it was conquered by Mongke Khan in the 1250s. As such, upon the founding of the Yuan in 1271, Tibet became a part of China. It stayed that way until 1720, when the Dzungar Khanate invaded Tibet, but it returned to Chinese control in 1722, when the Qing successfully drove the Dzungars out. 2. I had a feeling about how biased you were when I noticed that you were using traditional characters, rather than the more standard, simplified ones. This was further reinforced by how you glossed over numerous aspects of post-Qing China. You painted modern China, under the PRC, as a horrible system that needs rescuing. You, however, didn't mention anything about how Japan had ravaged the land and people, nor did you mention how General Chiang Kai-shek slaughtered thousands of innocent people, with the help of illegal gangs, and usurped power from the legitimate government in a military coup. You also failed to mention things, such as how the Civil War wasn't ended due to the US meddling in it by sailing into the strait between Mainland China and the island of Taiwan, which had been recently returned to Chinese control after World War Two. And that's not even getting into how Chiang Kai-shek stole the national treasury for personal use and for creating a new currency on the island of Taiwan, thus leaving hundreds of millions of people without money or infrastructure. Finally, you failed to mention how, despite the situation that Chiang Kai-shek had created, it only took a few decades for China to bounce back. 3. You show images from 30-50 years ago and try to paint modern China with that same brush. You failed to even touch on how China, for the past 30+ years, has been working on preserving, researching, and celebrating the nation's rich history. 4. Never once have I ever heard someone in China say that they should return to the old system of education. That is a complete lie on your part. 22 Reply 4 replies @jacintochua6885 1 year ago Qin Xi Huang wasn't brutal. Every monarchs were dictatorial. Even in the west.. You're biased. All western monarchs were absolute . QIn taiked because many powers of the s8x kingdoms defeated were unwilling to be subjugated so they rose uo against Qin. 1 Reply @itan1759 1 year ago Thank you for the great highlight into China history. 👍👍 4 Reply @charliemagnebautista2902 3 months ago Not yall forgetting the short lived dynasty of Wu Zetian called Wu Zhao Dynasty Reply @ultimaincursion5935 1 year ago Pretty impressive you can pronounce chinese correctly and you dont even loot chinese 3 Reply @paulleow4238 1 year ago Very concise brief history.Thank 3 Reply @WennaP 1 year ago As a Chinese I felt my heart bleed when I saw the last scenes. We destroyed all the traditional cultures except the forbidden city in our heart. 2 Reply @quangdo4250 1 year ago The ending commentary is misleading-associating loss of life and culture with tank at the Tianenmen Square seemed to imply that China has lost its moral standard continuing from 1989 to its present days. China Cultural Revolution (1966 to 1976)- casualties: 500,000 to 2,000,000, Japanese occupation- casualties: 36 mil +/-, Romance of Three Kingdoms-casualties: 40,000,000. Bias? 14 Reply 2 replies @rainnyday7614 4 months ago 13th century mongolians king khublai is ruled all of china 2 Reply 1 reply @cynthiamsun 2 years ago I’ve been wanting to research this!! So timely 🙏🏼 18 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @流水便隨春遠 6 months ago 我來自中國,他說的的很好漢語發音很標準 1 Reply @NightStars1122 1 year ago Before 宋朝, (or 北宋), there was a period called 五代十国 (Five Dynasties Ten Kingdoms) from around 907 AD to around 961 AD. 3 Reply 1 reply @suihuqiliang 1 year ago As a Chinese, I don't like the Qing Dynasty established by the Manchu people. It changed the clothing and some cultures of the main ethnic group (Han) in China and bowed to foreign invaders in the 19th century. However, I acknowledge that the Qing Dynasty also belongs to our history, and today the Manchu people are also our brotherly nation. 1 Reply @gerryzhang3377 1 year ago Your explanation is very vivid and helps English speakers understand the long history of China. However, perhaps due to the length of the video, you did not mention the history from the 3rd century to the 6th century, a long history of blood and tears that made all Chinese people miserable. The other is the 80 years of chaos from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, which is also a painful and cruel history. Overall, your video is great. 6 Reply @mr.pointman1930 4 months ago Qing is actually Mongol Dynasty as it ruled by descendants of Genghis Younger brother Jochi Qasar. 1 Reply @cad6918 1 year ago 太好了! 谢谢你!👍❤🐦🍇🍎 4 Reply @SanoRay 1 year ago Awesome! Thank you very much. Reply @chuluunsugarragchaa6659 1 year ago Small corrections: 1. Xiongnu is a chinese slang for Huns and it is not just a northern tribe. Huns were nomadic mongolian-turkic federation. The chinese called them barbaric and uncivilized in their literatures. 2. Khitan was a proto-mongolian state in northern china. Khitans used chinese characters for their writing. Wrongfully the word "khitan" become a russian synonum for all china "китай" and the name spread to west. 4 Reply 4 replies @yijiancai1651 1 year ago It was okay video until the last part, typical learn history in disguise of propaganda... 1 Reply @Necroherz 1 year ago This is the first time i watch a video of yours and i loved it and i admire so much how good pronounce mandarín i would LOVE to learn it 🥺 5 Reply 3 replies @benyseus6325 1 year ago Maybe can expand the video to show 1920s warlord era, nationalist rule, Japanese rule, Chinese civil war and then modern communist rule? 1 Reply @MrLolx2u 1 year ago Funny how you did not talk about Wu Zetian and her being the only female emperor of China during the mid-part of the Tang dynasty and how she was Gaozu's concubine who straight away married Tai Taizhong after Gaozu died and gained power again after Taizhong passed away and built a new dynasty under her own might as Empress Wu. Also, Qianlong didn't really hate western goods and in fact he did trade quite alot with Western powers just within the palace and not the whole of China in general. Qianlong was actually pretty well known to have always been seen carrying two flintlock pistols in his waistband with his golden scale armour every time he visits the battlefront. Speaking of battlefront, Qianlong was known somewhat as the "Battle Emperor" as under his reign, he fought or led in what is known as the "Ten Great Campaigns" and even expanded China to what we know today which includes Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet and even claimed the northern fronts of Dai Viet (Present-day Vietnam) from the Tay Son dynasty. 6 Reply @asiankitchen5294 1 year ago Showing a clip of the tiananmen square incident is regrettable. It shows a negative bias towards China. 1 Reply @lizz7805 1 year ago wow, i'm impressed how much chinese history you know, keep up the great work 2 Reply @FavMTVs 1 year ago As our ascendents came from greater China as slaves to a foreign country which I was born and bred, it is nice to learn about our roots in China, for its rich culture and history. Thank you and it is very informative. 9 Reply @SteveMoua 1 year ago be because i am 100% from Xia Dynasty is Mong back than never Chiness just case you don't know Reply @QuizmasterLaw 2 years ago This is brilliant and useful. Thank you so much! 10 Reply @蔡陰瘟 7 months ago 我现在居住的地方就是夏朝的发源地,商朝的兴盛之地。我们这里有座古城,古城的脚下因为时间的长埋没了三座古城。 2 Reply @marjhuncantago9476 1 year ago XD just like 9 dash line, it's a myth and legend which doesnt have any archeological record. 1 Reply @izanabdullah4001 1 year ago Good clear and comprehensive video explained in chronological order. 8 Reply @iyhchan 1 year ago The picture of the man standing in front of the tank is unfair. It conjures up wrong impression that the man was crushed. In fact, there is a video of him climbing up the tank and then walked away. The video can be found in YouTube. If you see the pictures of burnt and destroyed buses, cars and army trucks and even killed soldiers. Please think deeply and wisely, if the soldiers fired first there would not be so many destructions. The rioters threw “cocktails”. This is an example of “colour movement”. 1 Reply @powerbar1981 1 year ago I'm interested in the legendary Xia dynasty... Hopefully someday I'll be able to learn more about it 3 Reply 3 replies @hehuang3639 1 year ago China maximum has 3600 years' history not 5000 years. 1 Reply @joshuasulaiman3058 2 years ago Love your content<3 3 Reply @tyhayter5022 1 year ago I'm just so glad that this guy isn't a suck up to the CCP. Great educational video :) 1 Reply @mosteantedyan3469 1 year ago 看到最后,图穷匕见,才发现包藏祸心呵呵 1 Reply @mysryuza 1 year ago (edited) Out of all of the things that got me so interested in ancient China now and then, it has to be the seal script and oracle bone script. There’s something “otherworldly” and mystical about them and was a bit disappointed that the writings are no longer used (I think they were abandoned partially due to time needed to write each character) Fun fact, the ancient Zonai writing in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom bears strong resemblance to the ancient seal script 3 Reply 3 replies @louissmith4257 1 year ago (edited) 沒有五代十國no five dynasty and ten kingdom 1 Reply @原諒我這一生不羈-v8z 1 year ago 一个错误,隋炀帝三征高句丽中的高句丽不是韩国,韩国的祖先那会叫新罗 “高句丽(gao gou li) IS NOT Korea” 5 Reply @Yujie-fz 3 weeks ago Yes I am Canadian No my grandparents ain’t Canadian Yes my grandparents are Chinese Yes my Chinese if good No my parents are not Canadian Yes your pronunciation is amazing Great job man. 1 Reply @CM-xh6uc 2 years ago He's back! I loved his videos! 6 Reply @Richard-rf2ny 1 year ago thank you.a great video for us to know China's history. Reply @GyNeVraB98 2 years ago 很有意思! 3 Reply @SilverScarletSpider 7 months ago timestamps please 2 Reply @kijekuyo9494 1 year ago I found this interesting to watch while relaxing. I have studied Chinese history, but it's not a bad idea to review. Thanks for pronouncing the words with the native tones on first mention. I'm trying to learn Mandarin, and it's good to always hear them used properly. In your English sentences, you adopted the English sentence pitches, which I consider appropriate. In this video, was "ethnic Chinese" a synonym for Han? 2 Reply 2 replies @李寻欢-j2d 10 months ago 秦始皇常常被误解成暴君,那是因为他得罪了当时的文人,另一个原因是他的王朝在第二世就被刘邦创立的汉朝取代了,这意味着他的王朝无法通过时间来巩固他的正面政绩~!~!在他之前,中国的君王死后是需要大量的活人陪葬的,就是王权贵族,有钱有势的大人物死后,都会找一些佣人,家仆,侍卫,喜爱的妃子作为陪葬,但是是秦始皇废除了这项习俗,所以得罪了大量的权贵,流传到现在,发现的那些兵马俑,就是秦始皇用来代替活人陪葬的,一个连活人都不愿意给君王和权贵陪葬的帝王,怎么可能是暴君呢?~!~! 1 Reply 1 reply @kachew 2 years ago 謝謝分享! 3 Reply @muic4880 1 year ago What happened to Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms after Tang and before Song Dynasty. 1 Reply @haoyanglee7111 1 year ago Hey sir, I must say this video was very informative for me as a Chinese. Learnt a few new Chinese words (my Chinese isn't exactly the best in class) and learnt a lot about Chinese history. I've recently been very addicted to Qing history and I regularly scribble Manchu under the table during lessons. I read about the various execution methods and saw 凌迟was apparently first mentioned in Liao Dynasty sources. Could you do a video on the Liao Dynasty? I think they are pretty interesting as the Khitan people are pretty much gone and so is the language and culture. Thanks! 4 Reply @borgilbatbaatar7683 1 year ago Most of empire was nomadic people established. And conquered by Manchu, Mongol, Toba, Kidan, Jurchin 1 Reply 1 reply @syzygy6769 1 year ago One characteristic of the Tang Dynasty was the high social status and sexual freedom of women, who wore daring fashions and were sporty, with equal rights in marriages. This was the dynasty that saw a female emperor with her de facto female prime minister, female generals, rebel princesses, as well as noted scholars, artists, and poets. Most of the time through Chinese history, however, women were oppressed. But so were men of low social economic status. Many poor people worked as slaves under an employment contract system, whereby a slave could be redeemed with repayment. 4 Reply @Raintiger88 1 year ago Excellent video, but I'm certain that you can expand on it. Will you? Reply @あかし中村 1 year ago China's starting history is literally same as the Indian history, where the man with his boat lived alone in the Himalayas for many many years at the time of flood (occurred because lord Siva destroyed the world). The fish told him that he should take all the saplings of trees with him. And after the flood he planted all saplings and our civilization born again. 4 Reply 3 replies @wenhong5852 1 year ago come on you can't just end a well-researched documentary of China with unexamined complete critique of PRC without explanation. 1 Reply @johnstauffer4362 1 year ago Simply brilliant ! I would like to learn Mandarin but no one near me. Love the pronunciation. 2 Reply 3 replies @Shadowless_Kick 1 year ago (edited) Good summary, but the ending part is bad, the Tiananmen Square Movement is insignificant in modern Chinese history, the meaning of the crackdown is still debatable. 3 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 6 replies @William_Fei 5 months ago your mandarin pronunciation is excellent❤ i wish i can speak foreign language as good as you Reply @Piyo55 1 year ago Thank you for a wonderfully composed video using an appropriate amount/mix of graphics, words/characters/vocabulary, and modulation of the narrator, Ben. I especially enjoy the use of traditional characters which complements the purpose of the video. 3 Reply @titot2370 1 year ago I did stick till the end. Only to realise that your channel is only seeking perpetual war. Please don’t pretend to teach Chinese. 1 Reply @Haijwsyz51846 1 year ago This is a pretty good summary of Chinese history. But Taiwan was under the Chinese control during the Ming dynasty, not Qing. In fact, When Qing took over, the Ming loyalist escaped to Taiwan. The Qing dynasty ceded Taiwan to japan. 5 Reply 3 replies @graceipip3104 1 year ago The latter part of the video which described modern China is not representing the true picture. Just mentioning a brief account of Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. The efforts made by the Chinese government in preserving its culture relics for the past 4 decades were totally ignored. 2 Reply @shapesandcolors2826 1 year ago Qin Dynasty was defeated by Chu in 206 BC. Chu restored the former feudal kingdoms conquered by Qin and divided Qin into three kingdoms. Han wanted everything, so they conspired with the other kingdoms to attack Chu. Han lost every battle, so they pretended to negotiate a peace with Chu. The Chu army was disbanded, but Han used the peace treaty as deception to surround the Chu leader. In the final battle, Xiang Yu of Chu stood in a last stand against a Han army of over 400,000. Still killing thousands before he took his own life. Only then, Liu Bang turned on all the kingdoms who helped him fight Chu. Once all kingdoms were conquered, Liu Bang formed the Han Dynasty. 3 Reply @naturalLin 1 year ago Regarding the great flood. The word 船 includes 3 words. 舟 which is ark. 八口,in this context means 8 people. Just like Noah's ark where only 8 people were on the boat. Fascination. It can't be a coincidence. 1 Reply @frikandelkroket9335 1 year ago I salute you for showing the Tiananmen massacre. Chinese people must not forget. 5 Reply @BeiLuoShiMen 10 months ago 讲得很好❤ Reply @kalinsapotato 2 years ago 秦朝的秦不是第二聲嗎? 