Monday, October 28, 2024

Y-Tube: Mearsheimer on US - China : Hot war is possible : COMMENTS 28-10-2024


China is doing exactly what Mearsheimer is advising: grow economically powerful. China is avoiding militarism. China is simply modernizing its military in response to potential threats from the United States and Japan.
Very mature and intelligent young interviewer asking about very important issues
Mearsheimer is wrong, and he is a propagandist of power politics. Jeffrey Sachs is right, and he is not a propagandist. Mearsheimer's understanding of China cannot compare with that of Jeffrey Sachs or Martin Jacques.
China has, indeed, behaved according to the dictates of power politics. But she has done so to a much smaller degree than the Americans and Europeans have. Even Prof. Mearsheimer cannot deny this. China has not invaded distant lands like the European colonial powers (Great Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal), as well as the United States, have. China did not follow the lead of the Mongols to invade territory all the way to the doorstep of Europe. China's foray into sea power (led by Zheng He) did not result in territorial conquest, whereas the Europeans' foray into oceanic voyages led to the colonization of the Americas, Africa, India, and parts of Southeast Asia. China saw opportunities for diplomacy, whereas the Europeans saw opportunities for conquest and exploitation. Even in the last 45 years, China has fought no wars. How many wars have the United States fought? There is no question that China is a generally peaceful nation, and the United States is not.
"China should want to dominate Asia just like we (USA) dominate the Western Hemisphere". This is where the professor's logic fails utterly.
Mearsheimer faults US and NATO expansion against Russia for the Ukraine/Russian War, according to his theory. He spoke out many years ago before the war, against the US and NATO stance. Using his theory, I agree essentially with his arguments and conclusions. His arguments and conclusions would apply to the case of United States/China/Taiwan. He should have similar stance in this case, why doesn’t he? I have been puzzled as to why Mearsheimer would suggest the US to focus efforts to contain/fight China (via proxy). I have now come to the conclusion that Mearsheimer is biased and bigoted for his contradictory conclusions regarding US involvements on Taiwan/China. In addition, Mearsheimer’s advice regarding Taiwan/China, if followed by politicians in Washington, would be very dangerous and irresponsible. Practically, his arguments are the same in both cases, but his conclusions for both cases are night and day.
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This girl is so cute.😊
Can I have my 18 mins back. I could told you everything Mearsheimer said. No real insight just a regurgitation of when you can read in daily news. Everyone is capable of hedging bets.
He makes it sound funny, but it's a life and death problem for the entire world. Except at the end of the day, I doubt US would get dragged into a hot war with China by a third party actor like Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, or Koreas.
“Two Tigers cannot Hide in the Same Mountain” Chinese Proverb
It is people like him and foolish politicians who listen to him that will destroy this world.
Sun Tsu said "Defending without attacking is a taboo for military strategists". Ensuring Provocateurs suffer the same infrastructure damage in their home country will be best deterrence and will prevent war.
nice camera setting
04:56 “[in spite of tribute system] I believe [China engages in] power politics [proceeds to give zero (0) examples]”
It does not have to be about power. It is about improving relations with every Nation with the view of achieving a better future. The belief that one has to be more powerful than other competing power is a fallacy. The idea behind having military supremacy is not Peace, but dominance. As beings with intelligence, we are supposed to be better than animals. If we are better than animals, then we should be able to break away from the practice of war. It is possible to achieve peace, but certain nations refuse to choose that path because having military supremacy is just too addictive. To achieve Peace, we can, for example, establish a Universal Law that: 1) Prohibits any Nation from using personal wealth or peoples' tax money for any military buildup. 2) Prohibits any company from hiring Science graduates for the purpose of getting them to develop or invent weapons of war. The practice of war has been an ancient method for settling conflicts; however, this practice is as outdated as spanking our children. It is time to break away from this practice. The average person is always looking forward to a better future; sadly, the superior military who is addicted to war, their vision of a better future is Mutually Assured Destruction.
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When you're weak , you're bullied "Two bombs , One Satellite" project need upgrading and modernisation.
The US can not have a hot war with China because they just too scared of China. 😂
I am tired of Mearsheimer and his zero sums games. A typical American, he assumes that every country thinks like the US does.
Meresheimer is a US hegemonic/imperialist crusader disguised as a realist.
The US can never war with China because they know they are weak when they facing China. 😂
Hagemony the world is the games
Africa will become supreme superpower too.

Southernglory1 : Mearsheimer is a white supremacist warmonger. He longs for US West to destroy China to secure White hegemony of the world led by satanic USA😊