2 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @notmilkie 1 year ago you forgot two dynasties, and it's nationalist and communist 1 Reply @sedonabrown437 1 year ago Under Xi, 中國翻身了! 3 Reply 1 reply @TheXmeimei 11 months ago Your command of Chinese language is outstanding, especially your pronounciation. BRAVO!!! 1 Reply @Warum_Nicht 1 year ago Thank you for pointing out that Tibet, East Turkmenistan (called Xinjiang in China), Taiwan, and Mongolia were NOT park of China before the Qing. So they do not necessarily need to be part of China now. In fact, Mongolia has long been independent and Taiwan has not been part of China for most of the past 127 years. So Tibet and East Turkmenistan can be independent again. 为什么不呢? 4 Reply @stormmeansnowork 1 year ago When everyone else in the world refers the Mongolians-ruled China a part of the Mongolian empire, China - for some reasons not known to me - calls that the Yuan dynasty of China. Then centuries later, the Manchus, regarded as foregin invaders since the beginning, were suddenly Chinese once the Qing dynasty was officialized after they cross the boarder. Oh and modern day China boosted themselves having never invaded other countries. I wonder if there's a video explaining how the Mongolians (if considered the "Chinese people" of the Yuan dynasty) "peacefully convinced" all western Asia to turn themselves under this Chinese rule. It's good to learn history, but one needs to be careful not to confuse facts with subjective narratives. 1 Reply @ptan4120 1 year ago (edited) The lesser known fact of Sui and Tang Dynasties is that the ruling class was of mixed Chinese-IndoEuropean (Sogdian) ancestry. People of green eyes, auburn color hair. An Lusan, the court jester turned military general turned rebel, and Li Bai, the Tang dynasty poet were of Sogdian ancestry. 8 Reply 6 replies @gentlemen5856 1 year ago (edited) Amazing video and a great summary of past China dynasties! But as a chinese, watching the video has reignited my disdain for the countries that sided with the western powers during the Qing's rule. Forgive but not forget... 2 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @tanirtaw 1 year ago (edited) Chinese people were all Muslim nation during the Ming dynasty, however they were de-islamized by Manchur's Qing Empire when Chinese people were conquered by Qing Manchur Empire, most part of this history wiped out from recent histories or defamed for political reasons of recent centuries. Manchur forced Ming Chinese people to abandon Islam, then they forced back to buddism by Qing Empire by Manchur people 2 Reply 3 replies @heterodontosaurustucki 1 year ago (edited) Actually, the 460 “scholars” buried alive aren’t scholars. There where two people that hated Qin’s King and Qin’s King asked the two people who else agrees with them. So the two people went out and spread rumors and eventually they gathered them all up, with about 300-400 people in total. And Qin’s King buried them all alive. (Or I’m confusing this with another story idk) 1 Reply @jeremythevirushuang6303 1 year ago Seems to me this author knows more about the non ethnic Han emperors (Qin, Yuan, and Qing) than any Han and Ming empowers. 1 Reply @summmmmmable 8 months ago We need all these videos in the US, so that Americans can learn about the chinese culture and tradition. US and China are ally and shall not becoming enemies! Reply @maxichao6738 3 weeks ago One thing to clarify that it was NOT Korea which make a influence in Northern or Southern dynasties , it was Xianbei(鲜卑) that dates back to Donghu (东胡). Korea came after Ming dynasty, it was granted by the Ming Emperor. 1 Reply @win79526 1 year ago Regardless of Mongolia or Qing, they are all Chinese. These dynasties all took place in Chinese history and are all within China’s territory. China has always been a multi-ethnic country because China’s territory is very large. The Han nationality has established Chinese culture. System, from the unification of China by the Qin Dynasty, through the Han Empire and the Tang Empire, China has gradually become a multi-ethnic country. No matter which ethnic group unifies China, they will implement the Chinese governance system! The Han nationality is the founder of China and developed early, but the Han nationality is not incapable of fighting. For example, the Han Dynasty wiped out the Huns, the Tang Dynasty strangled the Turks, and the Ming Empire drove away the Mongols. These regimes went to the grassland many times. Conquer by force, but due to the harsh conditions of the grassland, they cannot be stationed for a long time and cannot be effectively managed. If this tribe is eliminated, other tribes will rise again. These are nomadic peoples, and these grassland empires are also quite powerful! ! Since the Song and Jin dynasties, there was no unified powerful empire, which led to the rise of Mongolia. The Jin Dynasty regularly went to the grasslands to carry out massacres, but the Mongols still rose, and eventually formed a powerful Mongolian empire, and the entire Eurasian continent became Mongolia.The territory of the people, until the empire split and formed the four major Khanates. The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were officials of the Ming Empire. For more than two hundred years, they were officials of the Jianzhou Guard. The history of China is generally incomprehensible to Westerners. The Western Roman Empire experienced barbarian invasion and immediately fell into a state of fragmentation. Since then, Europe has never been unified again. China is completely different. Every rising armed group (because almost every ruling group is Composed of different nationalities) all take the unification of East Asia as their own responsibility. The concepts, cultures, and philosophies of the East and the West are completely different! ! 6 Reply 1 reply @cameronsam8641 1 year ago I am guessing you can speak and read Chinese by your very good pronunciation of Chinese words in the correct tones. Very impressive. Who are you please? Thanks. 1 Reply @hokeatseng4094 1 year ago ⭐✍️ Appreciate your hardwork...guess I have to learn more ..🥸 1 Reply @dkz9224d 1 month ago 其实中国有很多史书记载的朝代顺序是唐虞夏商周,也就是说在夏朝之前还有2个朝代古唐朝和虞朝,当然目前没有挖掘出的考古依据😂😂目前世界公认的中国文明历史是5000年左右,不管怎样我为中国自豪❤❤🥰🥰🇨🇳🇨🇳 1 Reply @ghfhbcfhcffhffuhfthvf7420 3 months ago The 23 mins was made only for the propaganda in the last minute 1 Reply @sass2023 10 months ago (edited) 怎么没有说中华民国和中华人民共和国?!感觉频道主,对中共还是有恶意。 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @عنادمطهر 1 month ago The way this ancient history documentary presents complex topics in an understandable way is commendable. Great work! 1 Reply @ninalove2742 7 months ago I watched this video to understand chinese historical and political drama. But i learnt a lot 😅😅 1 Reply @joanneliu6700 1 year ago (edited) It was great 👍, but you missed the last part, how the xing dynasty was failed, and how the Communist comes and the Guo Min Dang fleet to Taiwan. 1 Reply @jiddasaid4456 1 year ago A valuable 20 minutes spent online. 1 Reply @knibknibknib 1 year ago Great material but I think Taiwan's relevance is worth more than a footnote as a Dutch colonial outpost and property of Japan. Ming loyalists survived there, as did Qing and people fleeing the Cultural Revolution. Nevertheless I enjoyed the video, great content. 1 Reply @alexfraser88 1 year ago This is a great overview of China. I shall show it to my students. Cheers big ears Reply @Justin00704 1 year ago In other words, Spratly Islands, Paracel Islands, Senkaku Islands, Aksai Chin, Arunachal Pradesh, and Damansky Island. Reply @tailau7674 1 year ago Chinese history is best described as history always repeat itself 2 Reply @tcdichvucong1766 1 year ago If their is a “ channel nightmare” I’m sure pewdiepie will be in the role of Gordon Ramsey 1 Reply @FlameMirage 1 year ago omg lol listening to you speak Mandarin is scary. I don't even pronounce words that well in Mandarin lol 1 Reply @johngtran 2 months ago Vietnam 🇻🇳 of who we are we were all part of some of the most exceptional dynasties such as Han and Tang dynasties. But we prefer to be our own independent and speaking our southern Yue language. How amazing it is to be part of China empire from 111BC to 939AD. We are the only Chinese provinces never got conquered by Mongol/Yuan Dynasty and Manchuria/Qing Dynasty. That’s why Vietnam claim to be true Han culture as well. Most Chinese from Ming Dynasty came to VN and became Vietnamese. The Song Dynasty also move to VN after the fall of its dynasty. Reply 1 reply @wheresmyeyebrow1608 1 year ago Besides the fact it's only 4000 years and not 5000, great video! 1 Reply @다랑이-b6q 10 months ago Actually Qing was not Chinese. They were Manchu people, they had totally different language from Chinese. Manchu people had similar language with Mongols and Koreans. 2 Reply 2 replies @HodgeTina 11 days ago Harris Amy Rodriguez Mark Jones Christopher Reply @stonechen2480 1 year ago Small inaccuracies and omissions here and there, but by and large comprehensive and concise. 1 Reply @yitianwanbing 1 year ago China's official narrative of history deliberately ignores some facts. For example, Chinese officials claim that they have never invaded others in history, which is of course impossible. Otherwise, China's territory cannot be so large. For example, the Tang Dynasty once invaded many countries in North Asia and West Asia. The heyday of the territory of the Tang Dynasty reached the Iranian plateau. This is clearly aggression. Another example is that during the Qin Dynasty in China, the Huns, a nomadic people in the north (located in today's Mongolia), once took the initiative to invade China. The current Chinese history textbooks describe in detail the Qin Dynasty's counterattack against the northern nomads. Because China is the invaded country, it is natural and reasonable to fight back against the aggressor. At the same time, the Qin Dynasty took the initiative to invade the ethnic minorities in the south at that time. This period of history is very vaguely described in current Chinese textbooks. Because China is playing the aggressor in this. Chinese officials do not want to make it unjustifiable to attack other regimes. In general, your explanation is very objective and fair. I like it 1 Reply 1 reply @Brokeman86 1 year ago It's funny how my name pronounces " zhu shā " in my dialect. Kinda close to some chinese names lol... my tribe were said to be originally came from Yunnan province. But separated after British colonialism in S E A 1 Reply @chananto9538 1 year ago In the end of this video, you must not use the tianmen tragedy as closure and judgement because we never see the future. You must say that the history continue to shape the nation by their fate whether it is good or worse. Be wise 2 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 4 replies @jungbrain5989 2 weeks ago 이런거 보면 중국역사는 이민족의 역사야 한나라 빼고는 당나라도 선비족 원나라는 몽골족 요나라는 거란족 청나라는 만주족 순수 한족이 왕조를 창업한거는 몇개 안되네 1 Reply 2 replies @randwanda8045 1 year ago Thank you for telling the truth. The old HK education department (under British government) deliberately didn't teach us the history after Ming dynasty so that we would never know the history of the opium war, the invasions of the eight countries.... 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @bigranp6327 1 year ago There is a mistake. Shang dynasty was ended at 1046BC. Reply @JeanGunnhildr88 1 year ago My fav dynasty are Han, Song, Tang and Ming. Most of my favorite Chinese drama were set during these dynasties.... 1 Reply @KuliStephen 1 year ago 白皮你的尾巴露出来了😂 1 Reply @TCM1231 10 months ago Will the real Jesuits please stand up? 1 Reply @HitsuTwistedTalong 1 year ago i remember during highschool everyone failed their grades on Chinese history class XD including me lol 1 Reply @williamcarter7977 8 months ago Great Flood Story. Divination. Heavens Mandate. Chin first Emperor. Brutal. Standardization! Confucius‐Confucionsm. Family Values+++ Dynasties rise Dynasties fall. Reply @alexchahum2782 1 year ago Only western.. Country are dominate mind.. I don't even know about USA 1000 years history.. Hahaha Reply @Mia-rn2gk 11 months ago Was very well done succinct interesting.. until the last minutes when you revealed to be so steeped in propaganda that you couldn’t make a sensible account of the beginning of the modern period p 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @shanessy888 1 year ago Up to now, we the Chinese have not forget the 100 years of shame by the parasitic British empire. 1 Reply 1 reply @P4Tri0t420 1 year ago I was watching Generation Tech for years and im glad i found you again Ben ^^ 1 Reply @Ryutai7 5 months ago they had me in the first 23 minutes, then went on a "china bad" rant lmao 1 Reply @qianqiuzhao1321 1 year ago Brief but simply straight forward and mostly accurate. 1 Reply @kinlamcheung 1 year ago Thank you for the comprehensive history. Do you have a degree in Sinology? 1 Reply @kamcheung6735 1 year ago The background of the picture is also very famous historically; it's name is Zhangjiajie which was named after General Zhang who helped Liu Pong to become the first Emperor of the Han Dynasty. 2 Reply 1 reply @sylviahuitson8309 10 months ago This is great!! Thank you. I appreciate the pronunciation too. 1 Reply @jameelahedwards8550 1 year ago Well done, Credit Shifu 1 Reply @tissoyk 1 month ago 博主的口播内容特别适合当做中国大学生备战英语四六级的素材😊good Reply @zenithchen102 1 year ago The word "Repatriation" at 22min 48 sec should be reparations? Reply @care1. 1 year ago CHINA ..The KINGDOM of KINGS...The Legend RIse and Protected❤❤❤Thank you CHINA Reply @0ct0p_s 10 months ago there is no 5000 years of history. the thing that you opens with such claim make your content stink with propaganda. 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @orihallmark 10 months ago This guys pronunciation is spot on 1 Reply @News_Watcher 1 year ago Very precise and detailed - thank you for sharing 1 Reply @ruhe3860 1 year ago 古中原數十個皇帝朝代,周朝八百餘年 1 Reply @gokulvasan6880 1 year ago (edited) Could you please put a video on which Dynasty Bodhidarma entered China from India?? Reply 1 reply @daniellxia 1 year ago Even count in XIA dynasty it's only about 4000 years, where comes 5000 years history? Reply @VickyTran-l6e 1 year ago Wonderful history study❤❤❤ 1 Reply @blackgate-talion546 1 year ago Very simple, very short video 1 Reply @tissoyk 1 month ago 元朝那部分的叙述应该是“mongols”杀“han(汉)”而不是“chinese”,毕竟“Chinese”包含了好多民族的人,当年的mongols部分也成了chinese Reply @Chinese1492 1 year ago 哈哈哈哈🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️我是中国山东人I am from shandong China 😮😮😮😮 Reply @davizxc9625 6 months ago Great content about the dynasties! But it hit its limit with the anticommunist propaganda. 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @danielharris-rb4mj 1 year ago Stranded looking for there space GODs brothers Reply @MichaelC-z2x 1 year ago Thanks for this informative video, I learned a lot!. I met you and took pictures with you at Taiwan Culture Center in El Monte, Califronia, when you gave a speech there! 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @liangchengxijing 2 months ago 中国五千多年的历史真的是越研究越有……古代的朝代歌就有好几个版本…… 历史朝代歌 第一种 夏商与西周 东周分两段 春秋和战国 一统秦两汉 三分魏蜀吴 二晋前后沿 南北朝并立 隋唐五代传 宋元明清后 皇朝至此完 第二种 [香港版本]第一首 炎黄虞夏商,周到战国亡,秦朝并六国,赢政称始皇。 楚汉鸿沟界,最后属刘邦,西汉孕新莽,东汉迁洛阳。 末年黄巾出,三国各称王,西晋变东晋,迁都到建康, 拓跋入中原,国分南北方,北朝十六国,南朝宋齐梁, 南陈被隋灭,杨广输李唐,大唐曾改周,武后则天皇, 残皇有五代,伶官舞后庄,华歆分十国,北宋火南唐, 金国俘二帝,南宋到苏杭,蒙主称大汗,最后被明亡, 明到崇帧帝,大顺立闯王,金田太平国,时适清道光, 九传至光绪,维新有康梁,换位至宣统,民国废末皇, 五四风雨骤,建国存新纲,抗日反内战,五星红旗扬 第三种 [香港版]第二首 唐尧虞舜夏商周,春秋战国乱悠悠, 秦汉三国晋统一,南朝北朝是对头, 隋唐五代又十国,宋元明清帝王休。 第四种 [香港版本]第三首 夏、商、周, 春秋、战国、秦。 西汉、新 公元界线平帝分, 东汉、三国、西东晋, 南、北朝, 隋、唐、五代、宋、辽、金, 元、明、清。 民国寿命短, 社会主义气象新。 以上约计四千二百春。 第五种 [香港版本]第四首 夏后殷商西东周,春秋战国秦皇收, 西汉东汉魏蜀吴,西晋东晋兼五胡。 匈奴羯氏羌慕容,拓跋代北后称雄。 宋齐梁陈是南朝,北魏齐周称北朝。 北周灭齐传於隋,隋又灭陈再统一。 隋灭唐兴称富强,五代十国各称王。 契丹兴起在北方,建号为辽入汴梁。 五代梁唐晋汉周,宋朝建国陈桥头。 女真建金先灭辽,打破汴京北宋消。 南宋偏安在江南,蒙古兴起国号元。 灭金灭宋归一统,元朝统治九十年。 明代共传十六君,满洲初起号后金。 后金国号改为清,入关称帝都北京。 人民觉悟革命起,清帝退位民国立。 人民民主再胜利,齐心奔向共产国。 Reply @jinhunterslay1638 1 year ago Um, you pronounced “秦” wrong. It’s “Qín”. 二聲 Reply @경천정 1 month ago Unlike all of ur popular belief of that famous Tang Chinese dynasty monarch named Taizong of Tang 唐太宗 당태종 Chinese Empire ruling all East Asia crap there is a clear record written in that famous Chinese Chronicle 舊唐書 meaning the Old Tang dynasty Chronicle which reveals a fact that Tang Taizong 唐太宗 당태종 of Tang Chinese Empire changed his clothes to lament clothes n wept for several days while himself facing the direction to the location of that mighty Korean Baikje Empire 百濟帝國 백제제국 which had two capital cities as one in the eastern coastal region of the present Chinese mainland as well as their old capital city in the Korean peninsula when he heard the news from the Korean crown prince called Uijawang 義慈王 의자왕 of Baikje Korean Empire 百濟帝國 백제제국 regarding the death of the mighty conqueror emperor called Korean Muje 武帝 무제 of that mighty Korean Baikje Empire 百濟帝國 백제제국 in 641 AD even though they changed his title to Muwang 武王 무왕 of Baikje Kingdom 百濟王國 백제왕국 when that mighty Korean Baikje Empire 百濟帝國 백제제국 disintegrated when they lost the war against the combined force of both Korean Silla Empire 新羅帝國 신라제국 n Chinese Tang Empire 唐帝國 당제국 happened several decades later in 660 AD. Then they all made a mass exodus to the Japanese archipelegoes n found their another new Empire called the Empire of the rising Sun 日本國 일본국 in that Japanese island chains in 670 AD which was just another name for the mighty Korean Baikje Empire 百濟帝國 백제제국. That proves that that Tang Taizong of Tang dynasty China definitely was a vassal to the Korean Muje 武帝 무제 of Korean Baikje Empire 百濟帝國 백제제국 who had occupied sizable portion of Chinese mainland at then. This was not the only startling news that during the previous era of that famous Hanwudi 漢武帝 한무제 of Chinese Han Empire 漢帝國 한제국 that famous Chinese Hanwudi Emperor 漢武帝 한무제 had always made death garment made from jades all over that death garment ready for that famous Korean Conqueror Emperor named Godumak Khan 高豆莫汗 고두막한 also known as 東明聖帝 동명성제 meaning the Shining Holy Magnificent Emperor of the East in ancient Korean history of the Korean Bukbuyeo 北夫餘 북부여 Empire in case he meets his sudden untimely death during his conquest work at least thruout all known world in East Asia. Hence that proves that famous Chinese Hanwudi 漢武帝 한무제 was a definite vassal to the Korean Godumak Khan of the Korean Empire of Bukbuyeo 北夫餘 북부여 which passed on the mighty ancient Korean History n Heritage after the fall of once mighty Korean Gojosun 古朝鮮 고조선 Empire which had existed from BC 2333 to BC 108. I don't have to lie regarding these cuz all these facts r all clearly written in the most of Chinese chronicles written around then that u can easily find out those facts any time w/ o any difficulty whatsoever. In conclusion both of Tang Taizong 唐太宗 당태종 of Tang Chinese dynasty China n the Hanwudi 漢武帝 한무제 of Han Chinese dynasty China, both of whom r the most prominent Characters in the Chinese history r now found out to be just common vassals of Korean monarchs of ancient Korean dynasty. That proves that those territories of the present China r historically our Korean land w/o any question n all those Chinese people definitely r our vassal slave subject. That proves a fact that we Korean people have obligation to liberate all of those poor Chinese people currently opressed by the tyranny of those Chinese Communist rogues government led by that Chinese tyrannt savage called Xijinping asap which means we'll perform ringchi 陵遲 능지 of 능지처참 meaning death by one thousand cuts w/o a spill of a drop of blood n we'll distribute all those juicy fatty meat cuts from that Xijinping rogue to those poor oppressed Chinese people so that they all could take those Xi Jinping meats w/ a lot of marveling piled in the system of that Xijinping from all those banquets he has attended n voraciously stuck all those good soft juicy meats into his system mercilessly while all those poor Chinese people had to eat rotten stinking rats eaten dog food they found in those Chinese sewrage mixed w/ human foeces which all those poor Chinese people defecated on the street cuz all those indoor Chinese toilets have always been reserved only for those Chinese Communist Party members w/ such all grease shining faces resulted from all those good fatty juicy mutton Shaslic imported from the outer Mongolia n broiled in Russian Charcoal barbeque.That just is not fair for those poor hunger ridden malnourished Chinese people n should never be tolerated by no humanity whatsoever. Besides those so called right wing Japanese samurai government has been oppressing those poor Okinawan, Ainus, Emishis, Brakkumin 部落民 부락민 etc along w/ those obedient ever oppressed common helpless Japanese people even by utilizing Yakuza thugs acting like modern day samurai by mercilessly exercising all kinds of brutality to those poor helpless yet submissive Japanese people. Hence such Japanese social catastrophe could no more be tolerated cuz we hear those constant moaning n wailing n outcrying of those suffering Japanese population. We Korean have repeatedly found many differnt states in the Japanese archipelegoes since human history began. Hence those Takeshima 竹島 독도 n Tsushima 對馬島 대마도 islands have always been ours before any Japanese history began cuz we have conquered all of those Japanese island chains again n again even by sticking our banners of conquest on all over Japanese archipellegoes just like u Japanese sticking banners of conquest on those poor victims of ur proud Japanese gangbanging passtime in China n Southeast Asian states meaning those islands which u falsely claim as being contested, for instance that Dokdo 獨島 독도 meaning barren stoney islands in Korean which u Japanese call as Takeshima island 竹島 죽도 meaning Bamboo island has never had any bamboo grown in that barren stoney island which proves that u Japanese Government frauds has truly been ignorant concerning the nature of that island meaning u have been lying to the world even disregarding the fact that ur Japanese island chains have been conquered by us Korean who have found all those different states n shogunates n daimyos n any dynasty in that Japan from the beginning of Japanese history. Now u tell us who is telling the truth after u all have learned all these facts. That certainly proves again n again that not only those territories of Japanese island chains as well as Japanese population have always belonged to we gracious Korean people who actually found n started Japanese history n Japanese civilization. Hence just return all those fantastic valuable Korean artifacts such as mighty Korean Goryo dynasty blue celadon 高麗象嵌靑磁 고려상감청자, all those gigantic enormous Korean Goryo dynasty Buddhist paintings all embroidered w/ tons of gold powder 高麗佛畵 alias 고려탱화, that fantastic Korean Baikje dynasty made Oriental Chess Weiki or Go or Baduk board 바둑판 for royalty known as 木畵紫壇碁局 목화자단기국 n many others etc including all those ancient Korean chronicles proving those domination n ruling of the Eurasian Continent including China Manchuria n Japan done by ancient Korean ancestors w/o any exception whatsoever. Then we might consider including all of u along w/ those poor oppressed Japanese subject as our subject w/o forcing any of u to perform Harakiri 割腹 할복 or Setppuku 切腹 절복 on urself cuz we might consider ur gesture as genuine atonement for ur wrong doing cuz we r always generous to those good genuine helpful subjects who try hard to help good helpless humanity who knows how to fear God the only sole devine creator of all creation. Hence if u r genuine then prove it by handing over to us all those items already mentioned w/ ur forfeiting Japanese territory n Japanese population along w/ all those poor Okinawan people, Ainu people, Emishi people, Brakkumins people etc cuz they all r our subject people n all of them deserve decent prosperous life along w/ being respected by all as any good human being should be. Waiting for ur response asap for all of ur sake cuz we care for u all as our subject n brother people cuz together we could conquer that evil Communist state of China n also India, n could evenly share those Chinese n Indian territories n spoil cuz u Japanese had originally suggested us to conquer both China n India together before u invaded us Korea in 1592 cuz right after ur suggestion u had been seriously reprimanded by Korean Joseon Government w/ a reason of such suggestion could never dare to be made by such loyal vasssal as u Japanese government to their Master nation of Korean Joseon government since u just have to perform the order given by ur master nation of Korean Joseon, not such offensive suggestion made by a mere vassal state like u Japanese government which caused u Japanese government felt really humiliated n decided to invade Korea in 1592 AD w/ all those unified Japanese force for which ur invading all battle hardened Japanese samurai force of 300,000 from those previous Japanese unification war experience in Japan had been totally decimated in Korean sea n soil thus resulting almost no Japanese samurai ever be able to return back to their homes in that Japan. Still awaiting for ur earnest response asap! Reply @elenalucaciu3453 9 months ago De ce nu faci traducere în limba romana. As vrea sa aflu și eu ce spui. Sunt obligata ca învat engleza? Păcat. Transmite în toate limbile posibile. Reply @wuhd 11 months ago 3:10 Correction: Qín. A well made video. Thanks! Reply @Dutch-McLarenJk82- 10 months ago 13:28 Dowager Du? She lived in the 10th century AD right? You sure you don’t mean Empress Quan Jiu? Reply @seninamak289 1 month ago Thank you for sharing. Useful historical information. Reply @harold_chang 8 months ago 註:1.在中國歷史上,失德的王朝被有德的王朝取代一直是有合法性的,這點在明清之際卻不是,一些中國學者認為與程朱理學有關,這間接導致了明清的劇變,中國淪陷,滿洲人入主中原。 2.在中國北方邊境,遊牧民族一直是中原王朝的強敵,中原缺少戰馬,長期以步兵抗擊騎兵,長城也因此而建立。 Note: 1. In Chinese history, it has always been legal for an immoral dynasty to be replaced by a virtuous dynasty. This was not the case during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Some Chinese scholars believe that it is related to Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, which indirectly led to Dramatic changes occurred during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China fell, and the Manchus took over the Central Plains. 2. On the northern border of China, the nomadic people have always been a strong enemy of the Central Plains dynasty. The Central Plains lacked war horses. Infantry has long been used to resist cavalry, and the Great Wall was built for this reason. Reply @bindassjibon5756 5 months ago All dynasty history Great ❤🙏 I'm from northeast india..I'm Kachari dynasty Mongolian ... Reply @Chinese1492 1 year ago 18:18 Qing was huge, 13 million square kilometer max even includes nowadays’ Mongolia Country, large part of today’s Russian territory and, more. 😅😅😅😅 Reply @OmniZeb666 4 days ago God bless people who thinks Qing dynasty wasChinese dynasty Reply @LlewellynZheng 13 days ago Can’t believe he forgot the Wu Zhou dynasty Reply @喜欢发呆-r8y 1 year ago From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the founding of New China. Russia has occupied Vladivostok. Portugal occupies Macau. The Netherlands occupied Taiwan. Japan invades China. Killed 40 million Chinese. This history is too heavy.😢😢😢 Reply @奧理斯-u9y 1 year ago 我不會把遼金當成一個朝代,說實話即便是宋要當成一個朝代我都覺得很勉強,沒有統一中國的功業實在沒資格自稱朝代 Reply @SteveMoua 1 year ago most of you said is makingn it up only not true Reply @邱晓峰 4 months ago 不容易啊、在YT制作中国相关的视频是没有流量的,感谢作者的努力 Reply @almersaid 1 year ago Sui Dynasty? Bro Ronaldo will be mad Reply @georgefranklin8513 1 year ago You uncannily look like Andrew Garfield sometimes. Reply @eddielash 1 year ago British Ben! What a lovely surprise to see you here. 1 Reply @EdyKurniawan-ep4lh 5 months ago Laibeh 1 Reply @vainhazearden6788 1 year ago (edited) the way you pronounce chinese is very good i couldnt even make a lot of different from the native one . 1 Reply @barbarahernandez7559 1 year ago Wait... I didn't know you were back!!! BRAVO! Reply @vscppvscpp9001 1 year ago 信 is not faith but your credit or truthworthy 1 Reply @kaybevang536 1 year ago One sentence : China’s Whole Again .... Them It Broke Again Reply @chewy1709 3 weeks ago Bleddy hell ! Your Chinese pronunciation is good (sinkie here) Reply @zak3865 1 year ago It's was good until the end. Where you didn't talk about how Mao saved china from Capitalism and western domination Reply @danielharris-rb4mj 1 year ago Kublai I love China the Mongrels are space traveling star soldiers of the infinity Reply @alikoubrujup_Argentina 2 months ago I have great interest in The Han Dynasty 202 BC - 220 AD whereby Jesus was born and died within that period, so was Emperor Guangwu. Jesus (born c. 6–4 bce, Bethlehem—died c. 30 ce, Jerusalem) Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty (Chinese: 漢光武帝; 15 January 5 BC – 29 March AD 57). Emperor Guangwu "might know something about Jesus" through signs or something. Just curious. Reply @noahpeng1689 1 year ago Emperor Qianlong communicated with Louis XVI and praised Louis XVI. Louis XVI's guillotine may have been the reason for his further closed policy. Reply @陳延傑-p9d 3 months ago 介绍开国皇帝的时候用庙号,就导致外国人以为中国叫太祖,高祖的人都很厉害,都能开朝建国。 Reply @rentzi3834 6 months ago Good job! Very informative...if accurate...❤ Reply @kintattam8230 1 year ago Qing is a invaders, alien! Not chinese!! That why the long Ming Great Wall exist! Tang somehow also not! Reply @bglm512 1 year ago 中华民国让你吃了? 1 Reply @ShimomuraTakezoWong 1 year ago You missed mentioning Dr. Sun Yat Sen's nationalists 1911 uprising and the departure of the Qing/Manchurian dynasty which is a barbarian alien culture of the Chinese/Han people. It is because of their gross misgovernance and corruption that befell feudal China into chaos from 1912-1949 where between 1912-1941 the eventual administration of Yuan Shih Kai's failure to nationalism having betrayed Dr. Sun Yat Sen's "San Min Chu-I" teachings which led to the era of warlords & the tumultuous period of suffering till the establishment of the People's Republic of 🇨🇳 Mao Tse Tung. Qing dynasty, Yuan Shih Kai, the warlords era of the Kuomintang/Chiang Kai Shek failure to protect the livelihood of the entire nation leading to the 2nd. Sino-Japanese war/1937-1945, close to 38 years of suffering, economic crisis and humiliation giving rise to Communism which is not Chinese origin; a total disgrace & without religion nor the teachings of Confucius. Reply @vamkhivlauj7132 1 year ago Not Chinese history. China did not exist as a country. There were multiple ethnicities but those ethnicities were broken into two cultures. The ancient Yi which also known as Man. Their cultural are the ones with bronze with demonic designs as their motifs. They are Southern China Asian who invaded the Northern Asian such as Mong (Hmong French spelling). The so call Han were maybe once part of the Alliance (Mong). The Mong people oral history said the Shu (Suav) Aka later know as Han people were once part of the Alliance (Mong). They broke away and joined the Yi people. The Mong then called the Shu Man-Shu, just as we call the Yi Man-Yi. In ancient time the two cultures were separated by the Yellow River and the Huai River. All Asian in the Yellow River toward Siberia share common culture such as Tiang believers, Shamanism, pay homage to ancestors, and share textiles. And it is still the case today. Even thought after hundreds of years of separation Mong clothing textiles still maintain Northern Asian culture. Mean while all the ese such as Cantonese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Han-chese, Koreanese all still share common cultures and beliefs. Shang dynasty was a Southern Asian who conquered the Yellow Basin Northern Asian and brought their culture with them. Zhou Mong (Alliance) retook the Yellow Basin and reestablished Mong(Alliance) again. A lot the Man culture fled back to Chu state which we know spoke the Austroasiatic language the Man language. But later Qin Man culture came back and retake the Yellow River Basin again. This pushed the Mong who didn't want to assimilated into Qin to Northern like Liaoning, and the river Heilong cha aka black water. These area were the land of MongGolia before the country Mongolia today. Later during Tang Dynasty the Mong people who reside at these area would be known as Mong Gu or MongGu. Today known as Mongol. MongGu simply mean Ancient Mong, Gu = old or ancient and Mong is Mong/Hmong (Alliance). You see during 1949 the Han Chinese government decided to rewrite histories and they turns others histories all into their history. They repainted all emperors to look like them. Real histories are in the cultures and not His Story. Reply @d.s.dathaniel7552 1 year ago 13:55 so essentially it was not China 1 Reply 1 reply @FrankZ-i7z 1 month ago Thanks for your video,to introduce about history of china.🎉❤ Reply @rseasChinese8797 7 months ago China is a culture, and the Republic of China or the People's Republic of China is the name of a dynasty, including the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty Reply @yumingzhang7747 1 year ago yu’s father, called Gun, steal God’s magic soil, “Xi rang”, which could grow to a big dam to stop the flood. It turned out more flood everywhere. The father was killed, and the son Yu took his job. Reply @bhchen3079 1 year ago (edited) My favorite period are the warring states and the 3 kingdoms period Reply @MeowCockadoodledoo 2 weeks ago I realised the ceremonial robe for Han or Qin dynasty emperor was almost identical with Joseon kings ceremonial robe, ie that head gear with draped curtain😂. Those 2 dynasties are almost 1000 years apart from each other. Reply @watericed777 8 months ago The irony of a Chinese man learning about Chinese history from a Caucasian man - that's like Mcdonalds learning about their founding history from Burger King. Nevertheless, cool video lol. Very informative. Reply @xham-ik9yr 7 months ago The last part was so unnesecary, I dont support the current chinese goverment either but why are muricans unable to talk about china for more than 20 minutes whitouth giving their unwanted opinions about "le evil cpc"? also almost completely ignoring the japanese invation, lmao 2 Reply @Jahanbakhsh35 1 year ago My favorite country is China. I love their food, their culture and history most. Love from Iran 🇮🇷 Reply @wuhuhuhu-h9u 1 year ago 夏, 商, 东周, 西周 春秋x16, 战国x7 秦, 西楚 西汉, 新, 东汉, 三国x3, 东晋, 西晋, 十六国x16 南朝 北朝 隋朝 唐 武周 五代x5 十国x10 北宋 南宋 辽国 西夏 金国 元朝 明朝 清朝 Reply @talldarknhandsome8495 6 days ago Hey we love this propaganda! Reply @eddieleong6490 1 year ago Thanks for a brilliant presentation of China's long history. I will watch it several times as I can catch the big picture faster. I am overseas-born, still struggling to master Mandarin but in love with Motherland China. China today is in a new era that has seen much turmoils too. The CCP continues to evolve its philosophy and thinking. It knows the long history and the many lessons learnt. What China needs is a long period of peace. Prosperity invariably rises as the Chinese people will give birth to brilliant minds. As I look to the future, I begin to will the Communist "dynasty" as I call it, transition to another era? When will that occur? It will occur if we look at over 2,000 years of recorded history. Will it be a peaceful transition or will it be changed after much violence and warfare? 1 Reply 1 reply @jasonpalacios1363 2 months ago Great video but you didn't mention the Portuguese Macau as well as the British handover HK or the Portuguese handover Macau to China in 1997 for HK and 1999 for Macau. Reply @iwankonopiejko4278 1 year ago Funfact last Ming emperor was catholic Reply @hanni3728 11 months ago Poor turtles, lucky they also invented paper... Reply @krishnakanakp 8 months ago Chinese ancient culture is really good ...I like Chinese ancient series...but don't like chinese today's culture...I like both today's and ancient culture of of the best culture and Sprituality ... Reply @chesterchugallery 1 year ago Qin is actually Chin 1 Reply @Kelberi 1 year ago Fun fact; which emperor was blind? Answer; 18:46 Emperor Can't See 2 Reply @Hacktheplanet_ 1 year ago The story of ghengis khan is insane, what a huge step in history it was 2 Reply @hiruruidas6807 1 month ago Watching this ancient history documentary and thinking, 'Why didn't anyone warn Julius Caesar about the Ides of March? Oh wait… Reply @livingsmithLing 10 months ago very well!I think your Chinese is good,buddy❤ Reply @sillybilly44444444 2 months ago What an informative video delivered with amazing precision and approachableness. Thanks for the upload! Reply @timerimgrinder7257 8 months ago greatest civilazation of humanity so moving.... Reply @goodman8469 1 year ago (edited) 8:42 Song Dynasty Reply @JohnSmith-nb6lq 7 months ago Before the Qin Dynasty in China, it was a country with a system similar to today's United States, where each provincial leader was also called a king, but referred to as "princes." The leaders of the alliance were called "Son of Heaven," which was the king of the princes. The Qin Dynasty forcibly disbanded the armies of the regional princes and reclaimed all power to the central government, establishing a centralized authoritarian state. This system has been preserved for over 2000 years to this day. Reply @Chinese1492 1 year ago 9:35 China’s Song Dynasty has been well acknowledged as the best time in culture and economy. After Mongolia’s total invading and control. China died spiritually 😢😢😢😢😢 Reply @CaribouDataScience 11 months ago When are the bad guys? The Ming of the Qing? In some movies the Ming are the bad guys, and in some the Qing are the guys? Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @0x0x00 1 year ago Each new dynasty had killed massive people in order to secure its power. Very brutal!! Reply @leeming1317 1 year ago His name was Yu, Who me? No not you, Yu. What about me? Reply @syazwanzakri307 1 year ago (edited) I am from🇲🇾 but i like chinese culture,history of china especially history of dynasty. If god permit me rebirth in a nation of my choice it will China. Love mate 🇨🇳💞💖😀. Reply @juanbowen3679 1 year ago What happened to the Shang dynasty people Reply @yorkiesweetpea23 2 months ago (edited) Many comments are appreciating how he doesn't botch pronunciations. While I am appreciating the perfect English also. I'm Chinese , but I cringe hearing Chinese narrating in bad English. Reply @v-jayt652 1 year ago Wonderful EUROPEANS 😂😂😂 Reply @AntiQris 1 year ago I am sorry for the meddling from my people. How can I help solve histories puzzles? Reply @darksidegalaxy4775 9 months ago I am the best 🌌behold thy universe 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Reply @JO-py8jz 1 year ago Qing is the only real Dynasty of Chinese civilization, rest are kid's plays. Reply @cyberant5164 1 year ago You pronounced Qin wrongly... second phonic. Reply @michaelsweeney4547 3 months ago (edited) "repatriation" should be "reparation". Jonathan Spence said the Jesuits wanted to translate the Confucian Analects into Latin, "but ran into an old-fashioned problem - nobody wanted to publish it". Finally good old Louis XIV agreed to pick up the tab. Reply @Harthorn 7 months ago What about the Xi dynasty? 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @boskobells1175 1 year ago (edited) Mostly lies because the 1st Tang dynasty & alot other after that was all black African type Chinese Asians black as night they show us this in the movie 300 which was about all the Shemite black tribes & when they went to war with the Persian empire who were black Asians & black African arabs Reply @guatony4531 9 months ago Qin Shi Huang is a great emperor, actually, the greatest emperor in the Chinese history. Reply @MultiCandomble 1 month ago What happened to the Shang and Ci Dynasty? To African???????? Reply @墙国有我 3 months ago 很棒,不错🫡 Reply @KempiG711 1 year ago I’m here to learn china’s history.. I love the story.. chinas has long beautiful history.. but for some reason I need to play the video over and over again to understand it.. the narrator make me distracted he’s so handsome for the record I’m gay this guy catches my eyes instead of learning 😂😂 Reply @LidiaScherArt 2 months ago I know that you cannot cover everything, yet I'm sad that you missed Empress Wu Ze Tian, the only female emperor wielding a lot of power, at the end of Tang. Other than that, I really enjoyed the video. Thank you! Reply @MelisaYan-p3b 4 months ago Actually, most people in China think Yu is human Reply @hangzhang1877 1 year ago China's two thousand years of autocratic society began with the establishment of the Qin Dynasty policy and system. Reply @Rorschachqp 1 month ago One thing right off the bat that's rather wrong. There's a very western-centric thing of thinking that the history that predates the Qin empire is still "China". That's like saying the hundreds of years of various Native American tribes in North America is "US History". Reply @boucoupthick504 1 year ago I know nothing about Chinese culture. I just stuck around to hear you pronounce those Chinese words 🥴. Reply @愿以余光来照亮你 2 months ago I don't think the King of Qin was a cruel leader. The Qin Dynasty made people of different ethnic groups live in a unified system. This was the first multi-ethnic country in the world, and the concept of "country" also began during the Qin Dynasty. China is now a country thanks to the King of Qin. Without him, China would be like Europe, with highly similar cultures but split into multiple countries. Reply @TheOnlyBootlegger 1 year ago Holy fuck. I remember watching this channel in middle school. Why did this channel go dark for so long? Reply @anniebrent7616 3 months ago (edited) very happy to see the younger generation from the west can speak Chinese and explain Chinese history so perfectly. I thought my husband is the only few of the westerner could spoken almost like the native Chinese. And i was wrong. Thumbs up to you. Reply @LiliaEdits 1 year ago 👍👍👍Great job! 2 Reply @MyoMaster 1 year ago Wtf is the TUNG dynasty? It’s TANG Reply @Natlove5142 1 month ago I love Chinese language and culture and costumes and the Chinese traditional buildings and the chopsticks which I can also eat and cook with after a little practice. I wish Chinese government gives me a visa to live in china for the rest of my life, I wouldn't even wait for the blink of my eyes Reply @thomasshirrefs5331 1 year ago Nicely done 😊 though I would’ve appreciated just a few more maps FYI Reply @许俊诚 5 months ago Creator pronounce Chinese words very better, like a native, and your video are extremely sufficient education meaningful ,simultaneously also can improve my English listening, kills two birds with one stone, wish you can always make these type of videos after that :D XD Reply @jogadadigital8160 7 months ago (edited) Entao vcs gostam de viver nas pedras e florestas. Hhuuummmm. E sentir o ar fresco das montanhas e beber agua limpa das nascentes. E gostam de bicharada na selva e turismo selvagem...... hhhhuuuuummmmm..... e comida tipica chinesa oriental. E água limpa. Reply @spencer7404 1 year ago Technically speaking, Kublai Khan was not recognized by others in Mongolia because he killed a competitor of Khan. Kublai Khan was forced to annihilate the Southern Song Dynasty southward from his own territory. Therefore, the power of Kublai Khan does not have sovereignty and does not represent Mongolia. So, after Kublai Khan destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty, he inherited the Southern Song regime. Therefore, in international practice, the Yuan Dynasty was listed as a dynasty in Chinese history, rather than China being destroyed by Mongolia. The same principle applies to the Qing Dynasty. At that time, Jurchen did not have her own internationally recognized regime. They replaced and inherited the legitimacy of the original regime within China's territory. Reply @Ray89135 1 year ago Congratulations for pronouncing Chinese names correctly. It is VERY RARE, that non-Chinese marrators would bother to actual find out the correct pronunciations of Chinese names & places, resulting in low credibility. Reply @Aramsa-Khan 1 year ago The last part of the video clip contains some spinning because we know better what actually happened. Reply @answerhsiao0610 11 months ago 高中时老师教我们顺口溜记中国朝代,至今还记得,夏商周秦西东汉,三国两晋南北朝,隋唐五代加十国,辽宋夏金元明清😂 Reply @toicoi6758 1 year ago Good work to introduce ancient China to English speakers. However Qing was the poorest dynasty in Chinese feudal history for simple reasons. Reply @catmate8358 3 months ago Very clear and concise recap, thank you. Now I will have a somewhat better understanding of the historical c-drama stories 😊😊 BTW the old China had to die before modern China could be born and such things, sadly, don't happen without bloodshed. Reply @urheadisseethrough2700 10 months ago 5000 years of land grabbing history 1 Reply 1 reply @ZhangZhenru 1 year ago There is a huge mistake in 6:54. Sui wasn't having a war with Korea, but 高句丽 Gaogouli. Gaogouli is not Korea, Silla is Korea. China cooperated with Korea and altogether we destroy Gaogouli, China took the north part of Gaogoili and Korea took the south part of Gaolouli. Reply @GoldenEmperor5Manifest 1 year ago I am curious what decadence and immorality led to the fall of the Shang. Unfortunately those are very broad brushed terms. Imagine today, we call all vices "immorality" and in some cases people refer to things that don't culturally or politically align with them "immorality". Yet not all vices lead to the same outcome. A "lecher" could be the most productive person in a group of people just to get what he wants. A drug addict would likely break into homes and steal for what he wants. These two "immoral" and "decadent" things have very different outcomes. Sure the lecher might get sick, they might, but then they might not. An opium addict back in the Qin would have been a danger to all of society and themselves imminently. A gambler would have made themselves poor, perhaps fallen into debt, but they're no imminent threat to others. When dynasties fell in Chinese history, it was often due to soft leaders, eunuchs or disloyal vassals. Rarely was it merely due to degeneracy as it were. The same is actually true for most of the world, it's usually just a secondary thing that the society is "immoral" as some claim. When we're talking about vice or politics though, morality is very much a subjective concept. While murder and theft are very much objectively immoral, the Emperor or King spending too much time drunk with concubines is a subjective immorality. Some may agree, others may not, it's not set in stone whether it's immoral or not. So I am very curious what specific immorality you'd mean and how you feel it brought the Shang rulers down. Also what documentation do we have beyond Sima Quan? Reply @fangtaoyao1404 1 year ago What I should point out is that during Tang Dynasty Gaogouli is not part of Korea. Gaogouli is a kingdom established by tribes who live in Changbai Mountains and have a closer bloodline with Mohe, Kitan and Jurzhen. And meanwhile, the ancestors of korean are only living in the south of Korea peninsula. Reply @lilifang1940 1 year ago Thank you for your very concise and interesting video. 1 Reply @shinholee3788 10 months ago Rhe video is great except the last part. Why put spin the modern Chinese history by showing and focusing the Cultural Revolution and Tiananmen incident (especially saying the largest lost of life which is not correct) rather than many other things during the whole history China under CCP?. Surely there are many achievements and progress during this time. Reply @宇-o6t 1 year ago 唐朝历史应该讲述武则天的,因为武则天改唐为周,这确实是一个重大、特殊的历史事件。 Reply @praneeth5127 1 year ago I would like to know about confucius relics Can you tell me where can i see it. I'm deeply intrested in Eastern philosophy and Science. 2 Reply 2 replies @瀧君-v3h 1 year ago The Northern and Southern Dynasties were the Huns? The Northern Dynasty of the Southern and Northern Dynasties is our Tuoba Xianbei, not the Huns. Tuoba Xianbei originated from Li Ling (a general of the Han Dynasty, but established a khanate in the north) and Princess Tuoba (the daughter of the Xiongnu Chanyu, whose mother came from Xianbei), their descendants People migrated to the Xianbei Federation and established the Tuoba tribe. They were also the ancestors of the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The entire Tuoba Xianbei, Tuoba Northern Wei, and Datang were established by people of the same blood, not the Huns, because Tuoba Xianbei was the last the unifier. Reply @fluffy_katsudon 6 months ago I'm Filipino, but I have always been fascinated with East Asia and Southeast Asian histories, so this was a really wonderful watch ❤ Reply @bongban3310 11 months ago Jin dynasty, Qin dynasty, Qing dynasty. how can i known which dynasty? because you pronounce similarly. can you help me the way to listen? or the way i can distingush? Reply @burgerlee5831 1 year ago Mongolian is Chinese also! Nowadays Chinese culture is a big mix. Nothing is “pure” In this region Reply @thebadtraveler 1 year ago You really skipped over Sun Yet San, Chiang Kai Shek, and Mao Reply @florence5352 1 year ago (edited) This documentary is inaccurate, if not misleading, especially on the Ancient China. Please refer to the 'Records of the Grand Historian' by Sima Qian for an accurate Ancient Chinese history. 'The Records of the Grand Historian' was a compulsory read for many Chinese scholars for about 2,000 years until the end of the Qing dynasty n 1912. Reply @seanchungify 1 year ago I think you forgot to mention about 新朝(led by Wang Mang) before the eastern Han.😄 Reply @troyli7257 1 year ago 梁唐晋汉周的乱世一个字都没有提,唐就直接跳到宋了。:) Reply @nazdizen8275 1 year ago Fake 1 Reply @Lord_V99 1 year ago Shang dynasty who defied Gods. Watch donghua Wu Jeng Gi Reply @jon_nomad 1 year ago Hmm.. your cover picture illustrated a Ming emperor but with Tang dynasty written on it. Reply @SNOWBALLparties 1 year ago What happened to their facial hair (based on these portraits shown as cover picture)!? 看起來: 基本上, 就是胡子減少的歷史! 🤪 Reply @razgrizadler 1 year ago 5000 years in 23 mins wow 1 Reply @chamnaramdewasi6776 4 weeks ago This 'ancient history documentary' makes me wish I had a time machine… to remind ancient rulers that invading Russia in winter is always a bad idea. Reply @oneirdaathnaram1376 1 year ago Uff! - That's quite a lot of history ... Where should I start? Reply @MarkMiller304 1 year ago How’s master li hongzhi doing? Reply @SokhomPrins 1 year ago I watched from the beginning to end. I am an author, historian, world activist, influencer Reply @janeschermer417 1 year ago Recent archeological digs in Erlitou provide increasing plausibility for the Xia dynasty to be real, rather than mythological. Reply @Henry-teach-Chinese-in-jokes 1 year ago I’m trying to watch various channels to try to make comprehensive understanding of the world. I’ve made many videos teaching Chinese language vividly and in a funny way. I hope you can recommend my videos to those who want to learn Chinese. I hope more people can learn Chinese to get comprehensive firsthand information about China and most likely seek more job opportunities. Know ourselves as well as our partners, competitors, adversaries….. Reply @adanphu4325 1 year ago God bring back the beautiful, open, and fun tea houses like back in the day China God 🦢 Reply @youtubealliedwithchineseco1245 9 months ago Look back the dynasties which ruled the vast land of east asia ... not necessarily all are han clan ... so history & cultures of modern chinkna is blend of witch's spelled soup ... Reply @geogrepaul187 1 year ago China and Greece are the only two countries that have long and continued history.And in both countries people are very honest .when you ask them how are you ,people will answer exactly how they feel ,unlike the hypercritical American culture which is the inferior. Reply @李山风-y5q 1 year ago 周是天子, 不是王,周天子相当于皇帝, 周天子给秦王,赵王,封地,爵位为王。有王的封地为国。 Reply @tavoitaminh4179 1 year ago Không ai hiểu rõ người phương Bắc hơn người phương Nam. Reply @johnwen1494 1 year ago (edited) Are you really sure Next dynasty would be Mei (US) after Gong . Reply @brandof123 1 year ago Lad I wished u covered the warlord era though, it is the big contributor of why ROC lost the popularity and CCP won the civil war. Reply @naturalselfyoga1617 11 months ago Ben hedges!!! A very enjoyable and informative non-credit card video. Thank you and well done Reply @fangkai8449 1 year ago 汉朝是最重要的朝代 汉族 汉字 汉文化(道教)。。。。。都是那个时期奠定的 Reply @freeasabird6799 5 months ago forgot to mention the brief shun dynasty 1644-1646 during ming-quin transition Reply @wendowsxplala 9 months ago only one error. There were no "for example: Korea" at that time. hope you filling the 民国 time in the video many thanks. Reply @danielharris-rb4mj 1 year ago The Black Annunaki Astronauts Reply @wheezesanchez5661 3 weeks ago Thanks for the great video Reply @adanphu4325 1 year ago I have the great great great grandson of the yellow emperor last name 🦢 Very interesting god bless 🫏 Reply @Chinese1492 1 year ago 21:40 Taiping Kingdom killed and wounded slaughtered a lot in war and, 10 million to 160 million. Reply @austinreise 7 months ago Thank you. A very well made and concise documentary. It's consistent, whether running a country, a business or even sports, what made us successful for the moment or in the past will not be less relevant in the future. Reply @laaaliiiluuu 1 year ago (edited) Empires come and go. If you want to survive you need to adopt to whatever change is thrown at you. Be like water. Know no form. Just flow. Reply @salvadorvenegas-escobar1388 7 months ago Great and illustrative video! Thank you. Reply @p.service 1 year ago Zhou dynasty is Hmong.. Wang is a Hmong term still use today Reply @skicrz 1 year ago Well done to distill so much history into 20 mins. 1 Reply @esicynthiajacquelineobiri3096 4 months ago China has always been the main character. If you wonder what Africa could have been if it hadn't been ruined by the west, look at China, they have always been so civilised and wise. I'm not Chinese but I've always respected them Reply @linshitaolst4936 3 months ago Why don't you talk about the military culture of each dynasty in China? You didn't show everyone what Chinese armor looks like either Reply @autumn_aya5471 11 months ago In order to maintain its own rule, the Qing Dynasty deliberately prohibited the introduction of science and technology into China, because the intelligence of the Han nationality would pose a threat to the Manchu. In order to continue to rule China, Manchu in Qing Dynasty deliberately gave China territory to other countries, but they deliberately did not resist. Reply @evebartolo792 5 months ago Thank you for posting, and l enjoyed the history of China, explained by you . Reply @MariaDelosAngeles-j3r 1 year ago Outstanding video. Thank you so much. Reply @datupatrick9640 1 year ago Yuan like modi industan timeswy? Reply @pauloamw 1 year ago Time for China to send the bill to the UK. Reply @danielharris-rb4mj 1 year ago The Mongrels were very Good leaders and loved and blessed the Chinese people they even branched off into Japan indo China Philippines Vietnam Reply @Aphichat. 1 year ago I didnt know, that Taiwan was belong to dutch and gave it away to Japan. Reply @tzufbb 1 year ago 信-credability not faith Reply @ocotta1 4 months ago Excellent pronunciation of Chinese terms. Better than mine. Reply @mglee1431 1 year ago Wow, excellent presentation in a nutshell, the ancient history of China. I appreciated the narration before the 1900s. I see you skip the revolutionalist, and the civil war that later ensued before communist came into power. Anyway it is still a excellent documentary. Reply @irregularprimes 1 year ago historical terms and concepts in english is so unfamiliar, everything lost in translation. Reply @MRJACKHANDSOME 1 year ago really profound knowledge , welcoming others to further chat and make friends with me Reply @LVZVRUS 1 year ago aren't you the generation tech guy? british ben? Reply @cheryldisney90 7 months ago Great stuff!! Gives me an overview of chinese history in one quick glance.. Reply @littleoranges1062 10 months ago What's the name of the song playing during the Tang dynasty segment? Reply @javieraaravena 3 months ago I thought we were learning history, not your particular political opinions Reply @jasonjung395 11 months ago They are the kings of an ethnic group that the Chinese rejected as foreigners. 1 Reply @jzh4950 1 year ago Ancient Chinese history: An empire is formed. Empire descends for economic and military reasons. Local forces rose up and formed a new empire. Mongols invaded and formed a new empire. A new empire is formed and it starts all over again. It almost seems like the decadence of an empire is inevitable, every new beginning is just the beginning of the end. Reply @araws20090712 1 year ago Thank you for explaining it... Reply @markanthonymianacyberworld420 1 year ago Qing Dynasty is the most week Dynasty of China 🇨🇳⛩️🇵🇭 I love the Tang Dynasty & Ming Dynasty Reply 1 reply @henriettasecker-shao 1 year ago that you on this video? Your Chinese pronunciation is perfect. Reply @Bslx0 1 year ago I wonder what would've happened if China started buying the goods the Brits sold...I'd imagine they'd also have modernized along with the Brits during the industrial revolution. I wonder if opium would've still been an issue. 1 Reply 1 reply @ryanyen6808 1 year ago Ha, they’re not Chinese “dynasties,” they are different countries and not china Reply @KalyeStreet10 1 year ago I just read the names in the thumb nail like im singing that chinese song. Reply @farhiyoahmedmohamed7445 1 year ago I BEAR WITNESS THAT THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH S.W.T AND I BEAR WITNESS THAT PROPHET MUHAMMED S.A.W IS ALLAH S.W.T MESSNGER AMEEN Reply @KTG308 1 year ago This is very deep deep knowledge ... Thank you for this awesome enlightening piece. Reply @ahmedshaharyarejaz9886 1 year ago What about the BING CHILLING Dynasty? Reply @mylasadick5189 5 months ago I really real😢want to learn how to speack Chinese (mandarin) I learn every day Reply @davidjacobs8558 1 year ago on the Thumbnail pictures. the Black costumes on the left are "Traditional Han attire" of the King and Emperors. the 3rd one, yellow costume is of the Northern Barbarian attire of the Xinbei people, and 4th one, is Manchurian costume. Reply @tklim66 2 months ago Well-done son! Excellent narration! Reply @omken3741 1 year ago Give like if you are Indonesian Chinese Reply @1cynik 1 year ago Would have been really interesting if Alexander made it to China. Reply @estherwan4204 1 year ago 一位外國人對中國歷史朝代清楚詳述,很難得。我們在外國長大也沒有辦法教育下一代中史。thank you. Reply @ksm273 1 year ago It is not really Chinese history. It is "Sino history". Sino is the land area that is in the far-east Asian continent. The dynasties are each 'different countries' of different ethnic people. There are NO continuations between the dynasties. They are not all Chinese countries either. For example, the Gen is the Mongolian Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty is the Manchurian Dynasty. The Sino history may be some thousand years long. But the current China ruled by the Chinese communist party has less than 100 years of history. Reply 1 reply @Unknownmale23 1 year ago Hey! I really like the soundtrack you used, do you happen to have the name of it? Reply @alexadinar7877 6 months ago This is such a great video. Thank you so much 👏👏👏👏 Reply @Chinese1492 1 year ago 15:05 Ming is one of the worst in culture. 😢😢😢😢 Reply @png000 1 year ago please give references to where you have collected such historical data from, and ways in which such data was turned into information, because most part of it were accurate on its own, but inaccurate when narrated altogether. It is great to help cultural transfer, much appreciate it; but such efforts, if not taken with sensibility, would be no different from how the discipline of anthropology was established - a colonial science. Reply @faustopak 1 month ago excellent and straight to the point. Reply @matthewnggametime2537 11 months ago 8:42 I finally found a foreigner who knows how to pronounce 宋 correctly Reply @danjoebyun 1 year ago You have to learn more. Not all Chinese history. Reply @TCM1231 10 months ago I had no idea Christianity is from the West! I guess Noah was white? Reply @chrisrhodes2 1 year ago No mention of the Ming destroying their fleet when they were the naval super power of the world and self isolating for centuries? They could have dominated Europe instead of the other way around if not for that Reply @ramsyj5261 2 months ago (edited) Just want to mention that there are archeology evidence of the existence of Xia as a tribe, but not as a dynasty yet. So yes, there were a group of people named Xia in the history, but it is unclear whether they've developed into the scale of a dynasty. Reply @Dino_1991_ 8 months ago im chinese and your pronunciation is even better than mine.. i question my own ethinicity... Reply @ehime4u2 6 months ago Thank you, that was very interesting. Reply @chibonchibon3967 7 months ago The emperor of xin jin ping rules 1000 years Reply @jrloh193 1 year ago Thank you for this awesome vid! Reply @foolifisher 8 months ago I love my country. 😢 Reply @jimjim7608 1 year ago u r reading scripts, very boring. Reply @footclan2k2 1 year ago Ain't that Ben Hedges who do the credit cards?? Reply @ziq2188 7 months ago Very Good, informative 👋🏼 Reply @ultramarinechaplain88 1 year ago I as a person of chinese descent am very ashamed that this man pronounces chinese lightyears better than me😂😂😂 Reply @huang5723 1 year ago thank you very much for this education Reply @saigonmonopoly1105 1 year ago the bronze age is our true 1st real marker ...before that just any rock qualify better than the rest so cant use as fact...only bronze can be tangible as fact Reply @joshuavictory8859 1 year ago I am a Chinese, Amazing you know more about China than I do. Reply @Chinese1492 1 year ago 16:22 Ming was small, some 5 million square kilometers to max 6.5. Reply @CoverBydAn 1 year ago Wow, your pronunciation is really good… great review too Reply @YouShuai 1 year ago I am Chinese and am interested in the history of Europe and America, just as you are interested in the history of China. Reply @bobbyleeswagger8421 1 year ago I did not expect a white man in this video, even more impressive. Kudos my friend Reply @彭宇-r3n 2 weeks ago 经考证 秦始皇其实并不穿冠冕 Reply @Dingdoudou 1 year ago 那个孔子画像是认真的吗?😂😂😂😂😂 Reply @choux7746 1 year ago (edited) Why didnt you mention wu zetian wasnt she the one who implemented the merit based through civil service exam again in tang dynasty Reply @goodman8469 1 year ago 5:38 Northern and Southern dynasties period Reply @wintkyaw7576 3 months ago Highly appreciate this excellent lesson Reply @MS-ce8nr 1 year ago (edited) No one calls Europe as one single country. So we need to be careful here about the history in the land of Far East Asia. There were many countries over the last three thousand years. Reply @jaimesuffering 1 year ago Yo the kid from breaking bad Reply @crystallizedmint5462 1 year ago "help me make the most of freedom and of plesure, nothing ever last forever." 8:32 Reply @christineverdeflorvlog9261 2 months ago And i love History drama of china Reply @pachelbel_oyama 2 months ago I love the storied history of the area. The all dynasties in the thumbnails were not Han Chinese countries. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they are part of the history of the East Asian region. 秦(Qiang), 隋(Xianbei), 唐(Xianbei), 清(Manchu Jurchen). However, since there were many Han Chinese in the central government of the Qin state, it may be fair to say that it became a Han Chinese state during the long transitional period of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Nevertheless, many people living in the region are still Qiang. So if you were to make thumbnails of those, 秦(Qin), 漢(Han), 晋(Jin), and 明(Ming) might have been good. My favorite is the story of Liu Bang, who founded the Han Dynasty, and his rival Xiang Yu of the state of Chu. The Three Kingdoms up until the birth of the Jin Kingdom is also interesting, but it would be a waste to talk about the Three Kingdoms without talking about the stories of Xiang Yu and Liu Bang. Reply 1 reply @ねこ-p1b7o 1 year ago What were happening to the westerners when these were happening? Are they cow boys and pirates by then? Reply @ganymede12283 1 year ago Your life is complete if that guy is your history teacher. 😅 Reply @RetroLuv_ 1 year ago So according to the legend, was there also an empire or civilization before the flood? Reply @tinaz1818able 10 months ago Chinese history lover, I’d love to remind you this video is not accurate at all. He missed out several dynasties and history of Taiwan is not right. In 17 century Zheng Chong Gong’s his father established a Ming Zheng kingdom in Taiwan. They are from China Ming Dynasty, Reply 1 reply @michaelfeher8466 7 months ago Brilliant explanations and beautiful video ! Reply @falkeholz1459 1 year ago My great great great uncle worked as a mercenary for the Qing dynasty Reply @_ttime2633 7 months ago It is not correct that you take Chinese apart with other nations, in fact, these nations are also Chinese, what you said is actually Han Nation, which is the biggest nation is China. Now, there are 56 nations live in China. Reply @adamluong8483 8 months ago I’m impressed of how a white man is able to pronounce Chinese name in their own language so well Reply @Real_itss_alexisonestate_GA 3 months ago Idea: What if the Chinese Emperor returned to the dynasty in the future? Reply @leonchen9215 1 year ago Excellent! Your videos can learn our own history and also can learn English. Reply @Anon-watcher 1 year ago 😯 1 Reply @lyric5803 2 months ago 你在最后还要夹带一点政治立场表现。。。 Reply 2 months ago Forgot the most recent Xi dynasty. Reply @skipslash7367 1 year ago confucianism isn't a religion Reply @YangJeongin.1 1 year ago My ancestral land was originated in Southern China. I am a Hmong. It was known by the name Miao/San Miao. Not so quick, my western friends. Don’t fall into Chinese historians and writers. Chinese historians were biased. They excluded/omitted many historical facts about the Hmong and Chinese. The Chinese and Hmong fought many wars because Chinese forced in taking over Hmong land. 2 Reply 1 reply @cdfriend007 1 year ago I thought that Zhou was pronounced more like j-ow rather than ja-ow , but maybe it’s a regional or dialectical difference, I have grown up around Chinese American communities and have a brother who is half Chinese so was just curious which pronunciation is best. Great informative content though 🙏🏼 Reply @dlsun6882 8 months ago nice video about china history which is quite accurate Reply @魏明發 1 year ago Wei the great ❤ 1 Reply @Chinese1492 1 year ago 13:37 Traditional China died that year. Reply @harmonybutdifferent6221 9 months ago appreciate this vedio,thanks! Reply @png000 1 year ago The way in which Emperor Qin was described here is not comprehensive, the choice of terms are connotated, thus, leading to biased. He was brutal but outstanding: 1. he 'standardised' measurement, currency units and road system, which led the dynasty to vibrant trades and dyanmic economy 2. he 'synchronised' writing language and legislation, provided a legal basis for development and court 3. he built the great wall of china, which prevented invasion from the north for thousand years and gave stability to society 4. he gave the order to execute alchemist who offered to refine elixir of immortality and lied, and buried them without ceremony, he did not bury them alive 5. all these helped progressed China from slave society to feudalism, which was an innovative establishment at the time It is great to help cultural transfer, much appreciate it; but such efforts, if not taken with sensibility, would be no different from how the discipline of anthropology was established - a colonial science. Reply 1 reply @openbox163 1 year ago Wudi of liang is my ancestor Reply @ongsengkee2530 1 year ago Fantastic discourse. All hail to china Reply @dorjbayar1286 1 year ago Yan and Qing is not Chinese empire. China did not exist as an independent country that time. China was a colony that time. India was once an English colony. Based on that, you can not claim England was really India that time. 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @sharhu 1 year ago 두번째옷이제일예뻐 Reply @chaulang6210 1 year ago Not all The Facts you said is true facts and all Bias and based on your Narrative facts . Reply @tangovang8699 5 months ago Chinese is a race, within the race their is many nationality. Chinese is like the word “Asian” with many nationality within. Reply @nathanielsmith7090 1 year ago Who is the guys narrating? Reply @ericvelasquez1282 1 year ago The Yuan and Qin are not really Chinese dynasties Reply @zoihnyuonhsaephan9608 1 year ago I've always wondered what was happening to the mountain ethnic tribes during those times Reply @蓝阿蓝 1 year ago very clear, thank you, as a chinese, i learn chinese history from you Reply @lyzh4288 2 months ago I disagree with the portray of Qinshihuang as a brutal ruler. He did what he must to make a new nation strong. It's needed to have a unified system, and any other system's existence could cause division within the nation. Furthermore, in a culture where LIVE BURIALS were popular, Qinshihuang decided to choose terra cotta warriors as substitutes. Archaeologists found that no two warriors are alike, meaning that each was made in the likeness of an actual soldier. Reply 1 reply @KurtBoulter 1 year ago Also, Yu, dug those channels to drain the swaps, so the dragons would leave, and THEN they build the first legendary dynasty, where Yu lived to be over 200 years old, because he was related, to the sons of Noah! REAL Chinese history! Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @vanmalaphongsavan1331 1 year ago (edited) thanksdocthanksdocthanksdocthanksdoc, Great Film, Thank you so much...Could you please telling the history of Tai and Laos history from Nan Chao to be presented up to early today present Lao PDR. under the communist regimes ? Reply @Makaron_Nesos 6 months ago Why is there this recurring 5000 years of Chinese history meme? At 30 sec into your very wonderful video you start with the legendary Xia, about 4100 years ago. Confirmed history then starts with the Shang, 3600 years ago. I've heard this meme a lot from Chinese people. Is it because the 4 in 4000 is an unlucky number? Reply 1 reply @vonz5696 1 year ago Thank You for your time with this video. Reply @markherron3067 7 months ago Sorry but if there's no archeological evidence then you can't attribute it as part of history! Acknowledge the legends and mythology, but don't extend the period of Chinese history by including it! Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @Henrycus5321 1 year ago chinese is not only han Chinese but also mongol and Manchu Reply @yagooatthegoat 1 year ago 20:48 i remember hearing stories from my ancestors about this Reply @1974dodgecharger 1 year ago Anyone else play dynasty warriors? Reply @Alejojojo6 1 year ago Western History and Chinese History are my two favourites. Reply @1VNtudo 1 year ago The Han Chinese tried so hard to get everything but so sad that in the end, Han Chinese lost everything Reply @valloyola 1 year ago you remind me of simon tan from firefly Reply @thomas2004ch 1 year ago great! you can better chinese than me. 🙂 Reply @goodman8469 1 year ago 4:44 Three Kingdoms Period Reply @Weeping-Angel 1 year ago No matter how much I learn about the dynasties, I can’t seem to remember much of it. Reply @Uzair_Of_Babylon465 1 year ago Fantastic video keep it up you're doing great work and I started my own channel as well may Allah make it easy for all of us to get our goals and through our goals makes us closer to Allah ameen 👍😊 Reply @danzwku 1 year ago 23:09 please make a video about this history from this point on Reply @benjaminli2909 2 months ago best introduction to chinese history so far on youtube, I mean it Reply @MitaNguyen 1 year ago 3:24-3:28 it contrasts in just a sentence. QinShiHuan isn't a brutal emperor Reply @Jemppu 9 months ago Excellently comprehensive foundation for a novice learner. Thank you. (Got here in the interest of knowing where exactly the 'Juuchen' Jin dynasty fell into this lineage). (Only slight complaint on general basis: usage of BC and AD instead of the more widely appropriate "common/current era" equivalents). Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @tikiewel 1 year ago Gotland Visby museum Reply @英文菜-u1r 3 months ago 中国是唯一有历史记载的连续文明,有大量墓葬和文物与历史记载相佐证,其他文明要嘛没有连续性,要嘛可供佐证的文物或者历史资料太少。 1 Reply @erwinprnt 1 year ago 🥰🥰🥰🥰 1 Reply @ruihangyu5573 1 year ago there are a few evidence found about the Xia dynasty, but not a lot Reply @illuminatiehmful 1 month ago where is the great Han Dynasty in your title... Reply @kiwimcmango 2 years ago The SIIIUUUUUU dynasty 1 Reply @amohogride3739 1 year ago the term 皇帝 is derived from 三皇五帝, meaning there is 3 gods(皇) and 5 devine humans(帝) ruling China before Xia where the ordinary human kings(王) took over. Qin thought he was so badass he is better than the legendary gods and emperors, thus naming himself 皇帝. Reply 1 reply @ShowcasingActingReel 1 year ago You seen like a cool force would you like to talk about Ubashi leadership in Mongolia Reply @sheilaF4713 1 year ago I consider myself to be a true scholar of world history which is so immense an undertaking that one can never conquer it nor become an expert as it includes all fields of human endeavors and achievemnts, nevertheless it is a passionate pursuit more than worth the effort and time as it certainly defeats boredom‼️ Reply @yangzhong666 1 year ago 我来自西安,十三个朝代的古都 Reply @jmalko9152 11 months ago Fascinating, thank you ❤️ Reply @clumsytriangle2436 7 months ago Elements of Confucianism are implemented in the current Chinese unique political system: Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. The current system encourages Chinese citizens to include the five Confucianism 'behaviors' in their daily lives and in their communities. Also the current government take into account these 5 traits when making decisions that impact China and its people. Reply 1 reply @shineythings4066 1 year ago I'm very dissappointed you entirely skipped over Empress Wu and her contributions to the tang dynasty. She was woman who was villified simply for being a woman and taking the position as emperor. 1 Reply 3 replies @enternalinferno 1 year ago Why do people keep saying it's 5000 years old? the Shang have the first preserved written records, isn't 3000 enough? I certainly think so Reply 1 reply @Icebassh 1 year ago Such a great video, the music was on point 🔥 Reply @bukaukee 1 year ago ur pronunciations of chinese words are so good oh my god? Reply @jannahpanarigan2857 1 year ago I love the culture of Korea and china! Reply @hamza4u119 1 year ago so how long it's gonna take for Xi dynasty to end? Reply @nathanielzarny1176 9 months ago Dude looks just like matpat Reply @lcs8390 1 year ago សំខាន់ៗ💯 Reply @merrybot101 1 year ago Wait, is this Ben the credit card shifu? Reply @chaopillow309 1 year ago Why Manchu Qing dynasty of China is included in the video but not Mongol Yuan dynasty of China Reply @毛熊-e2j 1 year ago Can you finish the Chinese history in half an hour?? Reply @MindBlinged 1 year ago wasn't the great wall of china built by Qin Shi Huang? Reply 1 reply @siroyiryuu 5 months ago 夏商周春秋战国汉唐五代十国宋元明清 Reply @christsinging 1 year ago Instead of call them different dynasties of China, we should call them different countries or nationals who took the name of China to show they are the center of world at the time. The Chinese name of China means the center. Reply @TheUnofficialOzymandias 1 year ago Does this guy have a source? Reply @enkhzayazundui1063 1 year ago Kitan was also Proto Mongols too. I dont take this as Chinese dynasty. Please be corrected. Sure ,later on assimilated to Chinese because defeated by Zurchin. Reply 1 reply @chipsun2504 1 year ago No, china has a 30min history Reply @rozinahomar2077 1 year ago Watching a lot of Cdramas started my interest in China history. Reply @jessielam7305 1 year ago Nice to see you here, Credit Sifu! Great video! One thing that holds it back from being excellent is the background music seems a little too overpowering your narrative. Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @soomaan1220 8 months ago i want all the chinese medicine Reply @d3vilman69 1 year ago I fail to understand why the name of the dynasty(eg. Qin, Qing, Song, etc) doesn't relate to the last names of the emperors who were ruling during that period. For eg in the Song dynasty, all the rulers have last name(real birthname, not temple name) of Zhao. ??? Shouldn't it be called the Zhao dynasty? Reply 1 reply @ZAR556 1 year ago Han and Tang My favourite 👍 Reply @danidejaneiro8378 2 years ago Do we say “China” in English because of the Qin dynasty? 2 Reply 8 replies @silversurfergw 1 month ago Nothing like a little propaganda at the end. Reply @trevorbickham3067 1 year ago Is this Credit Shifu Reply @TheGreenPastures 1 year ago Thank you Reply @zhlview3394 1 year ago Great lecture. 1 Reply @valerialacerda4407 4 months ago (edited) where are theY ? CIXI the empress and Wu Zetian ? why not mention they were woman in Power ....and i ll not follow you for this reason.. Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @edmond5713 1 year ago Did Xia dynasty really exist? Reply @heavensfugitive6447 4 months ago Long Live The Mandate of Heaven! Reply @부울경에이스 8 months ago sui-tang=mongol, qing=manchurian Reply @sjelinelukiman673 10 months ago Chinese history is fascinating😮 Reply @portiaShao 6 months ago what happened to 五代時期between 唐朝和宋朝?very good overview Reply @m.afajar854 7 months ago i dont see where the unfairness of the treaty thats a normal treaty for the losser no? cedde teritory, and concecssion on port thats how war done for thousand of year Reply @ninaduong9310 11 months ago So what is your most favorite Chinese dynasty? Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @yiuhhsinggou3666 1 year ago It is missing the current one, Xi JinPing dynasty, he just crowned yesterday! Reply 1 reply @lemonhead4368 1 year ago I just like history. Reply @valerieobehi7107 1 year ago Hi just a Nigerian girl interested in Chinese culture Reply 1 reply @giorgikharibegashvili1672 8 months ago why yall leave out wu zhou (wu zetian) dynasty like it was a dynasty after all she ended Tang well at least 15 years!!!!!!! Reply 1 reply @dynamitebsb4520 1 year ago So basically it's a history of Hans Reply @kevint-bq3sg 4 months ago Chinas Geschichte ist wirklich lang Reply @neoiskim 7 months ago The north of the Great Wall is not Chinese territory. It was ruled by Mongols, Manchurians, and Koreans. Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall to block the so-called Northern Orangkai. Later, China was conquered by the Mongolia and also Kim(金) Dynasty founded by descendants of korean Kim Ham-bo. Manjuwonryugo (滿洲源流考), compiled during the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, also reveals that the national name 金(kim) Dynasty is also derived from the family name 金(kim)of King of Silla(ancient korea). Also china wad ruled by the Manchurians for 300 years(Qing dynasty) Professor Sugihara, who presented "Japan's Bronze Age from Korea", said, "The Bronze Age came to Japan from 100 BC to AD50, the end of the Korean Bronze Age society." In Japan, the Iron Age and the Bronze Age were passed down at the same time during the Yayoi period, and the Bronze Age was used only for ancestral rites, so it seems that it went straight to the Iron Age without going through the Bronze Age." Around 100 BC ~ Ancient civilization began in Japan when Koreans landed with iron weapons in Japan, where primitive people lived during the Stone Age. Japanese history is the history of the Korean people. Japanese civic group claims, "It is the same as the annexation of Korea and Japan, reunification of East and West Germany." 2018-11-2008:30 A report was sent to the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Korea to demand "correct the fabrication of facts in Korea." // Japanese Yayoi are Koreans.. Chinese = Vietnamese gene... Korean Japanese = Siberian gene. "Our direct ancestors are members of the ancient Asian and Tungus ethnic group that migrated from Siberia in the Neolithic Age, and linguistically belong to the Altai ethnic group." "In addition to the Yayoi (Yamato people) of the Doraein line who crossed from the Korean Peninsula, there are also the Ainu lineal descendants of the Jomon people of the indigenous people of the Japanese archipelago." Reply @ParkerAt941 1 year ago 在上下五千年的华夏史,最近的半个世紀只是一瞬間,沒有必要夾帶私貨放一些有爭议的照片。 中國人注重正史,这是五千年文明传承的基础。 1 Reply @danjoebyun 1 year ago Not all Chinese history Reply @lilhaxxor 3 weeks ago Wait, what ? You completely gloss over communism, despite mentioning things about modern chinese values at the end of the video. I know it's not the main point, but your conclusion is a bit off, if you are going to mention that part. Reply Learn Chinese Now · 2 replies @abhisheksrivastava7166 1 year ago fantastic content and way of delivery. the music is too loud in some portions and distracts from the content. Reply @isabellahudson8287 1 year ago you look so handsome Reply @brothermalcolm 1 year ago Love how he spent 30mins building up to the final minute of the video where he gave an opinion on something Reply @听风告别 1 year ago hello Hope English subtitles can be added. My English listening is not very good 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 3 replies @JohnLee-vi7us 1 year ago peace and prosperity to the Chinese people Reply @jfrancoischeungsingling 1 month ago chinese and proud to be Reply @themalacast 10 months ago I don't care for the "authentic" pronunciations. Do you do this when discussing Scotland, Russia, or the American South? Reply Learn Chinese Now · 2 replies @Bruh-cg2fk 5 months ago meanwhile the Greeks 🗿🇬🇷⚡ Reply @nicholaseng3480 1 year ago (edited) Some serious mistake. The Great wall was not built during Ming dynasty but by the Qin emperor. Reply 2 replies @nastynick7425 10 months ago Opium, what a dope move Reply @nangsengkukoi6088 1 year ago (edited) I would like to request you to make a video on Tai history. Reply @a_l7515 1 year ago Xia Dynasty is my favourite dynasty. Reply @mdmlautuition2797 8 months ago I think that夏dynasty is fascinating Reply @理塘王丁真-w2r 1 year ago No han Chinese would ever like an uncivilized barbarian ethnicity that destroyed legacy in thousands years of Chinese culture,you know what am I talking about,it is qing dynasty 1 Reply @ryanjakesagpang3094 1 year ago You forgot to mention the 6 great generals of qin 😎 Reply @Rayiscool87 1 year ago Very good pronunciation Reply @CephasPetros89 1 year ago It would be great if can elaborate more about how Liu Bang and XiangYu compete each other to gain control of the country. Reply 1 reply @paulchang2325 3 months ago I learn from school that japan ang korean came fron china, you will notice that same writing are the same from china. That the history. Reply 1 reply @jimmyd694 1 year ago Now is Tofu Dynasty Reply @angloedu5499 8 months ago Nice overall summary. Reply @ucool9735 1 year ago You had skipped the Zhou dynasty and 五代十国 Reply @suesmith9665 11 months ago Silver cord in my dream Reply @jadenhou4079 1 year ago This guy looks like credit shifu Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @superstudlyhunk 1 year ago Such a great informative video. Thank you! Reply @sharonrocha5996 4 months ago Oh wow China is a really great country and even now it’s still a very ancient country because people have remained with the traditions and I think Chinese is one of the hardest language is to understand the alphabet and understand the rituals and stuff Reply 1 reply @zoey1994 3 weeks ago Native Chinese here Reply @tikiewel 1 year ago Swabian Circle Sueboi Reply @陈金金-x6k 1 year ago fantastic! 1 Reply @yeshaya24 1 year ago Or maybe not.... Reply @nurtilekorunbekov5082 1 year ago (edited) Credit Shifu ❤ Reply @YT-gj6nq 1 year ago Very thorough! 1 Reply @7x6v69 1 year ago (edited) 还有武则天的武周 Reply @adis.g6569 1 year ago And now begin again the era of rising dragon Reply @GTB.2020 1 year ago Qing wasn’t Chinese!!! Jursens!! Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @jessetimber1388 1 year ago one mistake Qin should be Chin, thats where the name china or cina came from Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @mongolhuu 1 year ago The name Yuan was for Chinese people who couldn’t pronounce or understand it is true Mongolian name, Ike Mongol Ulus. 1 Reply 7 replies @Imyourfather3 1 year ago Many mistakes Reply @Myraroy 7 months ago (edited) excellent presentation! Reply @goodman8469 1 year ago 3:07 The Qin Dynasty Reply @ws2769 1 year ago its always british 😮 Reply @MYArt-oe2td 1 year ago 就啊顾问 Reply @carolmeeilinglee4282 8 months ago Wow, your Mandarin pronunciation is perfect. I thought between Three Kingdoms 三国period and 晋朝,it was 曹魏 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 2 replies @sebastianody 1 year ago 说中文谢谢 Reply @我是台巴子綠蛆塔綠班 3 months ago Great China Reply @EvaXu-g4h 1 month ago China is amazing 😂😂😂 Reply @wilsonmiranda4466 1 year ago Please excuse my ignorance. Wikipedia states The Great Wall of China [GWC] during the Qin Dynasty [220-206 BC]. Marco Polo travelled to China during the Ming Dynasty 1368 onward. Could anyone explain why the GWC wasn't mentioned in the Travels of Marco Polo neither were the use of chopsticks, tea & Chinese calligraphy. But my main interest lies in the date the GWC was built & completed. Kindly enlighten! Rgds Wilson! Reply 2 replies @goodman8469 1 year ago 4:14 The Han Dynasty Reply @smokyshifu1314 1 year ago Very well done!🎉🎉 Reply @suesmith9665 11 months ago Got taken advantage Reply @merraxus 1 year ago Are you British Ben? Reply @verbodidio2187 1 year ago Its doesnt look goood Reply @wolftal1178 1 year ago Very interesting!👍 Reply @reikken69 1 year ago excellent chinese tone! Reply @moonsorrow77 1 year ago My ancient ancestors dynasty THE TANG DYNASTY..I came from there Reply @limchengsoon4027 1 year ago you speak a very well versed Chinese accent 2 Reply @bobobo4555 1 year ago 你的中文发音比我还标准😅 Reply @gregwilliams853 1 year ago I have always found Chinese history extremely fascinating with all the various Dynasties that ruled over the country, they had some good rulers and some not so good rulers. I kind of put the present communist dynasty in the not good rulers from Mao to this man who’s in charge now. I hope that our two countries can become more friendly with each other then they are now. The leaders of both countries have to try to resolve their disputes. 2 Reply @capoislamort100 1 year ago A great people indeed. Reply @4-SeasonNature 1 year ago Excellent video. Reply @goodman8469 1 year ago 10:24 Liao Dynasty Reply @goodman8469 1 year ago 6:34 Sui Dynasty Reply @goodman8469 1 year ago 1:38 Zhou Dynasty Reply @louiszhou5769 1 year ago Comment #400 Reply @sherwinpaqueo5081 1 year ago Did Qin dynasty defeated by liu bang or xiang yu ? Reply 1 reply @jerryliewkenyon9755 1 year ago Love it. Simplicity 👍 Reply @KeyhaneBishomar 9 months ago China wall was built during the Han dynasty, ming only added to it. Reply Learn Chinese Now · 2 replies @MajesticLexus 2 months ago You look like Credit Shifu. Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @hsuwei-yen472 7 months ago 夏朝是禹的兒子建立的 Reply @goodman8469 1 year ago 10:52 Jin Dynasty Reply @goodman8469 1 year ago 7:06 Tang Dynasty Reply @bobicramza4158 1 year ago Great Wall built by Qin Dynasty right ? then keep continued by every dynasty if im not wrong haha then im still confuse is the Qing dynasty a foreigner ? jurchen or manchu who is them Reply 2 replies @katarinayue 11 months ago Thanks for the quick and informative overview of the dynasties 😊. It always seemed quite complex for me (and I think it is in detail) but it helped me to understand the history of China a bit better now. Reply @moveit707 1 year ago 😂😂😂 And then Wuhan Virus came hehehe Reply 1 reply @HYing-iz3sh 1 year ago generations of ghosts Reply @znba8823 3 months ago manchu barbarian Reply @frankng4574 1 year ago 信is not fath, but credit Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @新宜小波 4 months ago 普通话发音真标准。 Reply @AdiyaBayarmaa 1 year ago Why you did not include Yuan dynasty? Reply 1 reply @nicholasmatuza728 1 year ago this man is so damn cute. Reply @michaelhenault1444 1 year ago Nice summary 😊 Reply @carolerodgers2710 1 year ago Music not needed! Reply @nilanjanchanda597 2 months ago What's the name of this commentator? Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @晨杨-q2f 1 year ago 不得不说,up但发音真的很准 Reply @Bonita.ch1 1 year ago Is that Aussie accent??? Reply 1 reply @goodman8469 1 year ago 12:56 Yuan Dynasty Reply @Xiner.oya0704 7 months ago I will literally fall asleep watching this Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @Userjy004 1 year ago Good knowledge Reply @raymonddon8875 1 year ago great wall of china, the mongol empire & japanese samurai warriors... it wont be easy to kill the red dragons from the far east. 1 Reply @sharhu 1 year ago 거인같아보이는연출좋아 Reply @ricardoshillyshally1741 2 years ago Tempraneros. Son las 8 ... Reply @SokhomPrins 2 months ago They are mafias Reply @shanetom3387 1 year ago First dynasty was black Reply 1 reply @answerhsiao0610 11 months ago Great job👍 Reply @崔宸赫 8 months ago 您的汉语发音是非常正确❤ Reply @user-fh6jk3xbt8o 8 months ago 我孩子都看这个学习中文呢 Reply @CCC-zg9ii 8 months ago 中文发音很好 Reply @jamesliauw7572 1 year ago Thank you. Reply @justsomegirlwithoutamustac5837 1 year ago This is amazing Reply @tt3569 1 year ago I like your style! Reply @Lord_V99 1 year ago It is so amazing that no single dead dynasty make a come back in all history. Reply 1 reply @tomhuynh4058 8 months ago Very cool! Reply @iiDreamzxc 1 year ago Watched till the end and seeing Chinese culture getting destroyed after the end of Qing Dynasty really saddens me. 5000 years of history and culture lost in a few decades 😢 1 Reply @先生刘-s9x 1 year ago good Reply @pitherra 1 year ago I bet my Miao people were there. We tried to fight the Chinese people. Reply @Alex-ec4wu 1 year ago All cixi fault Reply @welike4278 2 years ago One of the reason Qing fell was 慈禧 Reply @weilingmao3172 1 year ago M Reply @senatuspopulusqueromanus5626 9 months ago (edited) you also forgot the Xin dynasty which separated the western han dynasty from the eastern han dynasty Reply Learn Chinese Now · 3 replies @zoey1994 3 weeks ago 听得津津有味 Reply @anginribut477 1 year ago I heard they have ancient beast in the past Is that true? Reply @warmonger8799 9 months ago Awesome ❤❤❤ Reply @yimingzhang2169 11 months ago 谢谢老师,我是来学英文的,哈哈哈 Reply @novanitrox8530 1 year ago 嚇嚇喔 Reply @larchdental 1 year ago Amazing Reply @MYArt-oe2td 1 year ago ni hao Reply @lukedong2468 2 months ago Good Job ! Reply @adetounfrances 1 year ago 🇨🇳 Reply @Zakaius 1 year ago Looking back to the long continuous Chinese history up to today, one thing is certain. It's a rollercoaster.. 300- 400 hundred years of stability. 100-150years of instability including transition to a new era. Then stability again. The last instability was at about 1949... after the 100 years of humiliation. Now it's the beginning of the 300-400 years of stability. 2 Reply 1 reply @julyseven808 7 months ago 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Reply @8circlewizard 11 months ago At this time, the Tang Dynasty was in a so-called "colonial" state, not modern Chinese Han Chinese, but dominated by kings and aristocrats from northern nomadic tribes called Seonbi. Sadly, the Han Chinese, the modern Chinese people, have never had their own Country in their 5,000-year history. (Qin-Xiaoyong(西戎), Han-Dongi(東夷), Tang-Xiānbēi(鮮卑), Song-Baekwal(百越), Yuen-Mogolia, Qing-Manchuria etc.) They're poor peoples who are enslaved under the ruling class, which changes with time. But Fortunately, Mao Zedong, an outstanding figure, succeeded in creating the first national state of Han Chinese people in the wake of the Japanese invasion. In other words the first Han nation was modern China, which was founded in 1949. 2 Reply 2 replies @paulussantosociwidjaja4781 1 year ago Xie2! Reply @hiddenbunny7205 1 year ago what happened to the Han dynasty? Reply 1 reply @but_at_what_cost 9 months ago 高句丽不等于朝鲜…… Reply @blolee-gc1sr 1 month ago legend Reply @luvienri 1 year ago 8:00 Reply @frankghook5020 1 year ago 秦qín Reply @dragonborn3768 7 months ago 高句丽和朝鲜韩国并没有关系 1 Reply @juliahuang5698 1 year ago 能不能補充南北朝的起始與消亡? 多謝! Reply 2 replies @Noelle-p9p 10 months ago 汉字读的很标准,点赞! Reply @MYArt-oe2td 1 year ago 你好 Reply @wangcandy1114 6 months ago What T T Reply @munkhsaikhanganbolor169 1 year ago 🦧😂😂😂😂 Reply @mog9447 5 months ago well done Reply @Charles36. 1 year ago (edited) Chinese history is rich and beautiful. It’s a shame what their government has become 1 Reply @tokang1637 1 year ago Qin and qing same race Mongol Reply 2 replies @erictsai1140 1 year ago 講的真好. Reply @jiachen-ft8dw 3 months ago OK Reply @waylonbranscum9556 1 year ago Can anyone recommend a chinese history text book. Thanks Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @jarvanwang1606 1 year ago 发音很准确🎉 Reply @Hug0944 11 months ago 👍 Reply @tikiewel 1 year ago Suebi Reply @孔繁恪 1 year ago 硬吹丝听 Reply @EmpireProductions1 1 year ago (edited) Learning Chinese history in English is so cringe as a Chinese speaker Reply 5 replies @wangcandy1114 6 months ago Hi Reply @88feji 7 months ago 12:26 Reply @林吉米-l5n 1 year ago where is the ccp Dynasty ????? the greatest king XI ?? 1 Reply @chuluunsugarragchaa6659 1 year ago If the European history would be taught as similar as chinese historians would (big huge dynasties stretching the whole continent) , the europeans would be so so mad. 1 Reply @yl4521 3 months ago 5:40 Reply @Dany-z8r 7 months ago 👍👍👍 Reply @clairexiao-nd4fp 1 year ago 太棒了❤ Reply @WM22MW 1 year ago 👍 Reply @nessliestrife993 3 months ago Credit sifu? Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @democratic.dictatorship 4 months ago 15:41 Reply @lobsangdhargya2853 1 year ago Wow ! You must be genius!!! Amazing detail and realistic history explained better then those Chinese scholars don’t really always reveal the truth from their heart for knowledge and awareness! 👍👏 1 Reply @贪婪资本 1 month ago where's gong Reply 1 reply @Heresheis0818 1 year ago (edited) 😢good intentions#Thanks Reply @clarencego4725 7 months ago After Tang dynasty should be Ming dynasty and than Chin dynasty the last of them all. Reply @5second_crypto 1 year ago wow Reply @pptskills 1 year ago 欢迎回归! Reply @Andy-ty6gv 7 months ago Who cares Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @johneden9573 2 years ago There's a jingle for this! Reply 1 reply @PIPERON 1 year ago (edited) CORRECTION : The Qin Dynasty was not defeated by Liu Bang, it was defeated by Xiang Yu (项羽)and Xiang Yu was tricked by Liu Bang using sore tactics and defeated Xiang Yu. They were sworn brothers and Liu Bang was a small man with dirty heart, he also killed those who helped him to defeat Xiang Yu and formed the Han Dynasty. Reply @Fr.VeniceLAI 1 year ago Nice. Reply @hanbaedal 1 month ago The Qing Dynasty, which ruled the continent before the Chinese Communist Party established its state, It's not Chinese history. The same goes for Mongolia. 1 Reply Learn Chinese Now · 2 replies @limhong1095 1 year ago ❤China 🇨🇳💪🙏👍❤ Reply @envitech02 1 year ago 正好了!! It's kinda wierd, but refreshing nonetheless, to learn Chinese history from a Chinese speaking non-Chinese. Great job there!! Incidentally my surname is 王 which is "king". 1 Reply 3 replies @khurelkhuutsagaantsooj4602 6 months ago Funny you talk about Chinese dynasty including Mongol. You should take out the time when it was a Mongolian empire! Wonder how much he got paid for it... 😂 1 Reply 2 replies @lilaznkid4ever 1 year ago He's pretty cute 🥺 Reply @sa-murai7665 1 year ago I'm Chinese and I like Indian history too. Reply @MariaM-ms1mk 8 months ago years history Reply @JohnSmith-nb6lq 7 months ago This YouTube creator seems to have a strong interest in Chinese history, but it cannot be denied that there are serious errors in many parts of it. Additionally, there are many disrespectful depictions of Chinese in this video, as well as scenes depicting politically controversial events. These discrepancies are not in line with the facts and are also unrelated to the main theme of this video. Hopefully, the creator can continue learning about Chinese culture and history, and avoid making these mistakes in the future. 2 Reply @马日磾-e2u 11 months ago I am from China. If you have any questions, I will answer them. Reply 6 replies @JBarG22 7 months ago China has such interesting history... Reply @RawLu. 1 year ago *Learn Dictatorships full of Mindless Robots Now 🤖 Reply @pekjinoei1042 1 year ago At least you did nit mention the battle of Nan King which occoured at 1937... You also not mention the battle of 7 countries which become 3 countries... You also did not mention the famous person in every event and their way of thinking... It's too short to squeez Chinese history just in one episode... Reply @taimerng8392 11 months ago Personaly, I prefer China way of belief than India, China has the belief for the prosperous in this life and life after while India forcuses next life Reply @Allgood33 1 year ago One video a Chinese scholar makes. Sure. 1 Reply @AnkhbayarDelgerchuluun 6 months ago As a matter of fact, Tibet was never part of the Qing dynasty. I could argue that the dynasty had influence over the Tibet but was never annexed or joined the dynasty 1 Reply 3 replies @canman5060 1 year ago The video uploaded towards the end can be very politically sensitive to the present Chinese CCP regime.Please be very careful. Reply @sukhoi-mig 1 year ago 5000 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 Reply @Rysussybaka 1 year ago (edited) Why did the king of Zhou never say anything serious? He was always Zhou king (joking) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA im sorry 1 Reply 2 replies @Laggie74 1 year ago It's great that you mentioned the atrocities of the latest dynasty, with it's current Emperor Xi. When can China become modernized and join the civilized world, instead of keep looking for new dynasties and emperors. Reply @quinndavis630 5 months ago Thanks buddy! It seems like there’s not much good Asian history out there, but plenty of material to cover. Reply @Barbarossa-heir 11 months ago ❤❤❤❤❤ Reply @darthpaulx 1 year ago Wasn't Taiwan discovered in the Ming Dynasty time? I've read it somewhere. And yes, i've watched all the way to the end. Because i need to learn more about my motherlands history. 1 Reply 5 replies @JohnSmith-nb6lq 7 months ago Before the Second World War, countries like Japan and Korea did not exist as independent nations, but were instead territories affiliated with China. It was only due to the decline of the Qing Dynasty and Western military interventions in the late Qing period that these two regions gained independence and became separate nations. In other words, before the Second World War, these two regions existed similar to how the United States had its affiliated islands in the Pacific Ocean. Reply @arishem555 1 year ago So, how do they call current dynasty? I bet there are something to it. Reply @殺殺綠蛆 7 months ago 黃唐虞夏商~黃帝、唐堯、虞舜,中國歷史上的三皇,夏禹、商湯! 周分西與東,西周加上東周約800年,但周朝初期強盛,後來,西周後期,諸侯崛起,又稱為春秋時期;西周幽王寵愛褒姒,而亡國,後來東周在各國諸侯幫助之下復國,史稱東周,又稱戰國時代! 秦漢新東漢~前一個漢是西漢高祖劉邦,新是新莽(王莽),後面是劉秀光武中興建立的東漢。 三國晉西東~三國時期是與東漢後期重疊,等到司馬炎篡位,建立西晉,漢朝才真正結束!而晉又分西晉、東晉。 南北朝隋唐~南、北朝是同一時期,南朝又分宋齊梁陳,北朝是五胡十六國。這時的中國是屬於分裂狀態!等到隋文帝統一南、北方,才正式進入隋及之後的(李)唐時期! 五代北南宋~五代是梁、唐、晉、漢、周,屬於中央政權遞嬗,此時期又有十國分據各地方。所以,在北宋趙匡胤未統一政權之前,五代十國是同一階段歷史! 趙宋分為北宋及康王趙構在臨安(現在的杭州)建立的南宋政權! 元明清之後,中國正式結束帝制,由孫中山先生於1911年創建中華民國,並於1912年1月1日定都南京! 台灣的民進黨已將中國史從台灣學生所讀的教科書中切割出去,成為單獨的〔東亞史〕。以後,台灣的年輕人再也不知道中華歷史、文化是如何傳承下來的,真是悲哀! Reply @lfc1981 1 year ago The opium war is a stark reminder that no country should ever leave its military weak to the point that others could just simply barge in and take whatever land they want. Reply @sokhornkhun7338 1 year ago I don't care Reply @3LLT33 7 months ago PEDANTRY WARNING: Chinese culture is either less than 5000 years old or more than 5000 years old. That’s such an arbitrary propaganda number. There’s a variety of cultures that existed in what is now China from before and after 5000 years, and the Han Huaxia culture can’t definitively be said to have existed 5000 years ago. Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @user-eu9ht5me5j 1 year ago I could be wrong but I believe the opium was not considered as an addictive drugs at the period even in Britain. I believe the even with in the royal family they use it as a pain killer at that time, so they thought it was the Chinese who had been unreasonable to cease opium 1 Reply @ricg3010 1 year ago you missed the CCP Dynasty Reply @KN_6328 8 months ago you forgot to mention the current tyrant... emperor Xi Jinping Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @Oleander3333 1 year ago Your Mandarin pronunciation is wonderful! 1 Reply @creestee08 7 months ago XD ive watched a lot of documentary about china. and whats most unusual in the documentaries i watched is the introduction and emphasis that china is a 5 thousand year history. is it CCP funded? i dont know. Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @victorrobert4600 1 year ago Thank you for this information, I truly hope China can bring back Confucianism thought and schools Western schools have failed Reply @jinain 8 days ago 청나라가 제일 멋지네요 반쪽 대머리😅😅😅 Reply @notyourgiegie1275 7 months ago guy is the white version of wallace huo Reply @exosam2794 5 months ago the ending was sad Reply @evanlam963 10 months ago You look like the type that is financial responsible and understand credit card points… Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @zajnat9747 1 year ago Such a good looking young white guy introducing chinese history. Interesting. Reply @yanyanz3011 1 year ago Qing is not China, it's Manchu. Reply @BeastOrGod 1 year ago Too bad China ended in 1949. Reply 1 reply @cimuraisampi 3 months ago did they even called chinese prior to chin dynasty? Reply @Viechr 1 year ago Chinese history is just like a story 1 Reply @Edward-jm5hk 1 year ago According to research by scholars and archeology experts, China doesn't have 5000 year history. Please be responsible. 1 Reply @michaelsteinhemingway727 11 months ago Why don't you go all the way to 2023? Reply @大清蛙 1 year ago qing is manchu,not China 1 Reply @Farhab 2 years ago PLEASE CREATE A COUSE OF HSK3 AND 4 COMPLETE Reply Learn Chinese Now · 1 reply @aquil3scach088 1 year ago Formosa was Spanish not dutch Reply Learn Chinese Now · 3 replies @nikolaikong380 1 year ago 我是中国人,你比我的历史老师更优秀。 1 Reply 1 reply @unifieddynasty 1 year ago Thanks, falungong. Great work. 😉 1 Reply @sueanderson-gb8zw 1 year ago Thank you! Such a comprehensive presentation! My dream is to go to China. I love studying the culture. Reply @feanorian4294 1 year ago (edited) The most tragic event was the final battle of the Mongols' downfall of the Song Dynasty, the Battle of Yashan Sea. After losing their final territory in battle, the Song Dynasty emperor, prime minister, all ministers, and the remaining 100 thousand soldiers collectively jumped into the sea and committed suicide. The ancient Mongolian conquerors were brutal. And Han people have their own pride. When they lost all their territory and all the floors they could stand on were the decks of the ships under their feet, they knew that . from the emperor to the soldiers, they would rather die with the empire than be humiliated. Since then, for the first time, the Han people have been completely ruled by northern nomadic tribes. The Qing Dynasty was the second time that the Han people were ruled by northern nomadic tribes, which was a huge disaster. The Manchus crossed the Great Wall and everywhere they went was massacre. After they conquered all of China, they forced the Han people to cut off their hair. Long hair has special significance for the Han people, but the conquerors forced them to cut it off. They demanded that the Han people cut off all the hair on their foreheads and braid the hair at the back. It's really difficult for this Han people to accept.At that time, there was a famous saying: "Between hair and head, you can only choose to have one." Can you imagine that because the Han people were unwilling to change their hairstyles, the conquerors created massacres in many places and massacred the majority of the city's population. In ancient times, China was unable to maintain long-term division like Europe, which was determined by the terrain. And Confucianism has also transformed from outdated wisdom in ancient times to a tool used by rulers to enslave the people. Even when foreign rulers ruled the Han people, those foreign rulers fell into the same curse. And this curse still exists in today's China. Due to the cruel rule of the conquerors, when Westerners repeatedly defeated the Qing Dynasty, the majority of the population, the Han people, were actually cheering and even helping Westerners fight against the Conquerors from the North together. I hope one day, Chinese people can break free from the curse of slavery.To achieve true freedom and democracy. Reply @userlsuser-yo9te 2 months ago 应该就是用你的名字调鬼杀 Reply @고소미-n9s 1 year ago (edited) 구독합니다. 하은주가 하화족이 아니라 동이족이라는 것이 흥미롭네요. Reply @hentype 1 year ago (edited) China wasn't weakened by foreign powers in the 19th century. It merely failed to catch up and had been weak all that time, not even having a decent navy. It was inevitable that they fell, and they didn't have an excuse since even Japan experienced a similar foreign intervention and yet managed to unite and modernize. Upon foreign intervention and selling weapons to opposing factions, the Qing kept believing they were above everyone else and were full of themselves. Japan, on the other hand, realized how weak and divided it was in the Bakumatsu Era and picked itself up before the west fragments it beyond repair. Reply @peterraab3411 8 months ago Chinese NOT allowed to own Weapons...........Not good. Reply @yudeng9372 3 months ago 中国:野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 Reply @moco5945 1 year ago 后面简直一派胡言 1 Reply @morejoy5188 1 year ago Really, the history is only 2,300 years. Reply @barsboldgun7212 1 year ago is qin chinese??? Reply 10 replies @sparkles78 1 year ago You mean pig language ? Reply @Farhab 2 years ago AWESOME Reply @DP-8964 1 year ago it's 3500, not 5000 years Reply @dfamadorvlogs5622 3 months ago But from where the name "China" came form? Reply @zeussuez240 1 year ago China other than 'Chinese Characters Writing System" is continuous, there's no such thing as China has 5000 thousand years of history Reply 1 reply @adetounfrances 1 year ago 🇨🇳 Reply @siberianresort5722 1 year ago 非常准确! Reply @3-methylindole730 1 year ago Today is CCP dynasty, has been for quite some time. Reply @Warum_Nicht 1 year ago It is very sad that the Manchus don’t exist anymore. This is an example of Chinese genocide. It is why many Manchurians welcomed Japan. But as soon as Japan lost WWII, it was totally over for the Manchus. Reply @shaynecallan9642 2 months ago Hong Kong wishes it was still under British rule Reply @seoul_9584 1 year ago Qing and Yuan are not Chinese. I do not agree with imperialistic China's claim that Manchus and Mongols are Chinese. Reply Learn Chinese Now · 3 replies @Mr.Monta77 7 months ago They were all evil. Reply 1 reply @tutu5084 6 months ago I don’t like ccp propaganda, even regretted clicking on it for making this comment Reply 1 reply @taiyixian 1 year ago 你这个频道怎么这么像中共大外宣 Reply 1 reply @vietnamese80 1 year ago There's something quite strange about it. China has many great philosophies that will make them more united, but not all forces use those philosophies to divide and ki.ll each other. China is really good at civil war, until foreigners come to teach them how to unify the country like Mongolia, Manchuria, the expansion of territory is thanks to foreigners, and they end up accepting foreigners as the father, they recognized the foreign court as China's, the philosophy was strange, until the time of the civil war the Kuomintang communists too, then the Japanese came to teach them a lesson, the Soviet Union entered the liberation the country helps them. now they shut down making anti-Japanese movies. great philosophies, great culture, great achievements only bring civil war, thanks to foreign expansion of territory, thanks to foreigners liberating the country is strange Reply @vn6191 1 year ago china to much fake story 😅……应酬听没关系…… 1 Reply 1 reply @Bran08Eman 1 year ago In China, history taught to young Chinese scrub the achievements of all their dynasties as self reflection is not a priority. Focus instead is on the greatness of the CPP verses foreign invader devils. Thank you so much for your introduction, I'm intrigued. Reply

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